Another girl. This morning it was Fran which we did only a few weeks ago as Running Fran. I like Fran without the running much better. It was actually quite a fun WOD as I'm starting to enjoy pullups too.
WOD #1
Thrusters (Rx 30/45)
7:00 (23kg/ 50lbs, blue/orange bands)
I really enjoyed this workout, it was hard but since it was the third day (of three) this week that I've done pull-ups I'm starting to actually enjoy the movement - I'm going to go for blue/yellow bands next time they're in the wod. Stronger. Still had to rest a bit during the pull-ups but I could still bang out 5-7 each go until the end where it dropped to 3-4 at a time.
I didn't mind the thrusters - was glad I went to 23kg (instead of 18kg) and pushed myself. Can probably go a bit higher in weight next time we do this workout but I did start to feel my (left) shoulder a bit towards the end so it was good that I didn't push it anymore.
Match was working out in front of my on the thrusters and beside me on the pullups so I had someone to 'race' (though he was Rx). Apparently he was chasing Ross so we were all motivated to go faster which was good.
WOD #2
2 min L-sit (hold as much as possible)
This was a struggle. I can't do L-sits that well and I found that it was really hurting my wrists. After the WOD Kirsten showed me the correct form - really focusing on pushing up rather than slouching through the shoulders. I could feel the difference and can see how the need to push up will reflect in other movements (rings, etc.) so it's something to work on.
I did this workout in my sock feet. On Wednesday doing the first WOD (DU's, pull-ups, cleans) my left foot started cramping - I think it was from the DU's but cramped when it was in the bands for the pull-ups. During round 2 of that WOD I kicked my shoes off. So today I made the decision just to go shoeless because my foot was still a little tight and I didn't want to chance it - plus there was no running anyway. Guess I need a little more time to fully get used to my new shoes. *Edit: I think it might be my work heels - went out for lunch and my feet cramped up on the way back - or perhaps a combination? Poor little feet.
Friday, September 30, 2011
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Jack's Wednesday WOD...
WOD #1
10 min AMRAP -
50 double-unders
15 pull-ups
10 power snatches (Rx 30/45kg)
2/64 - two full rounds plus DU's and 14 pullups (DU's, Blue/Orange bands, 18kg snatches)
This was a fun WOD though I still get frustrated sometimes in the DU's. I am however no longer considering SU's as a substitute which is a nice change. I realized that it's the DU's that are hurting my shoulder - I tend to lock my shoulders in one place during them and it gets quite tight - hopefully now that I'm conscious of this I'll do it less. Loved the pull-ups again - weird.
WOD #2
8 min AMRAP -
200m run
8 pistols
10 KB thrusters - one armed (Rx 16/24kg)
2/1 - two full rounds plus a 200m - 8:21 total time (pistols with blue band, 12kg KB)
This was another fun WOD. I don't mind the 200m run anymore. It's short enough to not be too painful allowing me to run harder/ finish sooner. Maybe someday that will be the case for the 400m and longer runs. The thrusters were a bit awkward - not quite used to the movement with the KB using one arm.
It was interesting too - the clock was broken today so Kirsten was timing our AMRAPs with a stopwatch around her neck. During the first WOD when I was on the DU's in my third set I asked her 'how much longer?'... and the reason for this wasn't what you'd expect when someone asks that - it wasn't because I wanted it to be over - in fact it was more the opposite. I wanted to know how fast I'd have to go to finish the third set before time was up - I was competing with the numbers on the board - the highest that anyone had got was 3 rounds plus some reps so I also wanted to get 3 rounds. Interesting to realize in the thick of it all how my head is working. I realized it was the same the other night too when doing the 100 situps for time - I watched the clock to see how my pace was...
10 min AMRAP -
50 double-unders
15 pull-ups
10 power snatches (Rx 30/45kg)
2/64 - two full rounds plus DU's and 14 pullups (DU's, Blue/Orange bands, 18kg snatches)
This was a fun WOD though I still get frustrated sometimes in the DU's. I am however no longer considering SU's as a substitute which is a nice change. I realized that it's the DU's that are hurting my shoulder - I tend to lock my shoulders in one place during them and it gets quite tight - hopefully now that I'm conscious of this I'll do it less. Loved the pull-ups again - weird.
WOD #2
8 min AMRAP -
200m run
8 pistols
10 KB thrusters - one armed (Rx 16/24kg)
2/1 - two full rounds plus a 200m - 8:21 total time (pistols with blue band, 12kg KB)
This was another fun WOD. I don't mind the 200m run anymore. It's short enough to not be too painful allowing me to run harder/ finish sooner. Maybe someday that will be the case for the 400m and longer runs. The thrusters were a bit awkward - not quite used to the movement with the KB using one arm.
It was interesting too - the clock was broken today so Kirsten was timing our AMRAPs with a stopwatch around her neck. During the first WOD when I was on the DU's in my third set I asked her 'how much longer?'... and the reason for this wasn't what you'd expect when someone asks that - it wasn't because I wanted it to be over - in fact it was more the opposite. I wanted to know how fast I'd have to go to finish the third set before time was up - I was competing with the numbers on the board - the highest that anyone had got was 3 rounds plus some reps so I also wanted to get 3 rounds. Interesting to realize in the thick of it all how my head is working. I realized it was the same the other night too when doing the 100 situps for time - I watched the clock to see how my pace was...
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Pull-up Fun... last nights WOD's
WOD #1
Tabata sit-ups
Total = 96
Consistently had 12 each round (20 seconds) - Jack had challenged me earlier in the day to beat his time and I knew I wouldn't on WOD #2 so I tried to beat him on #1 and #3. Simple, silly and effective motivation.
WOD #2
12, 9, 6, 3, 6, 9, 12
Box jumps
My shoulder felt good yesterday which was good given the 57(!) pull-ups and push-ups in this WOD. I initially went for a combination of the blue and red bands but that felt a bit easy so I decided I'd at least start with blue/orange and then move to blue/red if necessary (it wasn't necessary). Rocked the pull-ups tonight with just blue/orange which was an awesome feeling. For some reason this was the easiest (and most fun) part of the WOD for me. Strange.
The push-ups also were good - I did them from my knees mostly because I could feel my shoulder was a bit unhappy with them but did them all without breaks - a new improvement. It was amusing after the first few rounds as I was getting tired how I'd finish the pull-ups and step down off the box and literally fall flat onto the floor for the push-ups. Heh.
I did the box jumps Rx at 20" and managed to "jump" all but about 3 or 4 of them throughout which is a big plus as I usually have a lot more step ups. It was only a few weeks ago that I did the DU/box jump WOD and did mostly step-ups instead of jumps. Improvements galore today - I like it.
The burpees killed me! Killed. These were by far the worst. I struggled with I find that any movement where I have to push my entire body up off the floor is horrible. An incentive to lose these extra pounds I'm carrying (which to be honest are disappearing anyway from crossfit already).
WOD #3
100 sit-ups for time
Given that I'd done 96 in the first WOD in 4 minutes time (actually, looking at it now it was only 2:40 of 'working' time) in my head I figured it'd be close to 4 minutes to complete 100. Jack's time was again my focus as I wanted to beat him where I could (his time was 3:53). Started strong and consistent - I typically keep a steady pace for sit-ups and don't need to rest which helps - finished the first 10 just under 20 seconds, 33 just under a minute so I knew I could hopefully be just under 3 minutes at this point - it was all about the mind games, focusing on the reps and times to forget about the ache in my abs. One solid set of 100 - at the end the pain wasn't in my abs so much as it was still in my arms and lungs from WOD #2.
Was a good night especially since I wasn't feeling great when I got there - too little sleep the night before and just feeling a little off. Nice to get it done though - and also to work out with Shonelle for a change - see her often but don't ever work out at the same time! Thanks for the encouragement Shonelle!!!
Tabata sit-ups
Total = 96
Consistently had 12 each round (20 seconds) - Jack had challenged me earlier in the day to beat his time and I knew I wouldn't on WOD #2 so I tried to beat him on #1 and #3. Simple, silly and effective motivation.
WOD #2
12, 9, 6, 3, 6, 9, 12
Box jumps
My shoulder felt good yesterday which was good given the 57(!) pull-ups and push-ups in this WOD. I initially went for a combination of the blue and red bands but that felt a bit easy so I decided I'd at least start with blue/orange and then move to blue/red if necessary (it wasn't necessary). Rocked the pull-ups tonight with just blue/orange which was an awesome feeling. For some reason this was the easiest (and most fun) part of the WOD for me. Strange.
The push-ups also were good - I did them from my knees mostly because I could feel my shoulder was a bit unhappy with them but did them all without breaks - a new improvement. It was amusing after the first few rounds as I was getting tired how I'd finish the pull-ups and step down off the box and literally fall flat onto the floor for the push-ups. Heh.
I did the box jumps Rx at 20" and managed to "jump" all but about 3 or 4 of them throughout which is a big plus as I usually have a lot more step ups. It was only a few weeks ago that I did the DU/box jump WOD and did mostly step-ups instead of jumps. Improvements galore today - I like it.
The burpees killed me! Killed. These were by far the worst. I struggled with I find that any movement where I have to push my entire body up off the floor is horrible. An incentive to lose these extra pounds I'm carrying (which to be honest are disappearing anyway from crossfit already).
WOD #3
100 sit-ups for time
Given that I'd done 96 in the first WOD in 4 minutes time (actually, looking at it now it was only 2:40 of 'working' time) in my head I figured it'd be close to 4 minutes to complete 100. Jack's time was again my focus as I wanted to beat him where I could (his time was 3:53). Started strong and consistent - I typically keep a steady pace for sit-ups and don't need to rest which helps - finished the first 10 just under 20 seconds, 33 just under a minute so I knew I could hopefully be just under 3 minutes at this point - it was all about the mind games, focusing on the reps and times to forget about the ache in my abs. One solid set of 100 - at the end the pain wasn't in my abs so much as it was still in my arms and lungs from WOD #2.
