Tuesday, April 3, 2012

4/2 - Mondays hurt...

I really shouldn't write these blog posts the morning after my wods as it gives my body too much time to realize just how hard it actually worked and how sore I am.  If I'd written this last night (and I probably couldn't have typed with my shaky arms anyway) - I would have said I'm tired, that it was hard and that my arms were still shaking/ I couldn't hold them up.  This morning  - it's simply OUCH! Well, actually there were a few more curse words attached to that but...

60 sec bench press (20/30kg)
40 reps

Target for this WOD was 60 reps in 60 seconds so I'm 2/3rd's of the way there.  I don't know how to put this wod into words.  It was easy straight off, quick reps, non-stop and then suddenly - suddenly it got HEAVY.  It was almost instantaneous and I'm sure it had something to do with lactic acid and whatnot but I don't know about all that stuff... all I really know is that it felt like the weight of the bar had doubled.  Managed to do sets of one and two in the last 20-30 seconds.  Interesting.  Definitely felt this in my shoulders too - probably still tired from the SUPing on Saturday as well.  

15 minute cut-off
Clean & press (30/45kg)
Burpee bar hops
15:00 - Rx (finished 4 cleans on the round of 9)

Knew this was going to be a challenge when looking at the times from earlier in the day and seeing that no one had actually managed to finish the WOD.  I was still going to Rx on the clean and presses though because I knew after the open that I could.  My inability to count in this WOD really got to me mentally.  In the round of 18 I did 3-5 CP's and then was thinking I had 7 left - so 4-3.  Did those and then realized I in fact also had 3 more since I was actually doing 18 and not 15 like I had thought.  Ooops.  Also, finishing up the burpees on the round of 15 I was thinking that I only had 3 sets of 3 reps on the CP's coming up when Coach Match came by and said into the round of 12's or something to that effect and I realized in fact this was true.  Guess I was trying to be hopeful that it would end sooner?  Mind games mentally for sure.

With the CP's I think I did 11-5-5 in the first round which wasn't so bad but then after that I was mostly doing sets of 3 and 4 reps depending.  A few times I managed to bust out 5 and they felt relatively easy and I'm not sure why.  I was using a bit of what I'd learned from the open WODs though - that once I was done the burpees to just pick up the bar and do some CP's as soon as I could then put the bar down and rest and it went fairly well though the rest on these were definitely what slowed me down.  Happy to keep getting the 30kgs overhead though.  I think it might have been (slightly) easier without the bench pressing.

The burpees were consistent - just.keep.moving - 12.1 mentality for sure.  I tried to use Coach Tim's burpee technique of flopping onto the ground (gravity is your friend) but sometimes my arms wouldn't quite catch me enough which then made getting up even harder.

Today my traps hurt the most and my shoulders too.  I did some dips after the WOD with the yellow band again.  They were hard as I was so tired but managed 5-3-3 reps.  Coach Match told me to get as deep as I could on them as well as this would help with the muscle ups so I'll focus more on that too.  Progress... slowly.

Back at it tonight but definitely looking forward to having tomorrow as a rest day and then a 4 day weekend where I'll take it easy overall - probably just some easy "recovery" paddling.

Also: signed up for a 4 week oly lifting session that Cooee is hosting…  one night for clean and jerks and one night for snatches… should be good, can't wait... definitely need this.

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