Friday, July 5, 2013

7/4 – Happy ‘Tabata’ Day

Or for my American friends – Happy 4th of July and since I’m clearly becoming such a bad Canadian – Happy (belated) Canada Day! To be fair, I was barely moving on Canada Day after the weekend of competing, I kind of ignored it completely – like I said, bad Canadian.

8 rounds (20 seconds on 10 seconds rest) of each then rotate
Push Press (40/30kg)
Box Jumps (30/24”)
Score = lowest from each round
10-8-6 = 24

We broke into three groups for this one and I started on the v-ups and progressed in order as noted above.  I picked a number for each movement and tried to stick with it – the v-ups started out ok, I had about 10 seconds to rest in the early rounds and though I managed to keep 10 throughout by the last round I just snuck in the last rep.

I knew that the push press were going to be heavy as my shoulders are still hurting from the weekend (when 30 kg shoulder to overhead was oh-so-humbling) so I chose to just do the empty bar and that was a good decision just so I could maintain good form and not put extra stress on my back.  I did all the rounds unbroken and had an extra 10 seconds or so rest each round but it was a good choice, no need to do high reps even at low weight when I’m still trying to recover – Coach Hayden supported this decision as well which was great.

I started out the box jumps with 8 reps thinking it should be doable but apparently my legs are also still recovering from all the jumping on the weekend.  Where 24” would normally be easy for me to rebound I just couldn’t do it consistently last night.  It didn’t take long either for my left calve to tighten up again as it did the last time I did the high box jumps in Melbourne (not good).  So I stopped rebounding most of them, I’m jump up and down and then go again rather than bouncing right back up.  Coach Claire came around telling me to lock out on one of them – I’d just lost my balance – but I’d already no-repped myself on that one.  Better to do the quality reps in practice so that it translates into competition.

Was a good little workout – glad that the v-ups came first as they would have been much harder had they come when I was already breathing heavy.

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