Was a good night especially since I wasn't feeling great when I got there - too little sleep the night before and just feeling a little off. Nice to get it done though - and also to work out with Shonelle for a change - see her often but don't ever work out at the same time! Thanks for the encouragement Shonelle!!!
Monday, September 26, 2011
Jac's WOD - an update...
The situation: Saturday workout at city beach - anywhere from 12-25ish people (likely at the top end)
Equipment: Skipping ropes, sandbags, medicine balls, wall for box jumps/dips, field
sprint across the field and back as fast as you can
when done line up in the order you finished to form even teams of 4
-depending on the number of people count out teams of for - so for 24 people - count off 1-6, 6-1, 1-6, 6-1, etc... (1,2,3,4,5,6,6,5,4,3,2,1,1,2,3,4,5,6,6,5,4,3,2,1) to make even teams (or close to it).
teams of 4...
all 4 - walking lunges from the cricket pitch to the playground wall
150 air squats (as a team) shared however you want
everyone runs back to the cricket pitch (teams stay together)
all 4 - backwards crab walk from the cricket pitch to the playground wall
150 tricep dips on the wall (as a team) shared however you want
everyone runs back to the cricket pitch (teams stay together)
all 4 - burpee broad jumps from the cricket pitch to the playground wall
150 box jumps on the wall (as a team) shared however you want
everyone runs back to the cricket pitch (teams stay together)
in pairs - wheelbarrow from the cricket pitch to the playground wall
150 pushups (as a team) shared however you want
in pairs - wheelbarrow from the cricket pitch to the playground wall (switch up previous pairs)
All work is done as a team - the fastest person is limited by the slowest however this will play a factor in how the shared work is broken down. I think it'd be fun and a great team builder. There should also be a fun competition factor as the teams should be close to evenly matched.
50 (one rep is from one end to the other past all 4 team members)
sit up medicine ball pass - all four team members lie head to feet in a row- med ball starts at one end and is passed to the person at your feet (full sit up required) - person at the end sits up all the way then passes back over their head in the opposite direction, first person is required to lie all the way down and then come back up.
Break foursome into pairs -
three legged run across the field, up the hill around the big tree and back
(need rope or something to tie legs together)
Equipment: Skipping ropes, sandbags, medicine balls, wall for box jumps/dips, field
sprint across the field and back as fast as you can
when done line up in the order you finished to form even teams of 4
-depending on the number of people count out teams of for - so for 24 people - count off 1-6, 6-1, 1-6, 6-1, etc... (1,2,3,4,5,6,6,5,4,3,2,1,1,2,3,4,5,6,6,5,4,3,2,1) to make even teams (or close to it).
teams of 4...
all 4 - walking lunges from the cricket pitch to the playground wall
150 air squats (as a team) shared however you want
everyone runs back to the cricket pitch (teams stay together)
all 4 - backwards crab walk from the cricket pitch to the playground wall
150 tricep dips on the wall (as a team) shared however you want
everyone runs back to the cricket pitch (teams stay together)
all 4 - burpee broad jumps from the cricket pitch to the playground wall
150 box jumps on the wall (as a team) shared however you want
everyone runs back to the cricket pitch (teams stay together)
in pairs - wheelbarrow from the cricket pitch to the playground wall
150 pushups (as a team) shared however you want
in pairs - wheelbarrow from the cricket pitch to the playground wall (switch up previous pairs)
All work is done as a team - the fastest person is limited by the slowest however this will play a factor in how the shared work is broken down. I think it'd be fun and a great team builder. There should also be a fun competition factor as the teams should be close to evenly matched.
50 (one rep is from one end to the other past all 4 team members)
sit up medicine ball pass - all four team members lie head to feet in a row- med ball starts at one end and is passed to the person at your feet (full sit up required) - person at the end sits up all the way then passes back over their head in the opposite direction, first person is required to lie all the way down and then come back up.
Break foursome into pairs -
three legged run across the field, up the hill around the big tree and back
(need rope or something to tie legs together)
Bonus Photo...
Bonus photo of photographer of the day Oli - proudly wearing his pink top in support of the girls...
Primal Pairs 2011 - Inspiring
Congrats to all Cooee Primal Pairs Competitors - Tim and Jack, Vicki and Jeni, Andy and Adam, Jack and Nicole...
Some photos from the day (poor quality as taken from my iphone)
Some photos from the day (poor quality as taken from my iphone)
Jack on the Erg.... rowing - his favorite... |
Tim's turn... |
Teamwork... |
Go Andy |
Icing... ouch! |
Adam and Andy... |
Bunnies... |
Tired (ex) bunnies... |
Presses... |
more presses... |
lots of presses! |
Friday, September 23, 2011
My crossfitter forearm...
This is the result of learning/ stumbling through double unders - it's where the rope always hits me when I trip up - at least I'm consistent. And no, they don't fade away.
A difference between boys and girls...
A difference between boys and girls... less judgement (self or otherwise)...
I noticed this the other night - not directly but more as a feeling. We were in the midst of a crossfit WOD that had us doing few reps of high weights - split jerks to be specific - a workout I'd done before. A workout previously done on a Friday morning sharing the bar and the weight with a few other girls. On Wednesday, it was me, alone on a bar - weight set only by me - timing by me. Surrounding me were two other boys doing the same and our coach Tim, another boy. Me and three boys. That was all. There was no one else in the box and I found that calming. More secure. Less self conscious. Self-judging.
I wasn't sure why but I'd hesitated that first day in doing the movement - perhaps it was my lack of confidence in the move with it being new to me - perhaps it was my fear of failure, of not getting a rep at the higher weight, fear of dropping the bar, unsuccessful - perhaps it was just the lack of spectators this time, just me, my focus, my preparation, only me - I can't nail it down specifically but I wasn't afraid to fail anymore. I wasn't afraid to drop the bar. I wasn't afraid to go beyond what I had ever done. I wasn't afraid.
When reflecting on this afterwards a lot of it my previous hesitation had to do with me. All me. I get that - my inbred fears, insecurities. But this time - there was a shift - I think it was all the testosterone surrounding me. Feeding me. Big guys lifting weights probably twice mine - but knowing they'd go beyond their limits, knowing they would make noises, grunting and funny faces, dropping the bar if necessary. Knowing all this pushed me out of my comfort zone. Suddenly I was "one of the boys" and no one cared. When I picked up the bar, steadied myself and then put it right back on the rack - no judgement, no big deal. In fact Dom could relate - understood completely that I had to fix my mental focus first. He got it. Did it too.
It was an interesting shift that evening, it was quiet and understated and allowed me to achieve a new PR. It wasn't a pretty achievement, it was messy, ugly, unsteady - I almost dropped the bar BUT I did it. I did it - in an environment that made me feel safe, made me challenge myself. Made me better. Stronger. I did it!
I noticed this the other night - not directly but more as a feeling. We were in the midst of a crossfit WOD that had us doing few reps of high weights - split jerks to be specific - a workout I'd done before. A workout previously done on a Friday morning sharing the bar and the weight with a few other girls. On Wednesday, it was me, alone on a bar - weight set only by me - timing by me. Surrounding me were two other boys doing the same and our coach Tim, another boy. Me and three boys. That was all. There was no one else in the box and I found that calming. More secure. Less self conscious. Self-judging.
I wasn't sure why but I'd hesitated that first day in doing the movement - perhaps it was my lack of confidence in the move with it being new to me - perhaps it was my fear of failure, of not getting a rep at the higher weight, fear of dropping the bar, unsuccessful - perhaps it was just the lack of spectators this time, just me, my focus, my preparation, only me - I can't nail it down specifically but I wasn't afraid to fail anymore. I wasn't afraid to drop the bar. I wasn't afraid to go beyond what I had ever done. I wasn't afraid.
When reflecting on this afterwards a lot of it my previous hesitation had to do with me. All me. I get that - my inbred fears, insecurities. But this time - there was a shift - I think it was all the testosterone surrounding me. Feeding me. Big guys lifting weights probably twice mine - but knowing they'd go beyond their limits, knowing they would make noises, grunting and funny faces, dropping the bar if necessary. Knowing all this pushed me out of my comfort zone. Suddenly I was "one of the boys" and no one cared. When I picked up the bar, steadied myself and then put it right back on the rack - no judgement, no big deal. In fact Dom could relate - understood completely that I had to fix my mental focus first. He got it. Did it too.
It was an interesting shift that evening, it was quiet and understated and allowed me to achieve a new PR. It wasn't a pretty achievement, it was messy, ugly, unsteady - I almost dropped the bar BUT I did it. I did it - in an environment that made me feel safe, made me challenge myself. Made me better. Stronger. I did it!
Friday Morning with Tim
Today's WOD's
WOD #1
Tabata DU's (or SU's)
115 DU's
Getting there on my DU's - I'm happy with the number - I averaged about 16 every 20 seconds at the beginning - getting a bit slower towards the end but getting more consistent.
WOD #2
30 pullups
400m run
21 thrusters
400m run
21 thrusters
400m run
30 pullups
14:17 (rings/ 23kg thrusters)
I used the rings for the pullups which were better for my shoulder with the high number of reps. Went a bit higher on weight for the thrusters which took me a bit longer but it was good to push myself - seeing lots of progress on my strength.
It's such a contrast working out in the morning versus evening. I like the evenings a lot - more social and easy going but running outside in the sunshine in the mornings is exhilarating - much better than in the darkness. It was different having Tim this morning rather than Match and Kirst - a different dynamic for the morning - it was good though to change things up now and then.
Thanks Ange too for the awesomely rocking tunes!!
WOD #1
Tabata DU's (or SU's)
115 DU's
Getting there on my DU's - I'm happy with the number - I averaged about 16 every 20 seconds at the beginning - getting a bit slower towards the end but getting more consistent.
WOD #2
30 pullups
400m run
21 thrusters
400m run
21 thrusters
400m run
30 pullups
14:17 (rings/ 23kg thrusters)
I used the rings for the pullups which were better for my shoulder with the high number of reps. Went a bit higher on weight for the thrusters which took me a bit longer but it was good to push myself - seeing lots of progress on my strength.
