Monday, July 22, 2013

7/19 - Friday Night WODs

Ah, Thursday was a glorious rest day and rest I did.  I loved it.  Back at it on Friday night though for another solid workload starting with the SXF WOD.

Fun time Friday was back again which was awesome – and definitely fun this week.  We divided into two teams for a wheelbarrow race.  Each person carrying the legs of the person in front of them.  I was first against Tarrsha – Lewis had my legs and it went really well except for the part where I almost fell over laughing my head off at Tarrsha’s squeals.  Good times and good ab workout.

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
KB Swing 32/20kg
100m Run
8:33 Rx

Lots of running, lots of counting, lots of losing track.  I was working beside Tarrsha and knew I was just behind her but as you come in and out it’s hard to know what round people are on.  I tried asking her at one point but that didn’t work as it required too many braincells to actually converse so I asked Lewis and he said he was on round 3.  I thought we were on the same round so I went with it though in my head I thought I was in the 4’s but like I said, completely lost count.  Turns out I was actually a round behind Lewis and should have been on the 4’s.  I finished the run after my 1 KB swing and realized that Tarrsha was heading out the door for her last run so I knew I’d missed one – I finished on the round of 4’s – not too bad anyway. 

Managed all the KB swings unbroken (the idea of the WOD) though somewhere around the round of 6’s my back really started to tighten up again as it has off and on under stress since the axel deadlifts at the primal throwdown.  I made sure to roll it out directly afterward.

We finished up the class a bit early as they were going through TGU technique (and we did TGU’s in one of our sports wods earlier in the week) so Coach Tara let us head off to get a jump on the extra work of the day – of which there was a lot. 

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