Thursday, December 22, 2011


400m run
3-6-9-12-9-6-3 sit-ups/push-ups
400m run
3-6-9-12-9-6-3 pull-ups/air squats
400m run
14:06 (knees, orange)

This was hard... I have no sprinting ability to the runs take a lot out of me and I typically only have one speed for anything 200m or greater.  Need to work on sprint repeats!  It was good however because I had Sharon on the first two runs to pace with - we push each other - starting with yesterday's 600m - when one of us falls behind we individually set our minds to keeping pace and we typically trade off on who is lagging - it's a good extra push (and one I struggled without on the last run in this WOD).

The situps and pushups were quite quick - lots of rolling over to keep them going.  I managed full sets of them all though I'm still doing pushups on my knees.

The pull-ups/squat combination was tough.  I did however only use the orange band for them doing sets of 3 at a time.  As everyone around my speed headed out the door before me I took solace in the fact that I was committed to the orange band (even though I *had* a red one beside me).  I was hoping to get out the door quite soon after Sharon so I could try and catch up/ finish with her but I was finishing my last set of 3 reps on the set of 9 when she hit the door so I knew it'd be a struggle - she had about 100m lead on me so I couldn't close.  It also made it a little bit harder to push myself on this but I tried.  It hurt.

As a note for those reading this from elsewhere - we have 4 sized bands at our box and from smallest to largest they are yellow, orange, red, blue.  You can use one or several - any combination to help you out.

Tabata SDHP/Thrusters (13/20kg)

I only did the first 4 of 8 rounds on this as my injury from the push presses the day before started killing me - decided it wasn't worth hurting myself over and instead resorted to some rolling out of my lats/traps and pecs which is slowly starting to help.

Kirsten pointed out after as well that I need to push through my legs more (be explosive) rather than just trying to muscle it out on my arms - this applies to all the overhead lifts so I'll keep that in mind for next time.

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