It's such a contrast working out in the morning versus evening. I like the evenings a lot - more social and easy going but running outside in the sunshine in the mornings is exhilarating - much better than in the darkness. It was different having Tim this morning rather than Match and Kirst - a different dynamic for the morning - it was good though to change things up now and then.
Thanks Ange too for the awesomely rocking tunes!!
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Tracking PR's
Have gone back and found my PR's so far (which I find I'm constantly referencing for daily WOD's). I'm not tracking these on a separate page (link on the side of my blog).
As of September 22, 2011
Thrusters -20kg 23kg
Deadlift- 55kg
Overhead Squat - 18kg
Split Jerk -38kg 45kg (Sept. 21)
Hang Cleans - 30.5kg
Squat Cleans - 23kg
Pushpress -18kg 25.5kg
KB Swings - 16kg
KB Circles - 16kg
KB Crossovers - 12kg
KB Carry - 12kg
KB SDHP - 16kg
As of September 22, 2011
Thrusters -
Deadlift- 55kg
Overhead Squat - 18kg
Split Jerk -
Hang Cleans - 30.5kg
Squat Cleans - 23kg
Pushpress -
KB Swings - 16kg
KB Circles - 16kg
KB Crossovers - 12kg
KB Carry - 12kg
KB SDHP - 16kg
Last Night's WOD's and a PR
WOD # 1
3, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1 split jerk
max - 45kg/99lbs (PR)
This was the second WOD I've done with split jerks. The last time my max. weight was 38kg and I made a note that I could go higher but needed more confidence in the movement. I still need to work on confidence in the movement but I did go higher. It's funny - I feel more intimidated going for higher weights (afraid to not succeed) in both a bigger class and with lots of the girls. With only two guys working out with me (Dom and Ross) and Tim coaching I gave it a go. I pushed more than I might have - maybe it's because the boys aren't afraid of just dropping the weights, of going beyond their capabilities just to see 'what if' and so I follow suit. It was an interesting realization for sure.
WOD # 2:
3, 5, 7, 5, 3
KB front squats
box jumps (20/24″)
2:52 (2x10kg/ 20" box)
This was a surprising nice change of pace for a WOD - more legs less arms for a start and also short and fast - lower reps meant you didn't want to break up any of the reps which meant on 7 squats you really could feel the quad burn. It was still hard - you get to a point where your legs just don't want to work on the box jumps. I did 20" box jumps - with all jumps (no step-ups) - for the first time.
WOD # 3:
2 minutes of KB swings – score = kgs x reps
16kg x 45 reps = 720
I once again made friends with my yellow KB. I managed 20 swings straight on the first go which is a best for me - then had a few breaks throughout. My goal at the start was 40 reps so I was happy to surpass that - was challenging but for 2 minutes you can push through anything.
Last time we did this WOD (August 17th) - I did 10kg x 49 reps = 490. HUGE improvement. I love it!
Once again Wednesday was 'boys' night and me... such a different dynamic to having Jeni and Vicki to push me harder on 'girls' nights both fun but also oddly quite different.
3, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1 split jerk
max - 45kg/99lbs (PR)
This was the second WOD I've done with split jerks. The last time my max. weight was 38kg and I made a note that I could go higher but needed more confidence in the movement. I still need to work on confidence in the movement but I did go higher. It's funny - I feel more intimidated going for higher weights (afraid to not succeed) in both a bigger class and with lots of the girls. With only two guys working out with me (Dom and Ross) and Tim coaching I gave it a go. I pushed more than I might have - maybe it's because the boys aren't afraid of just dropping the weights, of going beyond their capabilities just to see 'what if' and so I follow suit. It was an interesting realization for sure.
WOD # 2:
3, 5, 7, 5, 3
KB front squats
box jumps (20/24″)
2:52 (2x10kg/ 20" box)
This was a surprising nice change of pace for a WOD - more legs less arms for a start and also short and fast - lower reps meant you didn't want to break up any of the reps which meant on 7 squats you really could feel the quad burn. It was still hard - you get to a point where your legs just don't want to work on the box jumps. I did 20" box jumps - with all jumps (no step-ups) - for the first time.
WOD # 3:
2 minutes of KB swings – score = kgs x reps
16kg x 45 reps = 720
I once again made friends with my yellow KB. I managed 20 swings straight on the first go which is a best for me - then had a few breaks throughout. My goal at the start was 40 reps so I was happy to surpass that - was challenging but for 2 minutes you can push through anything.
Last time we did this WOD (August 17th) - I did 10kg x 49 reps = 490. HUGE improvement. I love it!
Once again Wednesday was 'boys' night and me... such a different dynamic to having Jeni and Vicki to push me harder on 'girls' nights both fun but also oddly quite different.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
These are my current Crossfit Goals:
-pullup without bands (currently using blue plus orange or red depending on number of reps)
-handstand walk across the box (currently can get from window to far side of first wood panel)
-5 handstand pushups in a row (can do 2 in a row down to a cushion on a plate)
-40 DU's in a row (current max is 23)
Other Fitness Related Goals
-complete the Doctor Surfski Race
-run a 10k under 1 hour (PR - 1:00:47 - 2011 Vancouver Sun Run)
-drink 3 liters of water a day minimum (currently at about 2 - 2.5)
-pullup without bands (currently using blue plus orange or red depending on number of reps)
-handstand walk across the box (currently can get from window to far side of first wood panel)
-5 handstand pushups in a row (can do 2 in a row down to a cushion on a plate)
-40 DU's in a row (current max is 23)
Other Fitness Related Goals
-complete the Doctor Surfski Race
-run a 10k under 1 hour (PR - 1:00:47 - 2011 Vancouver Sun Run)
-drink 3 liters of water a day minimum (currently at about 2 - 2.5)
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Nagging Injuries and Last Nights WOD
Last week I was struggling with my right shoulder - it's just really tight - through my neck and my pecs - I can't get comfortable to sleep or sit. I need a really good massage as the trigger point massaging I'm doing just isn't getting into it enough - scheduled for Friday! I was feeling better after having 4 days of shoulder rest but that all changed again last night.
A quick catch-up:
Saturday WOD - barefoot running clinic with Cody from the Running Clinic. Gave some interesting theory and changes to our run strides which I'll have to work out. There is a ton of information out there that I'm not even going to try and capture here as it's all so new to me.
Sunday - too windy for surfski so it was a nice relaxing day - a good REST day.
Monday WOD's:
WOD #1
5 rounds for time -
35 double-unders/105 single-unders
200m run
More double unders - my favorite... I wasn't fast on this - stumbled a lot on the DU's but *did* the DU's so improvement still.
WOD #2
Max reps in 3 minutes of hanging cleans (30/45kg)
Rest 3 mins
45 (18kg/ 40lbs)
WOD #3
Max reps of pull-ups
Rest 3 mins
26 (blue and red bands)
WOD #4
1 attempt max thrusters (30/45kg)
16 (18kg/ 40lbs)
Started to struggle on the pullups - started to feel my shoulder tightening up in the hanging cleans and it only got worse on the pullups. I tried to use a lighter weight/ more bands but that wasn't enough. I only managed 1 pullup in the final minute because I didn't want an injury that would sideline me for longer - it was a weird mental place to be in.
Mentally today was a challenge - not in how to push harder but how to pull back/ stop. In Crossfit we are challenged mentally day in and day out to just keep pushing - another deep breath and a few more reps - repeat. And it works. We learn that we can do it - that our barriers are well beyond where we perceive them to be and we break them. Another rep, another step, another round - no quit - no standing around watching, just keep moving.
So when your body NEEDS you to stop - when the round isn't finished, or there's one last rep or another minute of time - when you're faced with all that AND you still NEED to stop - it messes with your head. And the hardest part is that you're the only one who knows what's going on - in your head - your body. It's not sometime easy to explain but you just know - you NEED to stop. A huge difference between WANTING to stop. NEEDING to. NEED to - to prevent injury, to keep from doing more harm. A battle. I knew full well last night that a few more pullups weren't going to be as good for me as stopping, and so I stood there, for the longest minute and rode it out. It wasn't easy but it was needed.
A quick catch-up:
Saturday WOD - barefoot running clinic with Cody from the Running Clinic. Gave some interesting theory and changes to our run strides which I'll have to work out. There is a ton of information out there that I'm not even going to try and capture here as it's all so new to me.
Sunday - too windy for surfski so it was a nice relaxing day - a good REST day.
Monday WOD's:
WOD #1
5 rounds for time -
35 double-unders/105 single-unders
200m run
More double unders - my favorite... I wasn't fast on this - stumbled a lot on the DU's but *did* the DU's so improvement still.
WOD #2
Max reps in 3 minutes of hanging cleans (30/45kg)
Rest 3 mins
45 (18kg/ 40lbs)
WOD #3
Max reps of pull-ups
Rest 3 mins
26 (blue and red bands)
WOD #4
1 attempt max thrusters (30/45kg)
16 (18kg/ 40lbs)
Started to struggle on the pullups - started to feel my shoulder tightening up in the hanging cleans and it only got worse on the pullups. I tried to use a lighter weight/ more bands but that wasn't enough. I only managed 1 pullup in the final minute because I didn't want an injury that would sideline me for longer - it was a weird mental place to be in.
Mentally today was a challenge - not in how to push harder but how to pull back/ stop. In Crossfit we are challenged mentally day in and day out to just keep pushing - another deep breath and a few more reps - repeat. And it works. We learn that we can do it - that our barriers are well beyond where we perceive them to be and we break them. Another rep, another step, another round - no quit - no standing around watching, just keep moving.
So when your body NEEDS you to stop - when the round isn't finished, or there's one last rep or another minute of time - when you're faced with all that AND you still NEED to stop - it messes with your head. And the hardest part is that you're the only one who knows what's going on - in your head - your body. It's not sometime easy to explain but you just know - you NEED to stop. A huge difference between WANTING to stop. NEEDING to. NEED to - to prevent injury, to keep from doing more harm. A battle. I knew full well last night that a few more pullups weren't going to be as good for me as stopping, and so I stood there, for the longest minute and rode it out. It wasn't easy but it was needed.
