Monday, December 19, 2011

12/19... KB's and DU's and Burpees oh my!

Pretty standard warm up but today Match had us using a band under our feet to walk sideways across the box, pushing against it with the leading foot and resisting it to slowly move your trailing foot together again - glut KILLER - no joke - both sides, both ways and this was just the warm-up...

WOD #1

This was deceiving - the weight felt good until about rep 6 or 7 and suddenly it seemed impossible - from zero to full on... could really start to feel it in my lower back on the last two sets but happy with where I got to.

WOD #2
5 Rounds
10/10 KB circles (10 each direction)
15 DU's
5/5 KB push-ups (one hand on the KB, one on ground... 5 each arm)
5 burpees
80(?)m KB carry
15:12 - 16kg KB

This was a solid WOD.  Lots of variety but killer on the arms.  The KB circles were pretty standard and except for the first set I nailed the DU's (no breaks in the last 4 rounds).  The push-ups were an interesting twist and harder than usual and the burpees just sucked.  I know that 5 doesn't seem like much but at that moment - horrible (though that could just be my huge dislike of all things burpee).  The KB carry was just about toughing it out - trying to go fast without really bouncing the KB, finding some grip that was somewhat *not* awkward... I much prefer the farmer carry because at least you're balanced on both sides though there's very little ability to adjust your grip.

This was one of those days where I know full on that every part of me is going to have a hard time getting out of bed tomorrow...  but overall, a fun day at the box including the newest little addition - Murphy... the new puppy - much smaller than I anticipated which makes him just a tiny little bit cute...

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