Wednesday, May 30, 2012

5/28 - thrusters and DU's

Back at the box today with sore legs from yesterdays beach sprints and SUP session...  what better way to do a bunch of thrusters to ease the pain (sarcasm!)

Skills Practice

Practiced a bunch of reps at 28 with full depth squat which I need to get better at.  As the weight increased I was just power snatching (no problem) but I know that to keep getting higher weights I have to gain the confidence to drop into the squat every time.

4 rounds -
15 thrusters (30/45kg)
30 double-unders
200m run
13:54 Rx

The thrusters were a challenge for sure.  Most rounds I did sets of 5 until the end were there were some sets of 3.  I kept pushing though because I'd gotten slightly ahead of Kayla on the first round of DU's and I didn't want her to catch me (and she'd make up ground every round on the thrusters and sprints).  The DU's were solid for me - I did a few rounds unbroken or with only one trip up so I managed to gain a lot of ground here.  The runs I didn't go all out on because I knew I'd need my breath for the thrusters but I still managed to keep a steady pace throughout.  I was happy with this one.

1 min max thrusters squat cleans (same weight)
1 min max double-unders
11 squat cleans
80 double unders 

After 60 thrusters my shoulders were starting to rebel a bit - that was a lot of heavy reps overhead after a few weeks without so instead of doing more (at the same weight) I did full squat cleans for one minute.  These still hurt a lot (my tired quads).  The double unders rocked!  I beat my previous PR for consecutive DU's by two reps - it's now 55 straight which was awesome. So stoked with that as I had zero expectations for the minute and just focused on staying relaxed and under control.

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