Friday, September 16, 2011
This morning was just what I needed...
Sometimes things have a funny way of being just what you need when you need them. This morning was one of those days.
My right shoulder has been hurting me this week - lots of shoulder stuff and skipping - it's actually woken me up a few nights with intense aching. Not fun. Sleeping is difficult. So this morning I was hoping there wasn't much lifting or pullups or shoulder work as I knew I'd need to scale back if there was (and I struggle with this - need to learn to listen to my body all.the.time - but that's another post).
There were no weights this morning. It was just what I needed after struggling to drag my butt out of bed (morning workouts will never be easy for me).
WOD #1
Tabata Plank
Managed to do the whole thing on my toes though towards the end it was a struggle more for my shoulder than my core.
WOD #2
AMRAP - 7 minutes
DU's (again!)
On the minute, every minute, complete 7 air squats and 5 push-ups
150 reps (count only DU's)
I am now own DU's. Not even a thought to do SU's anymore. I figured if I could just get 15 DU's every minute I'd easily hit 100 reps. I smashed it with 150!!! The first set I pumped out 25 DU's in a row! Doubling my previous best from Wednesday of 13. Win! Not sure I'll continue the trend of doubling my PR every time but I'll keep on trying. I'm starting to enjoy DU's - if only we could get back to the WOD's that have 10-20 of them per round instead!
WOD #3
250m row
400m run
250 SU's
100 Situps
Was strong through the row - I know how long it'll take mentally so I can go hard for that short burst of time - finished in 58 seconds(!) - run took a bit longer as it always does for me (one pace, slow and steady) - approx. 2:20. Then on to SU's. I tripped up at 20 reps then pushed through the rest in one go - concentrate, steady - felt good (took about 2 minutes I think). Situps - steady pace, kept at it through the objections of my abs and did it in one go (approx. 3:15). Final time 8:32
I am noticing that my run times are slowly coming down - maybe today it had something to do with the sunshine (rather than darkness) that gave me a little extra spring in my step. When I was training for the half marathon I always had a pretty consistent pace of 6:10-6:20 min/km. And I am always pretty consistent no matter the distance - one speed only. Extrapolating today's 400m run to 1km would mean I'm running closer to a 5:50min/km (obvious approximation but an indication that my time *is* coming down).
And also - new shoes! Yay!

My right shoulder has been hurting me this week - lots of shoulder stuff and skipping - it's actually woken me up a few nights with intense aching. Not fun. Sleeping is difficult. So this morning I was hoping there wasn't much lifting or pullups or shoulder work as I knew I'd need to scale back if there was (and I struggle with this - need to learn to listen to my body all.the.time - but that's another post).
There were no weights this morning. It was just what I needed after struggling to drag my butt out of bed (morning workouts will never be easy for me).
WOD #1
Tabata Plank
Managed to do the whole thing on my toes though towards the end it was a struggle more for my shoulder than my core.
WOD #2
AMRAP - 7 minutes
DU's (again!)
On the minute, every minute, complete 7 air squats and 5 push-ups
150 reps (count only DU's)
I am now own DU's. Not even a thought to do SU's anymore. I figured if I could just get 15 DU's every minute I'd easily hit 100 reps. I smashed it with 150!!! The first set I pumped out 25 DU's in a row! Doubling my previous best from Wednesday of 13. Win! Not sure I'll continue the trend of doubling my PR every time but I'll keep on trying. I'm starting to enjoy DU's - if only we could get back to the WOD's that have 10-20 of them per round instead!
WOD #3
250m row
400m run
250 SU's
100 Situps
Was strong through the row - I know how long it'll take mentally so I can go hard for that short burst of time - finished in 58 seconds(!) - run took a bit longer as it always does for me (one pace, slow and steady) - approx. 2:20. Then on to SU's. I tripped up at 20 reps then pushed through the rest in one go - concentrate, steady - felt good (took about 2 minutes I think). Situps - steady pace, kept at it through the objections of my abs and did it in one go (approx. 3:15). Final time 8:32
I am noticing that my run times are slowly coming down - maybe today it had something to do with the sunshine (rather than darkness) that gave me a little extra spring in my step. When I was training for the half marathon I always had a pretty consistent pace of 6:10-6:20 min/km. And I am always pretty consistent no matter the distance - one speed only. Extrapolating today's 400m run to 1km would mean I'm running closer to a 5:50min/km (obvious approximation but an indication that my time *is* coming down).
And also - new shoes! Yay!

Thursday, September 15, 2011
Why I Love Crossfit - DU's Edition
I have conquered double unders (DU’s). I haven’t yet mastered them but I know that I will in time.
Six week ago I started Crossfit and couldn’t do any DU’s. I was skipping again for the first time since grade school – it was just like riding a bike. Slowly, I tried to get just one DU. It came, slowly. Then progressed to consistent DU’s with a single skip in between… DU-SU-DU-SU… on and on. So much wasted effort when only counting the DU’s.
Last week was *the* week of DU’s. Tuesday and Wednesday featured them – I couldn’t master them. On Wednesday I jumped in with the 5:15 class on their second WOD to practice – 10 minutes, 7 burpees on the minute, rest of the time DU’s – score is number of DU’s (I skipped, no burpees). In practicing, I got up to 4 in a row – and just barely. I managed, 2-2-3-3-4 – and with crazy welts on my right arm from every time I messed up. Ouch!
Yesterday I came into the box and again saw DU’s on the workout – 50! of them – times three. I was early so I grabbed the rope and tried to at least match my best of 4 in a row – I hit 7. And not just once but a few times. New goal was 10 but every time I started to get close I’d trip up just thinking about it. Oops. Focus. Didn’t get there – 7 was the max. Still, a huge jump in just one week.
What I struggled with the most in getting DU’s was the rhythm. I was stuck in the 2-1-2-1 pattern that I’d gotten so used to - it was a hard switch. BUT… I found that once I was able to make the switch something just clicked and it became easier to knock them out. Still required lots of focus though. Lots and lots of focus.
During the WOD I knew 50 DU’s would be hard but just went for it. I was able to knock out between 10-13 (new max!) on the start of each set and at times also in the middle. Once I got going I knew it’d be better to just squeeze knowing I’d be that much closer to finishing. Just one more. There were times I started to get frustrated, really frustrated – knocking out only one before tripping up again but I kept at it. This is what makes us better – pushing through things when we are tired – makes it that much easier when we’re not – these are the moments that we learn so much more about our capabilities. As much as I wanted to revert back to SU’s I kept at it. I was determined. DU’s would be mine. And they were. I did the entire WOD on DU’s. Yes, it took me a lot longer but I’m okay with that. I achieved a new skill. A new success. I got better today.
Last nights WOD didn't have a name but she was Nasty...
Like the title describes... last night's WOD was nasty. I'd say it was like Claudia only a little bit worse (maybe I'll call it a tie)....
WOD #1
Deadlift – 3, 3, 3, 3
30kg, 40kg, 50kg, 55kg
This was (surprisingly) my first time doing deadlifts in a WOD. I started light - not bad for a first go.
WOD #2 - aka Nasty
3 rounds for time (cut-off of 25 minutes)
50 double-unders
400m run
30 KB circles (24/32kg)
20 KB swings
22:13 - 16kg KB and all DU's (for.the.first.time!!!)
NASTY! That is the only answer here. Part of it came from the fact that this was the first WOD that I did full DU's (more details in a separate post). Struggling through the 50 DU's was challenging - then to follow that up with what I dislike the most - RUNNING - not much recovery - I was slow but got through it (which some days is all you can ask for). The circles were good but the swings hurt. I was still hurting from Monday's WOD which really worked my shoulders so I felt the swings more than usual (and I typically LOVE KB swings). I could only bang out 5 at a time but got through them. The SDHP were mental more than anything - with only 10 reps you didn't want to put the KB down even though the last few were tough!
It was a funny workout - I was in a completely different mental space when I arrived at the box. Jack tried to convince me to workout at 5:15 instead of 6 as Vicky was on her own but I just couldn't do it. I needed to stretch and more than anything get into the right frame of mind. It was probably the first day (ever!) that I didn't have that excitement of crossfit - I still wanted to get there but I was in a grumpy mood (though Crossfit helped that!).
Tim was coaching us and was the same awesomely cheerful guy he usually is but for some reason today this wasn't helping me - at least not in the first few rounds. I had to concentrate so hard on the DU's that any encouragement was distracting and on the swings it was almost a little frustrating but I was breathing too hard and hurting too bad to say anything. Mentally, all I did was turn the frustration into getting through the reps faster - maybe it did help after all. It's funny too because in talking with Jack afterwards we both had the same comment about it - that some days you just want to be left alone to get through it... I can't say why as part of my love of Crossfit is that community factor but today - just wasn't working for me.
What did really work - intentional or not - was when I was starting my last set of DU's... Tim changed the music - I saw him walking over and I KNEW what he was about to put on - Linkin Park - my music of choice every.single.time. I'm not sure if it was meant for me or not but I just assumed it was and *that* inspired me to push through the DU's. And the rest of the KB's. Tim counted down for my last 10 SDHP and that was good, needed - it's funny isn't it - timing.
I was the last one to finish but I knew this pretty much from the start - but I was excited to finish the WOD with all DU's. Halfway through the second set I considered going to SU's but didn't. Figured that I'd rather be last and challenge myself - make another leap.
So... another skill added - last week it was handstand pushups (though not yet in a WOD) and this week it was DU's. I only wonder what the next weeks will bring.
WOD #1
Deadlift – 3, 3, 3, 3
30kg, 40kg, 50kg, 55kg
This was (surprisingly) my first time doing deadlifts in a WOD. I started light - not bad for a first go.
