Thursday, December 8, 2011


Fun little warm up today... did some stretches/ movements with the PVC pipes before going for the usual 400m jog.  When we got back into the box we played a little 'around the world' game... basically one at a time we took the 3kg med ball and had to throw it over every bar on our pull-up bars - I think there are 12 with one being quite high (our new climbing ropes hang off of it) so that was pretty hard - after I failed about 10 times to get it over this high bar Match gave me the 'trick' move of granny throwing it backwards over my head - it still I think took me a few tries.  Tons of fun... 

WOD # 1:
Strict pull-up practice

We played around with pull-ups focusing more on slow lowering rather than the pulling up motion.  It was nice to work on a skill without dealing with time or reps.  Using the reverse muscle groups too was also good.  Afterwards we had another group 'game' where we had to hang from the pullup bar (straight arms) for 2 minutes - for every fall off the bar (by any of the four of us) we accumulated a burpee as 'punishment' and at the end had to do all the burpees in unison for the rep to count.  We had 7 in total which wasn't too bad and since you're focused on timing they were over before we knew it.

I liked this challenge as a group because we were essentially working as a team.  You didn't want to fall off because of the others and we all had to do the burpees together which also led to team work.  Nice change of dynamic that reminded me a lot of basketball practices in high school and having to run laps for every free throw missed by the team. 

WOD # 2:
15 min AMRAP
200m run
10 OHS (30/55kg)
10 sit-ups
7/2 (18kg OHS)

This was a good WOD - challenging but good.  The OHS were tough - I found in the later rounds (doing sets of 5) that my wrists were the limiting factor and not entirely my legs or arms.  Need to do more handstand walking apparently.  I was happy with the number of rounds I got - managed to finish the 200m on round 8 and *just* get one OHS done.  Was good.

I liked the change up today - added a little spark and a bit more energy into what we come there to do.

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