Coach Match was putting a guy through fundamentals #3 and when it came time for the WOD he asked me if I wanted to jump in. Of course I said yes even though I hadn't warmed up. I figured I'd go light and wouldn't worry about how fast I pushed through.
WOD #1 (pre-WOD?)
10 push presses
10 thrusters
10 stick jumps (over barbell)
I started with 18kg on the bar - "light" - but after two rounds dropped it to 13kg as my shoulders weren't happy with anything over head. Tight and tired was pretty much it but I kept at it. It was good to get more coaching with there only being two of us and Coach Match told me to focus more on form than speed. I really need to keep my knees out when I squat - I know this and as much as I try and focus it just hasn't clicked in to actual doing yet. Practice, practice, practice. Also, breathing.
WOD #2
100 KB swings
everytime the bar stops swinging rotate through:
15m bear crawl
15m walking lunges (arms locked out overhead)
15m crab walk
10:47 20kg
I didn't do the crab walks as this always messes up my shoulder (the rotation of it isn't good for me) so I just rotated through the bear crawl and walking lunges. I put the KB down 6 times which was one more than I had to the last go round (I looked it up - a bonus of this blog). Last go round I did 30-20-20-13-17 and was aiming this time for at least the 30-20-20 but didn't even get the first 20. I got 30 straight off which was solid but then on the 13th rep of the next set I swung it over my head. Ooops. I did the lunges. After that I was only managing sets of 12 at most. 30-12-12-12-12-12-10. Not what I would have liked but I got it done at 20kg and my shoulders are still functioning. I finished last but the bonus of that was that I didn't have to hold plank until the last person finished like everyone else did. Sorry guys!
WOD #3
tabata hollow body
I think Coach Match has been spending too much time with Neil (who owns Revolution Pilates) as he had us doing all kinds of extra hard things on the last four rounds. Abs of steel are coming! Heh.
WOD #4
5 rounds
10 bumper plate clean and presses
10 push-ups
10 sit-ups
6:12 (10kg plate, knee push-ups)
I did the push-ups on my knees as my shoulders were telling me I should. Was solid through out even though the clean and presses hurt, a lot being overhead and all.
Afterward I (painfully) did some more mobility work and then played on the rings a bit doing some assisted muscle-ups - basically had the rings low enough that my feet were on the ground but that I could still go through the motion of pulling up into the dip and then I'd do a bit of a jumping push through to locking out. It was good to focus on the transition and the hand rotation through the movement being on the rings. Practice, practice, practice.
And with those (4!) WODs out of the way for today I've earned 4 days of rest - actually Coach Match prescribed it and who am I to argue with it. My
Happy Easter everyone! Enjoy the long weekend.
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Crossfit appropriate |
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