WOD #2 - aka Nasty
3 rounds for time (cut-off of 25 minutes)
50 double-unders
400m run
30 KB circles (24/32kg)
20 KB swings
22:13 - 16kg KB and all DU's (for.the.first.time!!!)
NASTY! That is the only answer here. Part of it came from the fact that this was the first WOD that I did full DU's (more details in a separate post). Struggling through the 50 DU's was challenging - then to follow that up with what I dislike the most - RUNNING - not much recovery - I was slow but got through it (which some days is all you can ask for). The circles were good but the swings hurt. I was still hurting from Monday's WOD which really worked my shoulders so I felt the swings more than usual (and I typically LOVE KB swings). I could only bang out 5 at a time but got through them. The SDHP were mental more than anything - with only 10 reps you didn't want to put the KB down even though the last few were tough!
It was a funny workout - I was in a completely different mental space when I arrived at the box. Jack tried to convince me to workout at 5:15 instead of 6 as Vicky was on her own but I just couldn't do it. I needed to stretch and more than anything get into the right frame of mind. It was probably the first day (ever!) that I didn't have that excitement of crossfit - I still wanted to get there but I was in a grumpy mood (though Crossfit helped that!).
Tim was coaching us and was the same awesomely cheerful guy he usually is but for some reason today this wasn't helping me - at least not in the first few rounds. I had to concentrate so hard on the DU's that any encouragement was distracting and on the swings it was almost a little frustrating but I was breathing too hard and hurting too bad to say anything. Mentally, all I did was turn the frustration into getting through the reps faster - maybe it did help after all. It's funny too because in talking with Jack afterwards we both had the same comment about it - that some days you just want to be left alone to get through it... I can't say why as part of my love of Crossfit is that community factor but today - just wasn't working for me.
What did really work - intentional or not - was when I was starting my last set of DU's... Tim changed the music - I saw him walking over and I KNEW what he was about to put on - Linkin Park - my music of choice every.single.time. I'm not sure if it was meant for me or not but I just assumed it was and *that* inspired me to push through the DU's. And the rest of the KB's. Tim counted down for my last 10 SDHP and that was good, needed - it's funny isn't it - timing.
I was the last one to finish but I knew this pretty much from the start - but I was excited to finish the WOD with all DU's. Halfway through the second set I considered going to SU's but didn't. Figured that I'd rather be last and challenge myself - make another leap.
So... another skill added - last week it was handstand pushups (though not yet in a WOD) and this week it was DU's. I only wonder what the next weeks will bring.
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Photo Credit |
Monday, September 12, 2011
Tonight I did Fran... Running Fran... harder Fran...
Tonight's WOD was "RUNNING Fran"
WOD #1 “Running Fran”
21 thrusters (30/45kg)
21 pull-ups
600m run
15 thrusters
15 pull-ups
400m run
9 thrusters
9 pull-ups
200m run
16:54 23kg (50lbs), blue and orange bands for pullups (I need to work on pullups)
This was hard - the only good thing was that each set got shorter. The last 200m sprint was okay, it wasn't long enough to fully hurt and I knew the faster I went the faster I'd finish (and be able to collapse onto the floor - which I did).
WOD #2
500m row (1:59)
500 single-unders (4:01)
6:00 long rope (blue handles)
Super sweaty on this one. Had a good finish on the row as Jack A. was beside me and Kirst was cheering us on - she said something about it being a race to the finish so I knew we were close*. I was focused the whole time on my split time - time/500m - it started about 2:02 but I got it down and was pretty constant at 1:59. I started aiming to finish under 2 minutes and "racing" Jack helped as I got the last 100m below 1:55. Just got in under 2 as well - 1:59.4. I'll take it! (*note that Jack A. started 30 seconds after I did on the 500m row)
The single-unders were a beast - it just takes focus. Focus on the skipping and not the sweat or exhaustion. I also realized that it was harder to start again once you got tripped up so it was best to just keep going even if you had to slow down a little - though I tried to go superfast when I could just to get them done sooner.
It's getting warmer now - last night was calling for rain and I could feel the humidity in the air. It makes it harder for me. I don't know how I'll manage in the height of summer (though there is air conditioning in the box). I'm hoping that as it warms up I'll build up my tolerance and be okay. Also, hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!
Tim showed up without gear to change into for the workout so I let him borrow my Pats t-shirt (also his favorite team so it's cool)... it fit but was a v-neck that made him quite self-conscious... it was cute. Haha. I'm trying to get the picture!
WOD #1 “Running Fran”
21 thrusters (30/45kg)
21 pull-ups
600m run
15 thrusters
15 pull-ups
400m run
9 thrusters
9 pull-ups
200m run
16:54 23kg (50lbs), blue and orange bands for pullups (I need to work on pullups)
This was hard - the only good thing was that each set got shorter. The last 200m sprint was okay, it wasn't long enough to fully hurt and I knew the faster I went the faster I'd finish (and be able to collapse onto the floor - which I did).
WOD #2
500m row (1:59)
500 single-unders (4:01)
6:00 long rope (blue handles)
Super sweaty on this one. Had a good finish on the row as Jack A. was beside me and Kirst was cheering us on - she said something about it being a race to the finish so I knew we were close*. I was focused the whole time on my split time - time/500m - it started about 2:02 but I got it down and was pretty constant at 1:59. I started aiming to finish under 2 minutes and "racing" Jack helped as I got the last 100m below 1:55. Just got in under 2 as well - 1:59.4. I'll take it! (*note that Jack A. started 30 seconds after I did on the 500m row)
The single-unders were a beast - it just takes focus. Focus on the skipping and not the sweat or exhaustion. I also realized that it was harder to start again once you got tripped up so it was best to just keep going even if you had to slow down a little - though I tried to go superfast when I could just to get them done sooner.
It's getting warmer now - last night was calling for rain and I could feel the humidity in the air. It makes it harder for me. I don't know how I'll manage in the height of summer (though there is air conditioning in the box). I'm hoping that as it warms up I'll build up my tolerance and be okay. Also, hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!
Tim showed up without gear to change into for the workout so I let him borrow my Pats t-shirt (also his favorite team so it's cool)... it fit but was a v-neck that made him quite self-conscious... it was cute. Haha. I'm trying to get the picture!
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Posted with permission |
Jac's WOD... or what it might look like.
The situation: Saturday workout at city beach - anywhere from 12-25ish people (likely at the top end)
Equipment: Skipping ropes, sandbags, medicine balls, wall for box jumps/dips, field
sprint across the field and back as fast as you can
when done line up in the order you finished
-depending on the number of people count out teams of for - so for 24 people - count off 1-6, 6-1, 1-6, 6-1, etc... (1,2,3,4,5,6,6,5,4,3,2,1,1,2,3,4,5,6,6,5,4,3,2,1) to make even teams (or close to it).
not fully formed in my head yet but it's underway... will update when I have more.
Equipment: Skipping ropes, sandbags, medicine balls, wall for box jumps/dips, field
sprint across the field and back as fast as you can
when done line up in the order you finished
-depending on the number of people count out teams of for - so for 24 people - count off 1-6, 6-1, 1-6, 6-1, etc... (1,2,3,4,5,6,6,5,4,3,2,1,1,2,3,4,5,6,6,5,4,3,2,1) to make even teams (or close to it).
not fully formed in my head yet but it's underway... will update when I have more.
Saturday at the Park near the Beach... (catching up)
Saturday - another stunning day for an outdoor WOD. Again there was a large turnout at 8am - 26 people. Match was leading us today and I knew it wasn't going to be easy when no equipment was brought to the field (no sandbags, medicine balls, skipping ropes, nothing, nada, uh-oh).
After the warmup we were told to group ourselves into 4's, introduce ourselves then sub-divide within those groups into pairs. Then each pair was to match up with another pair. It was a nice way to meet some new people though I know Vicki (my partner) and then matched up with Jack and his friend so really only met one new person (and Dom and his partner - who's name I already forgot - I'm bad at that).
First WOD - line up as a team - person one doing box jumps, person two doing squats, person 3 doing push ups, person 4 sprinting out to the cricket pitch and back - person 1-3 keep going until person 4 returns then once tagged move forward one spot with the person doing box jumps running out. We made it through 2 entire spots during the time (I think it was 5 minutes). I managed 108 reps of push-ups, squats and box jumps (no idea how many of each).
AMRAP (3 minutes)
1 pushup, 1 situp, 1 squat,
2 pushups, 2 situps, 2 squats,
3 pushups, 3 situps, 3 squats...
...and so on.
I did exactly 8 rounds.
Hill sprints and burpees
Do 5 burpees then run backwards up the hill to the tree line then do 5 more burpees. Repeat 3 times.
Pretty much as soon as the last person finished this WOD (I was one of the last few - burpees!) we jogged out to the cricket pitch then did more sprints.
Sprint to the end of the cricket pitch (rest is whatever time is remaining of 45 seconds)
Sprint backwards back to where you started (rest is same as previous)
We did this 5 times only we shortened it up on the last two and had only 30 seconds total of run/rest
I was pretty close to puking, no joke.
Match gave us the option here of long or short and most people picked short though it would have been a lot more fun to do the long version.
Short version -sprint run across field to tall tree half way up the hill and back.
Long alternative was the same task only in our teams of 4 with one person at any given time not allowed to have their feet on the ground (so they would be carried in some way). I think this would have been quite humerous. Heh.
On my way home I was considering this workout again and comparing it to other sessions we've had at city beach and began thinking what the WOD's would look like if I had the chance to make it up... I was discussing this with Match yesterday and he told me to let him know, said I have 3 weeks to do so... I'll post my ideas in another post which I'll update...
After the warmup we were told to group ourselves into 4's, introduce ourselves then sub-divide within those groups into pairs. Then each pair was to match up with another pair. It was a nice way to meet some new people though I know Vicki (my partner) and then matched up with Jack and his friend so really only met one new person (and Dom and his partner - who's name I already forgot - I'm bad at that).
