Tuesday, December 6, 2011

12/5 - it's been a while...

After monday, tuesday and wednesday of Crossfit last week I was exhausted - probably also due to jetlag and overall fatigue.  I took thursday, friday and saturday off (rest days) and did a nice calm 90 minutes of yoga on sunday (which killed my hamstrings it seems).  Beth did a yoga and brunch session for us Cooee folk and it was a lot of fun - we even got to do partner 'wheels' (back bridges) and handstands.  The we sat around a big table and ate amazing food for a few hours.  Quite enjoyable.  Perfect sunday.

I'm struggling right now with the balance between rest and working out - listening to my body.  And on top of that I think I need some changes to my diet now that my body is changing and the weather is heating up.  I lack an appetite in the heat so while I'm generally eating quality food I'm pretty sure I'm just not getting enough of it.  Vicious cycle.  More to come about this in another post though, on to last nights WOD.

WOD #1

New 3RM PR of 70kg!  Was aiming to be amongst the 'big' girls today who'd already posted 70kg from the morning sessions and I did it.  I really liked using the reverse grip and I did it right from the start to be used to it once I got to the heavier weights.

WOD #2
Thrusters (30/45kg)
Burpee bar hops
KB swings (20/32kg)
14:58 (18kg bar/ 20kg KB)

Match gave us a 15 minute cut-off for this one so I just snuck in under the wire with him and Gordo on either side of me pushing me through the last round of burpees and swings.  It was hard.  It really hurt.  I almost cried and I almost puked.  Fun.  I started off fairly strong but faded quite quickly especially on the thrusters and burpees.  KB swings are still my favorite and it was nice that I managed to get through the entire WOD with the 20kg (blue) even though the 16kg (yellow) was sitting right beside me.  The biggest struggle with the blue was the first rep - I could easily muscle up the 16kg but it's much harder with the 20kg so I had to take a little bit of a back swing before starting though one round I didn't and called no rep on myself as it didn't get high enough (and made me feel like I'd wasted a lot of effort).

I'm going to try for 4 days this week (as was the failed plan last week) but I will be listening to my body as well and also trying to eat more so that I have the energy necessary.

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