Friday, April 20, 2012

4/20 - (running) Fran - Rx!

Had a date with (running) Fran today and kicked her ass... and by kicking her ass I mean I finished in just under 18 minutes but did it all Rx!!  I'm quite happy about that last part.

Running "Fran"
21 Thrusters (30/45)
21 Pull-ups
200m run
15 Thrusters
15 Pull-ups
400m run
9 Thrusters
9 Pull-ups
600m run
17:53 Rx

As Coach Kirst said it on the final half of the last run when I was almost in tears having finished all those pull-ups unassisted...  "there's no going back from here"

Back to the beginning - I attended the Friday noon class even though I'm at work all day.  As I watched the time tick by on the clock while I worked I knew I needed some food or else I'd never get through the WOD.  Problem was I wasn't very hungry, this was a challenge.  I managed to eat a couple chicken tenderloins that I'd grilled the other day and squeezed lemon over.  I was also focused on hydrating.  It was a strange adjustment as normally I have all day to do this.

I snuck out of the office a few minutes before noon and made it over to the box (thankfully only a 5 minute drive) and quickly changed.  I caught up to the group on the run and did all the agility drills for warm up while staring down the thought of (running) Fran.

As we were setting up for the thrusters I grabbed the 8kg bar and two 10kg plates and did a rep to test it out.  It was then that I realized and Match agreed with - 28kg is almost 30kg (Rx weight) and so I added the extra 2kg for the WOD.  I was thinking that the thrusters were going to be the worst portion.  I was (kind of) wrong.

I felt strong on the first round of thrusters though didn't get my elbows high enough on the 7th rep and dropped the bar so from there on out I did sets of 5 for the rest of the rounds.  This worked well and surprisingly the 30kg didn't feel so heavy - I'm getting stronger (yay!)

The pull-ups were done in sets of 3 and 2.  The first 21 I did all but the last 6 in threes and then twos.  This worked.  When I dropped down I just had to get myself right back on the bar and then solely think of a big kick which got me over the bar each time.  The round of 15 and 9 were all done as sets of 2 but I did them.  ALL.  I have never done so many pull-ups without any other movement in between before and I think in a WOD this would also be the most reps unassisted.  I was proud.  Also, super happy that there were no tears on my hands - this is a big improvement.

After I'd finished the last 9 pullups and was jumping down I was close to tears.  It finally hit me that I did it - Rx!  I just had another 600m to go and I was done.  Proud.

I wasn't fast on any of the runs but just kept at it, one step at a time.  The 600m was a bit daunting as we had to do two laps of 300m which meant getting right back to the door of the box and heading back out again but thankfully Coach Kirst joined me and talked to me along the way and got me through it faster than I would have on my own.  Thanks Kirst!  She also talked me through the last few pull-ups on the rounds of 15 and 9 for which I was thankful!

I am glad I did this and it really does (finally) show me how far I have come.  I remember back in October meeting with a friend R to do a mini-WOD and run and I couldn't do any pull-ups back then unassisted.  I did jumping pull-ups that day with him in the park.  Tomorrow we're going for a run again and although we're not doing a WOD I know that if we did I could easily toss pull-ups in and rock them.  Such big milestones and I love it - it just takes a goal and persistence and dedication to working towards it - for anyone, for whatever you might be striving for (muscle ups and 45kg snatches for me!)

Keep at it! Everyday stronger.

Also - a BIG blog shoutout to Ric as well - I rarely workout at the same time as Ric but it was great to see him today especially since he also RX-ed (running) Fran today too for the first time.  Yeah Ric!

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