First WOD - line up as a team - person one doing box jumps, person two doing squats, person 3 doing push ups, person 4 sprinting out to the cricket pitch and back - person 1-3 keep going until person 4 returns then once tagged move forward one spot with the person doing box jumps running out. We made it through 2 entire spots during the time (I think it was 5 minutes). I managed 108 reps of push-ups, squats and box jumps (no idea how many of each).
AMRAP (3 minutes)
1 pushup, 1 situp, 1 squat,
2 pushups, 2 situps, 2 squats,
3 pushups, 3 situps, 3 squats...
...and so on.
I did exactly 8 rounds.
Hill sprints and burpees
Do 5 burpees then run backwards up the hill to the tree line then do 5 more burpees. Repeat 3 times.
Pretty much as soon as the last person finished this WOD (I was one of the last few - burpees!) we jogged out to the cricket pitch then did more sprints.
Sprint to the end of the cricket pitch (rest is whatever time is remaining of 45 seconds)
Sprint backwards back to where you started (rest is same as previous)
We did this 5 times only we shortened it up on the last two and had only 30 seconds total of run/rest
I was pretty close to puking, no joke.
Match gave us the option here of long or short and most people picked short though it would have been a lot more fun to do the long version.
Short version -
Long alternative was the same task only in our teams of 4 with one person at any given time not allowed to have their feet on the ground (so they would be carried in some way). I think this would have been quite humerous. Heh.
On my way home I was considering this workout again and comparing it to other sessions we've had at city beach and began thinking what the WOD's would look like if I had the chance to make it up... I was discussing this with Match yesterday and he told me to let him know, said I have 3 weeks to do so... I'll post my ideas in another post which I'll update...
Thursday, September 8, 2011
I'm walking funny today...
WOD #1
4 rounds for time of -
18 KB swings (24/32kg)
12 push-ups with KB claps
6 pistols
8:22 (16kg KB, FULL push-ups, blue band for pistols)
WOD #2
10 minutes of double-unders – do 7 burpees on every minute
Score is total number of double-unders
102 - last 4 sets of burpees I did as situps as my deltoids were killing - even skipping hurt.
Last night was fun, another small class - me and the 'lads' this time. It was also my third day in a row. And there seems to have been a lot of skipping this week. I got to the box a bit early so got a chance to practice my DU's with the previous class while they did the second WOD. I can get somewhat consistent DU's with a single skip in between but I'm trying to eliminate this as it's just an extra waste of energy. I managed eventually to link 4 double unders together without the extra skip - but only once. Managed, 2-2-3-3-4. Felt satisfied with this - though my right arm paid dearly for it. Everytime I *missed* a DU the rope would stop under my feet but manage to always whip my right arm (and only my right arm). Odd and painful. But I was determined. Determination is greater than pain.
I LOVE kettleball swings. They hurt *so* good. And I'm getting better (at least Tim tells me so, it hurts all the same but yes, I'm banging more out in one go that when I did Claudia). I used 16kg again and it did feel easier though the push-ups didn't. I did manage to do them from my toes and not my knees which was a first. It actually just happened that way without much thinking about it.
So many DU's. My calves were a little sore from the skipping and box jumps on tuesday night and are even worse this morning. I mean - oh man, why do I have to wear heels - walking funny. Though I did wear long sleeves today to hide the whip marks - otherwise I think my coworkers would get the absolute wrong impression of what I actually did last night. Heh.
Now I get two days of well earned rest. And I have a massage appointment scheduled for tomorrow which I am so looking forward too - it won't be the same as it's not Sommer but it will do - help get everything back in line.
I'm feeling stronger and starting to see the difference in my body - my muscles. What seemed to hard and terrifying 5 weeks ago (yes, I've just completed my 5th week of WOD's - only my 5th week) is now a challenge that I look forward to, I almost crave it. I can't ask for anything more than that.
4 rounds for time of -
18 KB swings (24/32kg)
12 push-ups with KB claps
6 pistols
8:22 (16kg KB, FULL push-ups, blue band for pistols)
WOD #2
10 minutes of double-unders – do 7 burpees on every minute
Score is total number of double-unders
102 - last 4 sets of burpees I did as situps as my deltoids were killing - even skipping hurt.
Last night was fun, another small class - me and the 'lads' this time. It was also my third day in a row. And there seems to have been a lot of skipping this week. I got to the box a bit early so got a chance to practice my DU's with the previous class while they did the second WOD. I can get somewhat consistent DU's with a single skip in between but I'm trying to eliminate this as it's just an extra waste of energy. I managed eventually to link 4 double unders together without the extra skip - but only once. Managed, 2-2-3-3-4. Felt satisfied with this - though my right arm paid dearly for it. Everytime I *missed* a DU the rope would stop under my feet but manage to always whip my right arm (and only my right arm). Odd and painful. But I was determined. Determination is greater than pain.
I LOVE kettleball swings. They hurt *so* good. And I'm getting better (at least Tim tells me so, it hurts all the same but yes, I'm banging more out in one go that when I did Claudia). I used 16kg again and it did feel easier though the push-ups didn't. I did manage to do them from my toes and not my knees which was a first. It actually just happened that way without much thinking about it.
So many DU's. My calves were a little sore from the skipping and box jumps on tuesday night and are even worse this morning. I mean - oh man, why do I have to wear heels - walking funny. Though I did wear long sleeves today to hide the whip marks - otherwise I think my coworkers would get the absolute wrong impression of what I actually did last night. Heh.
Now I get two days of well earned rest. And I have a massage appointment scheduled for tomorrow which I am so looking forward too - it won't be the same as it's not Sommer but it will do - help get everything back in line.
I'm feeling stronger and starting to see the difference in my body - my muscles. What seemed to hard and terrifying 5 weeks ago (yes, I've just completed my 5th week of WOD's - only my 5th week) is now a challenge that I look forward to, I almost crave it. I can't ask for anything more than that.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
This is what Crossfit really looks like...
Me, Vicki and Jen (front - back) after last nights workout (DU's and box jumps). Jack laughing at us in the background also - funny! Photo Credit
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
WOD without weights...
Two nights in a row at the box so I could play netball after workout. Wasn't too sore from Monday so
that was good...
It was a fun workout as there were just the three of us girls (Vicki, Jeni and I) with Kirsten coaching us. It was silly and awesome.
WOD #1
18, 15, 12, 9, 6, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18
Double-unders (did DU's but had a single skip in between, only counted DU's... DU's!!)
Box jumps (20" though they were step ups)
12:40 Rx
All three of us finished within about 20 seconds of each other. That was pretty cool. I LOVE having these gals to workout with as they push me to go heavier, faster, harder. It's encouraging and inspiring.
WOD #2
Max plank hold
I knew this one was going to hurt after the rollouts, saturday sit-ups, and yesterday's KB crossovers and cockroaches.... and it did. My goal was 1 minute which I achieved - no more no less. I was struggling at 45 seconds so 1 minute was definitely pushing it.
My abs and I have a love - hate relationship, truly.
WOD #3
3 min AMRAP
10 sit-ups
3 HSPU (Handstand Pushups)
5/12 (6 full rounds minus 1 box pushup - soooo close!)
Again, more sit-ups (gah!). Vicki and I did box pushups as neither of us were comfortable yet with HSPU's. After the WOD's though we all practiced our handstands and HSPU's. I realized I could do it with the two bumpers under my head - before when we'd try I was too afraid to lower myself down without any cushioning under my head in case I fell (need to preserve my little brain) so never actually tried. But I like them - probably couldn't do high numbers of them but it's a skill I'd like to continue to work on as I love handstands.
Kirsten gave me a few tips to work up to full HSPU's
-first with the two bumpers - practice
-then one bumper - first just lowering and progressing to lower and back up
-can adjust the bumper height by using plates with the bumper as necessary
-eventually use plates beside bumper to make it all level for full range of motion (someday...)
Another workout Wednesday - not sure how three days is a row will feel but I follow it with two days of rest!
that was good...
It was a fun workout as there were just the three of us girls (Vicki, Jeni and I) with Kirsten coaching us. It was silly and awesome.
WOD #1
18, 15, 12, 9, 6, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18
Double-unders (did DU's but had a single skip in between, only counted DU's... DU's!!)
Box jumps (20" though they were step ups)
12:40 Rx
All three of us finished within about 20 seconds of each other. That was pretty cool. I LOVE having these gals to workout with as they push me to go heavier, faster, harder. It's encouraging and inspiring.
WOD #2
Max plank hold
I knew this one was going to hurt after the rollouts, saturday sit-ups, and yesterday's KB crossovers and cockroaches.... and it did. My goal was 1 minute which I achieved - no more no less. I was struggling at 45 seconds so 1 minute was definitely pushing it.
My abs and I have a love - hate relationship, truly.
WOD #3
3 min AMRAP
10 sit-ups
3 HSPU (Handstand Pushups)
5/12 (6 full rounds minus 1 box pushup - soooo close!)
Again, more sit-ups (gah!). Vicki and I did box pushups as neither of us were comfortable yet with HSPU's. After the WOD's though we all practiced our handstands and HSPU's. I realized I could do it with the two bumpers under my head - before when we'd try I was too afraid to lower myself down without any cushioning under my head in case I fell (need to preserve my little brain) so never actually tried. But I like them - probably couldn't do high numbers of them but it's a skill I'd like to continue to work on as I love handstands.
Kirsten gave me a few tips to work up to full HSPU's
-first with the two bumpers - practice
-then one bumper - first just lowering and progressing to lower and back up
-can adjust the bumper height by using plates with the bumper as necessary
-eventually use plates beside bumper to make it all level for full range of motion (someday...)
Another workout Wednesday - not sure how three days is a row will feel but I follow it with two days of rest!
Monday, September 5, 2011
Another great start to the week!
Crossfit makes Monday's bearable. I love having something 'fun' to look forward to at the end of work - it gets me through the day. Crossfit is fun... the people, the atmosphere, the way we push ourselves to become better, the sweat, the pain... fun.
Today's workouts...
