Tuesday, December 13, 2011

12/12 - "Isabel"

Benchmark WOD: “Isabel”
30 snatches for time (45/60kg)
3:55 (28kg)

Was a little scared of this one when I saw it on the board as I don't have much practice doing snatches and it's a little intimidating throwing a heavy weight straight overhead.  I also recalled doing "Grace" last week ("Isabel's" sister) and how hard that was on my shoulders.

I wasn't sure what weight to load up - Match said it all just depends/ no correlation to the weight for "Grace" so I loaded it up the same - 28kg - and tried a few practice reps.  It felt heavy.  I did two consecutive reps and assumed that for the WOD I'd be doing single reps - that's how it felt.  I actually thought about dropping the weight down but Tim saw me from across the room and gave me a little nod that told me I could do it...  he gave me a few pointers about focusing on keeping the bar close to my body and not throwing it behind me and encouraged me that I could do it - even if it was one rep at a time.  Thanks Tim - I needed it!

Once the beeping of the clock counted down...  3,2,1... we were off and the adrenaline started flowing through me - I banged out the first 5 reps straight, no problems.  I then went with reps of 3 for a bit, a few twos.  Somewhere in there I also got out another 4 or 5 straight (it all became a blur) - the only thing I know is that it 'felt' easy... as long as I had good form, committed to the movement and flung it over head getting locked out as quick as possible I knew I was good.  Once or twice I didn't quite get locked out but because of the weight was able to push it up.  I know that I can go heavier on this - realized it when I was done though it felt easier once the "pressure" was on... now I know for next time and I know there will be a next time.

Note - I'm totally paying the price for this today - in the very small muscles on the front of my shoulders (delts?)...  It's the source of all my shoulder problems actually so I'm frantically icing and hoping some rolling helps it go away tonight because I don't want to have to pull way back in order to prevent this...ugh! 

WOD #2
10 min AMRAP of burpees
sprint 100m on the minute, every minute
52 burpees

I suck at burpees, this is a fact.  I knew that going into this WOD I made a game of it - pushing me harder on the sprint portions... I didn't try and bust out the last burpee, instead I was first out the door - my goal being to not let anyone catch me on the sprint... it for the most part worked.  Around rep 7 or 8 I heard Zaki right behind me at the turnaround say to himself and James to try and catch me so I went harder - as did he - he caught me just before heading back inside the box.  All good fun.  My goal was 50 burpees so I managed that - it was so hard with having time after the sprints and trying to get your breathing slowed down to not die... good times.

Afterwards I did TWO unassisted pull-ups with my chin fully over the bar even hanging up there on the first one for a bit so Jack could see... it felt awesome.  I'm all over this... feeling stronger everyday!

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