Wednesday, May 9, 2012

5/8 - Last "Snatch" (PR!)

Last week of our Olympic Lifting Sessions.  Luke wasn't able to make it so Match coached us through it.  As I mentioned in the previous post, I was hurting a bit from the WOD - my shoulders (as usual lately) were pretty tired but somehow felt good once we got going with the lifts - I think because they had been fully warmed up/ utilized in the same movements in the WOD. 

3 minutes skipping
barbell snatch complex (3 rounds of 3 reps):

  • Hang-shrug
  • Hang-shrug high pull
  • Hang muscle snatch
  • Snatch press
  • OHS (hold at bottom for 2-3 seconds)
Jumped right into the work tonight too - I was working on my own tonight - no partner - so I really had to monitor that I was resting enough between sets knowing we were working our way to our 1RM at the end of the session.

3x hang snatch/ 2x OHS (23/25.5kg)
4x3 hang snatch (25.5/25.5/28kg)
4x2 snatch balance (23/25.5/25.5/28)
5x 1 snatch (35.5/38/40(f)/40(f)/40kgPR)

We had plenty of time to work on our 1RM snatch attempts however all "official" attempts had to be made on the two platforms in front of everyone which was a little intimidating but also really supportive and "real world".  I managed to actually get my first attempt at 40kg however it wouldn't have actually counted as a snatch as I pushed it out at the top. I had plenty of extension and got the bar high enough but I don't have the confidence to drop under it - you can clearly see this in the sequence of photos that Kirst took.  Instant feedback - quite good.  Second attempt at 40kg I dropped but didn't lock out the bar overhead and missed it but I was determined.  Attempt 3 I got it (finally!) but it still wasn't pretty - I turn my head to the side and close my eyes (again, photo evidence) so I have to find the confidence because I definitely have the strength.  It was really fun though and so happy to up my PR which was previously 35kg (set during the open) - though not really a true 1RM PR as I did 27 reps of it.  Heh.

 I learned a lot during these sessions.  It was great to have the time to break the movement down beyond what we'd get in the beginning of a standard WOD.  I also really enjoyed the repetition of each week - the same movements for the most part and gaining the confidence (though I still have a way to go).  Final clean and jerk session Friday and I'm excited to see what kind of PR that will bring as well.

Congrats to everyone snatching last night - lots of PR's set! And big thanks to Tim for being so encouraging all evening... sweet work on that PR - you'll be hitting 80kg in no time!

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