WOD #1
WOD #1
8 rounds for time -
3 squat cleans (Rx - 50kg for women)
6 push-ups
9 burpee bar hops
3 squat cleans (Rx - 50kg for women)
6 push-ups
9 burpee bar hops
12:26 (23kg - 50lbs)
This was the first time that I did squat cleans in a workout and there is so much to think about with this movement, every time. Extending fully on the clean and lowering fully in the squat. I am glad that I chose a lighter weight because by the end of the last round it was quite challenging even with only 3 reps given the required concentration on form.
I should have done the six push-ups normally, not on my knees. I'm seeing quite good progress on my push-ups. When I started crossfit doing 5 on my knees was hard and 10 was a complete struggle. Now, even on round 8 I could push through all 6 push-ups no problem (from my knees). Yup, time to take that step up. Stronger.
The hardest part by far were the burpees - for some reason I struggle with any exercise that requires me to go from the ground to my feet - every time. And it seems that doing burpees with knees on the ground is even harder - something more to lift up. They were slow and a struggle but I got through them.
It was super hot in the box. Sweat was literally dripping off of my face. It wasn't pretty. I can't even begin to imagine what summer will be like - I am happily in denial of how hot it is actually going to get here.
WOD #2
This was the first time that I did squat cleans in a workout and there is so much to think about with this movement, every time. Extending fully on the clean and lowering fully in the squat. I am glad that I chose a lighter weight because by the end of the last round it was quite challenging even with only 3 reps given the required concentration on form.
I should have done the six push-ups normally, not on my knees. I'm seeing quite good progress on my push-ups. When I started crossfit doing 5 on my knees was hard and 10 was a complete struggle. Now, even on round 8 I could push through all 6 push-ups no problem (from my knees). Yup, time to take that step up. Stronger.
The hardest part by far were the burpees - for some reason I struggle with any exercise that requires me to go from the ground to my feet - every time. And it seems that doing burpees with knees on the ground is even harder - something more to lift up. They were slow and a struggle but I got through them.
It was super hot in the box. Sweat was literally dripping off of my face. It wasn't pretty. I can't even begin to imagine what summer will be like - I am happily in denial of how hot it is actually going to get here.
WOD #2
100 KB crossovers (12kg - 26lbs)
2:18 Rx
Did this workout at 12kg as prescribed... it was hard. Basically, a kettleball crossover is when you sit and keep your torso and legs in a 'V' position - feet raised off the floor, core strong. Then you take the kettleball and touch it to the ground on each side of your body, each touch on the ground counts as 1 rep. We did 100.
This really worked my upper core - same muscle group as the roll-outs from Friday (and which were still recovering from Friday) and also lower back muscles. It was really hard to keep my feet in the air but I did for the majority (you can scale back the exercise by leaving your feet on the ground). Definitely challenging. Laughing is going to hurt again.
WOD #3
Did this workout at 12kg as prescribed... it was hard. Basically, a kettleball crossover is when you sit and keep your torso and legs in a 'V' position - feet raised off the floor, core strong. Then you take the kettleball and touch it to the ground on each side of your body, each touch on the ground counts as 1 rep. We did 100.
This really worked my upper core - same muscle group as the roll-outs from Friday (and which were still recovering from Friday) and also lower back muscles. It was really hard to keep my feet in the air but I did for the majority (you can scale back the exercise by leaving your feet on the ground). Definitely challenging. Laughing is going to hurt again.
WOD #3
100 cockroaches
This was a mental battle as it worked the same muscles as the KB crossovers. It was hard but over (fairly) quickly.
It was a fun class led by Jack. About 10 minutes before the workout he put the pressure on me by handing me his ipod and telling me to make the playlist. Oh No! But I did deserve it because I'm always the one noticing the music - it makes such a difference when it's a good, hard, loud, angry song - makes it easier to struggle through and pound out the reps. The pressure was there but I think we had some good songs - Jack's tunes, my picking - great teamwork - just what it's all about.
This was a mental battle as it worked the same muscles as the KB crossovers. It was hard but over (fairly) quickly.
It was a fun class led by Jack. About 10 minutes before the workout he put the pressure on me by handing me his ipod and telling me to make the playlist. Oh No! But I did deserve it because I'm always the one noticing the music - it makes such a difference when it's a good, hard, loud, angry song - makes it easier to struggle through and pound out the reps. The pressure was there but I think we had some good songs - Jack's tunes, my picking - great teamwork - just what it's all about.
Sunday, September 4, 2011
The Importance of Rest
Sometimes you just have to listen to your body. This morning I was supposed to go out in my surfski for a paddle - but I was tired. I could feel it throughout my bones yesterday and knew that I'd benefit more from a day of rest. I slept in, it was beautiful - the first time all week. I took the pressure off of myself to 'DO' anything today and just enjoyed the simplicity and easiness. A day to relax.
I remember about 10 years ago when I was on the go with everything - I was rock climbing 2-3 times a week, playing flag (american) football on weekends and soccer with a team from work. I was dragonboating 3 times a week and on weekends that I wasn't away for football. There was the occasional gym session or some beach volleyball. Anything, I was always on the go. I was loving it all but it was pretty non-stop and nothing was going to stop me. Until my body did...
I broke a finger playing football - yes, just a finger (my left ring finger to be exact) - but it's amazing how much just one finger can sideline you. I couldn't climb, football was out as was paddling, beach volleyball and the gym. I could run sure but I was never a runner. And while there were a few runs I wasn't happy about it. As I watched my casted forearm atrophy it gave me time to adjust mentally to my new found situation, my new life. To take a look at where I was and what I was doing. It made me accept that everything does in fact happen for a reason - it slowed me down - allowed my body time to rest - allowed my mind to gain perspective - everything is good but moderation is necessary - REST is necessary.
Rest. If you don't find the time something will find it for you. Something will knock you off course to ensure that you get that recovery. Listen to your body and allow yourself an extra sleep in or an afternoon nap - perhaps even a walk in the park rather than an all out run on the beach, or a day to stretch rather than press. You'll come out ahead in the end just taking a small step back. A slight pause. Rest is important. Necessary. Rest.
I remember about 10 years ago when I was on the go with everything - I was rock climbing 2-3 times a week, playing flag (american) football on weekends and soccer with a team from work. I was dragonboating 3 times a week and on weekends that I wasn't away for football. There was the occasional gym session or some beach volleyball. Anything, I was always on the go. I was loving it all but it was pretty non-stop and nothing was going to stop me. Until my body did...
I broke a finger playing football - yes, just a finger (my left ring finger to be exact) - but it's amazing how much just one finger can sideline you. I couldn't climb, football was out as was paddling, beach volleyball and the gym. I could run sure but I was never a runner. And while there were a few runs I wasn't happy about it. As I watched my casted forearm atrophy it gave me time to adjust mentally to my new found situation, my new life. To take a look at where I was and what I was doing. It made me accept that everything does in fact happen for a reason - it slowed me down - allowed my body time to rest - allowed my mind to gain perspective - everything is good but moderation is necessary - REST is necessary.
Rest. If you don't find the time something will find it for you. Something will knock you off course to ensure that you get that recovery. Listen to your body and allow yourself an extra sleep in or an afternoon nap - perhaps even a walk in the park rather than an all out run on the beach, or a day to stretch rather than press. You'll come out ahead in the end just taking a small step back. A slight pause. Rest is important. Necessary. Rest.
Saturday, September 3, 2011
WOD at the beach - Jack's Workout
Today was another free crossfit session at City Beach - it's a generous offering brought to you by Cooee Crossfit - more specifically Match, Kirsten, Jack and Tim - giving their time and imaginative workouts to the community as we work our way towards summer (yes, summer - for those of us in the southern hemisphere).
I was a little worried about the weather as the rain poured down the evening before and well into the night - I thought it'd be a cold, muddy morning but knew I'd be there either way. Fortunately it turned into a stunning day, the sunshine bringing out record numbers - about 25 - for Jack's workout - written on that magical piece of paper that we all wanted to steal just to see what was ahead of us.
It started with a warmup jog and some painful lunges and army crawls in the wet grass. Followed by slooooow burpees, Jack emphasizing each component often mixing us up in the process. A good laugh for everyone to take our minds off of the sore muscles we all seemed to have.
WOD #1 (partners)
Person 1:
20 Single Unders
Run approx. 15m
20 air squats
Run approx. 15m
20 pushups
Run approx. 15m
20 sit-ups
Run approx. 15m
20 box jumps
Sprint back to start (approx. 60m) - while partner is holding plank
Partner starts all over
Repeat twice each
I hated the sit-ups as the roll-outs from Friday morning made themselves known in my core the previous night - I wasn't joking when I told Match that morning that he made laughing hurt - laughing HURT. I partnered up with Kate for this which was really fun - she's Jack and Tim's sister who I convinced to come check things out a few days earlier (a girls perspective) so to partner and cheer on someone who was doing their first WOD was amazing - I was super proud of her.
I actually enjoyed the short sprint back to the start - on my second round I though Match was right behind me - though I never looked back to check as I was trying to stay ahead - it turns out it was Tim and we both finished our box jumps at the same time - with an encouraging word from him I upped my pace - I sprinted as hard as I could and didn't finish too far behind him which was awesome. Got a little faster today.
WOD #2 (in partners)
Squat to pick up medicine ball or sandbag
Throw it as far as you can
Repeat for 30 seconds
Switch partners
3 times each
This was fun but it was awkward throwing the sand bag. I was kind of hoping the velcro would open up and the sand would all fall out. Heh.
WOD #3
AMRAP - 10 minutes
Run a lap of the oval
Complete same workout as WOD #1
from box jumps back to skipping was 1 round
2/44 (2 full rounds plus skipping, airsquats and 4 push ups)
WOD #4 (Team WOD)
Everyone holds plank while each person starting from each end runs up the hill, around the sign and back to their spot.
This was challenging as... ABS.SO.SORE...
It was a fun morning, I really like the Saturday WODs as we get to play in the sunshine, socialize more with those from the box and meet people we might not otherwise - people from other boxes, other class times, families, friends.
