Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Another good workout tonight... I enjoyed it though still struggled with the heat and wanting to vomit when it was over - don't like the feeling of lightheadedness...

WOD #1
3-3-3-3-3 snatch grip deadlift

This was the first time I did snatch grip deadlifts so all lifts were a PR but I'm pretty happy with the final result.  Match noted before the WOD that we would do less with this grip than with the standard deadlifts on Monday so I was pretty happy with how close I got the two - I think maybe I could have pushed harder on the standard deadlifts now however I was really feeling them in my lower back.  I think you're forced to have better technique with the snatch grip (having to get lower to get the grip) which helped me get a higher weight.  Need to remember this next time doing any deadlifts.

WOD #2
6:50 (du's, knees)

I was racing the boys on this one.  I could see Pete and Tim was to my left.  I was matching Tim pretty good from the start and was keeping up with Pete because of the longer sets of double unders.  I managed to do all my double unders unbroken (stumbled on the second set of nine before even getting one rep out) which I loved.  It made such a difference to this workout - it's how I managed to pass Pete in the end too.  Tim struggled on the last few sets of pushups so I jumped ahead.  It was fun to play right along side the big boys in this WOD as they kill me in everything else most days... I did however only do the push-ups from my knees.  I have to work on my strict push-ups but it still seems so hard from my knees most days.  

WOD #3
300m row
30 med ball jumps

This WOD sucked.  The row wasn't too bad but the jumping was.  I don't have the ability to 'bounce' when I'm jumping, the elastic strength to just keep going so the pausing after each jump and resetting really slows me down as did my inability to breath - definite lung burner but got it done.

Fun day at the box!

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