I was really excited yesterday morning when I heard Sharon had Rx-ed on the WOD (you're a rockstar girl) though I didn't know what it was. I tried to get her to reveal it but she wouldn't both stating that it would convince me *not* to go but that it was an old 'friend'. I guessed at that point that it would be 'Claudia' but she wouldn't confirm or deny it. I looked up my old time anyway. Turns out I was right and 'Claudia' and I had another date.
Agility skills
This was a good warm up though very tough on my very sore legs.
WOD: Benchmark “Claudia”
5 rounds -
20 KB swings (16/24kg)
400m run
15:58 Rx (PR)
This is probably my favorite benchmark WOD but I still hate it oh so much. Claudia was my first Rx-ed crossfit workout hence the strange attraction to her.
The last time (first time) I did 'Claudia':http://todayigotstronger.blogspot.com/2011/09/last-night-i-got-it-on-with-claudia.html
Today Claudia wasn't so bad - it was challenging and it hurt but I didn't have the mental battle that I've had with her the other times I've done this WOD. I think partly because I've been doing more swings with the 20kg KB that the 16kg KB now doesn't feel so tough.
I started out steady - almost everyone was out the door before me but I was right on their tails. I slowly reeled in Bonnie and just kept my pace. I could see Neil slightly ahead and didn't want to let him gain anymore on me during the run. Back into the box for another steady 20 reps.
I managed all KB swings unbroken in all rounds which in itself is an improvement over last go round (November) where I was doing sets of 10 on the second through fourth rounds then 10-5-5 on the last round. This time I mentally pushed through it - when I had 5-10 reps left I would recall the first time doing Claudia and having Coach Tim in my ear counting down my reps, cheering me on and that really helped to push me. The runs are where I struggle.
On I think the third round Neil and I picked up our KB's at the same time and started swinging in unison. I just wanted to match him and figured if I could I could stay close. After about 10-15 reps he put his down (he had a heavier weight) and I just kept going. I knew if I got to 15 reps that I could muscle out the last 5 even as my hamstrings and glutes were tightening up (one legged deadlifts are killer).
From this point on I was on my own, no one to chase anymore. On my fourth run in I heard footsteps behind me and I thought someone was reeling me in but it was Moz kicking in it on his final run. I got lapped. Heh.
I managed to shave a minute off my previous PR however I think we had slightly longer runs then (we've moved location and now have accurately measured run distances) so I'm not sure how to relate this to that. I felt stronger in the swings but running is still my biggest weakness and so to get better at this WOD I'll have to focus on that.
Muscle-Up Skills
1 minute accumulated static ring holds
1 minute accumulated static ring holds
3 reps to failure of bent arm ring hold
These were hard after the WOD. I'm sore everywhere (I think moreso from Monday's WODs). I managed to do 15 then 10 seconds of static ring holds without assistance then grabbed the yellow band (smallest) for the other 35 seconds and I believe did 10-15-10.
Coach Pete also suggested I do some bent arm holds on the rings - no idea what to call these - see picture below (middle guy). I did three reps of these for max time and they were really hard. My feet were still on the ground but out in front of me. This is definitely an area where I'll have to focus.
Funny - I was driving to work this morning and realized that I hold the steering wheel in a false grip, quite amusing to me anyway.
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