Friday, April 27, 2012

4/27 - motivating, inspiring...

Went to another noon session today and I realized that the energy is different than the evenings.  Not better or worse in any way but just different - there is more testosterone most definitely and the guys are beasts - going hard for the entire WOD but on the flip side they're completely laid back, cheering for everyone right until the end.  It's motivating.

I have to start at the end on this one.  It was the most inspiring part of the workout today and maybe me really proud to be a crossfitter and also to be associated with this great community that I've found at Cooee.  Like I said, the noon bunch is inspiring.  We had a 15 minute cut-off on the WOD today but that didn't stop Robin or Susan - they are hardcore.  They both pushed on after the buzzer and finished the burpee bar hops (evil).  Robin was just finishing her last four and while I cheered her on to 'just finish the burpees' one of the guys corrals the rest of the group and proclaims that we're all running with her for the last 300m (Susan was on the rower but also had people to cheer her through the finish).  Robin started out the door and we all ran with her.  We were laughing and joking as a group - it's easier to run with a smile on your face - and she finished it up.  Nice work Robin and Susan, super impressed.  This is what I love and more importantly this is why I crossfit.

Every day we write our weights and times or scores on the board but it's days like today that put it all in perspective.  It's not about being the strongest or the fastest but rather just getting better, stronger, everyday.  It's the title of this blog and it's a big part of what we do.  We push ourselves every time we step into that box and it doesn't matter if you're the strongest or slowest - we are all just there to get better.

12 minutes to find max TGU
16kg (each arm)

This was fun/funny.  I'm not sure which word is more appropriate.  It was definitely full of laughs as we all struggled with the many steps to the TGU's.  We all worked hard but enjoyed ourselves all the same.  Props to the guys who did (or almost did) 32kg.  Amazing effort!

4 rounds
5 deadlifts (80/120)
15 burpee bar-hops
13:30 - 70kg

Was a good one.  I initially loaded the bar with 80kg and barely got it to move off the ground. I knew I didn't have it so I dropped it back which was a good idea.  My quads were definitely burning by the end even though I pulled out straight sets of the deadlifts.  The burpee bar-hops are evil, not as much as burpee box jumps but they definitely take second.  I kept moving throughout (lesson learned from 12.1) but they were slow toward the end - stepping down but still jumping up/over.  The runs were okay although I could feel my quads with every step.  I think they're still recovering from the last few weeks of burpee box-jumps, beach runs and squats.  Yup, most definitely.

I'm glad I jumped in with the nooners again today - not sure I can do this every week (it's hard to escape from work some days) but I do enjoy it on the occasional friday.  Thanks guys for being so energetic and inspiring.

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