Monday, March 12, 2012

3/10 - 12.3 redo

12.3 redo... 
CrossFit Games WOD 12.3
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 18 minutes of:
15 box jumps (20/24″)
12 push presses (34/52kg)
9 toes-to-bar
168 reps (4 rounds plus 24 reps)….

Really happy with the 24 extra reps and with my (improved) toes to bar.

Happy with this. I knew 5 was going to be a stretch but was better on the t2b this time (quicker/ only 3 no reps) so that was good.  Box jumps still felt solid and steady though still have to work on bouncing right back up (short leg problems).  Definitely felt tired on the push presses with just over one day off. Glad to have done it though it still hurt as much as the first time.  Coach Tim had a good post about looking at the clock with about 8-10 minutes left and having moments of quitting (especially having already posted a score) but then they get pushed aside by just doing one more rep, one more.  Keep going and then suddenly you're looking at less than 2 minutes and give it your all.

Thanks to Oli for judging me and Vicki for cheering (and keeping Oli's count correct).  I didn't feel any need for cursing this time (sorry Tim).

I still get very nervous doing these WODs - can't wait to get started and then once we're going it's all good.  Surprising when doing it for the second time.

My body needs some rest - 5 out of 6 days of heavy overhead movements have taken their toll on my shoulders - so tired.  I think I'll be going lighter next week before gearing up for 12.4.

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