I have only been to two of the Saturday sessions and both were different yet challenging, I liked that. I also love the outside the box thinking that comes from being 'outside the box'. There are so many ideas for future Saturday's (I can't wait to see what Match pulls out for next week)... though it'd be nice to make the focus on more team WOD's rather than solo or pairs (or some how make the pairs random) just because it's that extra bit of community, of getting to better know the other crazy people who choose to get out of bed ridiculously early on a Saturday morning to sweat it out together. I can't wait to get to know everyone as the season wears on...
Til next Saturday...
I was a little worried about the weather as the rain poured down the evening before and well into the night - I thought it'd be a cold, muddy morning but knew I'd be there either way. Fortunately it turned into a stunning day, the sunshine bringing out record numbers - about 25 - for Jack's workout - written on that magical piece of paper that we all wanted to steal just to see what was ahead of us.
It started with a warmup jog and some painful lunges and army crawls in the wet grass. Followed by slooooow burpees, Jack emphasizing each component often mixing us up in the process. A good laugh for everyone to take our minds off of the sore muscles we all seemed to have.
WOD #1 (partners)
Person 1:
20 Single Unders
Run approx. 15m
20 air squats
Run approx. 15m
20 pushups
Run approx. 15m
20 sit-ups
Run approx. 15m
20 box jumps
Sprint back to start (approx. 60m) - while partner is holding plank
Partner starts all over
Repeat twice each
I hated the sit-ups as the roll-outs from Friday morning made themselves known in my core the previous night - I wasn't joking when I told Match that morning that he made laughing hurt - laughing HURT. I partnered up with Kate for this which was really fun - she's Jack and Tim's sister who I convinced to come check things out a few days earlier (a girls perspective) so to partner and cheer on someone who was doing their first WOD was amazing - I was super proud of her.
I actually enjoyed the short sprint back to the start - on my second round I though Match was right behind me - though I never looked back to check as I was trying to stay ahead - it turns out it was Tim and we both finished our box jumps at the same time - with an encouraging word from him I upped my pace - I sprinted as hard as I could and didn't finish too far behind him which was awesome. Got a little faster today.
WOD #2 (in partners)
Squat to pick up medicine ball or sandbag
Throw it as far as you can
Repeat for 30 seconds
Switch partners
3 times each
This was fun but it was awkward throwing the sand bag. I was kind of hoping the velcro would open up and the sand would all fall out. Heh.
WOD #3
AMRAP - 10 minutes
Run a lap of the oval
Complete same workout as WOD #1
from box jumps back to skipping was 1 round
2/44 (2 full rounds plus skipping, airsquats and 4 push ups)
WOD #4 (Team WOD)
Everyone holds plank while each person starting from each end runs up the hill, around the sign and back to their spot.
This was challenging as... ABS.SO.SORE...
It was a fun morning, I really like the Saturday WODs as we get to play in the sunshine, socialize more with those from the box and meet people we might not otherwise - people from other boxes, other class times, families, friends.
I have only been to two of the Saturday sessions and both were different yet challenging, I liked that. I also love the outside the box thinking that comes from being 'outside the box'. There are so many ideas for future Saturday's (I can't wait to see what Match pulls out for next week)... though it'd be nice to make the focus on more team WOD's rather than solo or pairs (or some how make the pairs random) just because it's that extra bit of community, of getting to better know the other crazy people who choose to get out of bed ridiculously early on a Saturday morning to sweat it out together. I can't wait to get to know everyone as the season wears on...
Til next Saturday...
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"Most muscular" grrrrr! Saturday WOD (Photo Credit) |
Friday, September 2, 2011
A little stronger today...
Today I got a bit stronger... dragged my butt out of a very warm bed while the rain poured down in the darkness outside - probably a harder task than the workout (I really like my bed)...
WOD #1:
3, 3, 1, 1, 1
Split jerk
Max final rep: 38kg (84lbs)
This was the first time I did split jerks in a workout - I think I could probably do a higher weight next time but it's the confidence I need first in the movements. Committing to the lift entirely.
WOD #2:
4 rounds for time (Match was generous this morning and reduced it from 5 rounds due to time) -
5 OHS (30/45kg)
10 barbell roll-outs
15 clean & press
Used 18kg (40lbs) - should use 20kg next time - bigger bar only as the grip doesn't hurt my girly hands as much... haha.
First time doing roll-outs today. They are evil. Painfully, wickedly, can feel the strength increasing in my abs on each rep evil. Today was a good class.
The box is adding a 6:45am class next week so I'll get to sleep in til 6am instead of 5:15. Perfect. Also, in talking to Jack before class - Crossfit morning is the.only.morning that I don't hit the snooze button. If I did I wouldn't get to class and then I'd be in T-R-O-U-B-L-E. Fun!
Also, an update from Wednesday - the full workout - in addition to 'Claudia' was:
WOD #1 - for time
10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
Push-ups with hand release
Air squats
WOD #2: Benchmark WOD “Claudia”
5 rounds for time -
20 KB swings (16/24kg)
400m run
19:26 RX!!
WOD #3:
Tabata backwards skips (where the girls rule and the boys stumble, gotta love grade school coming back to help on a workout - just like riding a bike)
330 skips (Vicki rocked it with 369)
I figured out also that it's easier with a longer rope. Longer rope it is now!
WOD #1:
3, 3, 1, 1, 1
Split jerk
Max final rep: 38kg (84lbs)
This was the first time I did split jerks in a workout - I think I could probably do a higher weight next time but it's the confidence I need first in the movements. Committing to the lift entirely.
WOD #2:
4 rounds for time (Match was generous this morning and reduced it from 5 rounds due to time) -
5 OHS (30/45kg)
10 barbell roll-outs
15 clean & press
Used 18kg (40lbs) - should use 20kg next time - bigger bar only as the grip doesn't hurt my girly hands as much... haha.
First time doing roll-outs today. They are evil. Painfully, wickedly, can feel the strength increasing in my abs on each rep evil. Today was a good class.
The box is adding a 6:45am class next week so I'll get to sleep in til 6am instead of 5:15. Perfect. Also, in talking to Jack before class - Crossfit morning is the.only.morning that I don't hit the snooze button. If I did I wouldn't get to class and then I'd be in T-R-O-U-B-L-E. Fun!
Also, an update from Wednesday - the full workout - in addition to 'Claudia' was:
WOD #1 - for time
10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
Push-ups with hand release
Air squats
WOD #2: Benchmark WOD “Claudia”
5 rounds for time -
20 KB swings (16/24kg)
400m run
19:26 RX!!
WOD #3:
Tabata backwards skips (where the girls rule and the boys stumble, gotta love grade school coming back to help on a workout - just like riding a bike)
330 skips (Vicki rocked it with 369)
I figured out also that it's easier with a longer rope. Longer rope it is now!
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The girls doing rollouts (my arm is there in the back)... photo credit: |
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Last night I got it on with 'Claudia'... this is how it went:
Today 'Claudia' and I got it on and I won out in the end... it was painful and challenging and I hated every minute of it - though I only once looked at the clock. I cursed every step on the 400m runs and dreaded the next one before even finishing the one I was on.
For those that don't know - 'Claudia' is one of the benchmark crossfit WOD's (workout of the day)... it consists of:
5 rounds for time
20 kettle ball swings (16kg/ 35lbs (for women) - as prescribed - Rx)
400m run
My finishing time: 19:26
This was the first WOD that I Rx-ed in the month that I've been doing crossfit. It was hard.
Now that it's done I find it difficult to accurately capture how I was feeling in that 20 minute period. There was full range of emotions from some doubt at the beginning as Jeni convinced both Vicki and I that we could do 16kg kettleballs (and as I nervously eyed the 14). There was the dreaded 3...2...1... beeping of the clock and then not giving it a second thought as I banged through the first 20 kb swings and was out the door. Feeling fine but dreading the next 4 rounds and visualizing every.single.step of the 400m course. Rounds two and three were just a matter of pushing through - one swing at a time, one step at a time, keep moving - no walking... the 'I can do this' mantra going through my head - the 'this is what crossfit is all about'...
Round 4... get into the box and bang out a solid 10 swings... then 5... Tim comes around - 'how many more?' - gasping for breath I show him 5 fingers... and he cheers me on - watches as the first one goes right over my head...4...3...2...1... out the door... keep pushing. The girls were awesome - every time we passed another encouraging word as we all gasped for air. Keep going... good work... keep going... going...
Round 5... I was the only one in the box for the swings, everyone else was done or out on their last 400m. Tim - cheering, counting, encouraging... 'Knock them out 5 at a time'... I do 10. Break. Emotion hitting hard... I got this. 5 more. Breath. Tears in my eyes. Increasing my mental limits. Stronger. Further. More... more. 5 more and done... out the door. Last 400m on my own. Full darkness. Keep running... one more step... one less step... keep.on.going...
I knew there were people waiting on me, cheering me on as I ran from a distance but it was inspiring to come around the corner for the last 100m and see Tim and Vicki - who although just finishing herself was back out to cheer me on, bring me home. I picked up the pace - how could I not with Tim bouncing spryly beside me - one.last.sprint. One step at a time. Vicki 'this is fast!'... round the last pylon, into the box and look at the clock... 19:26... under 20. I did it. Collapsed on the floor, high fives and congrats.
Glad it was over. Writing my time on the board. Pride, lots of pride. I may have finished last but I climbed a huge wall and it wasn't physical. I conquered a demon today - I not only beat 'Claudia' but I beat part of myself, my doubt. Today I broke down mental barriers. Realized the huge capacity within myself to just keep going. To know that there is support as I tackle this and people to cheer me on... this is life in it's essence.
And I also must add - afterwards, I felt like a proud little kid with a gold star from the teacher though today mine was just a happy face beside the Rx that Jeni added for me. Thanks you guys it was an amazing day!
For those that don't know - 'Claudia' is one of the benchmark crossfit WOD's (workout of the day)... it consists of:
5 rounds for time
20 kettle ball swings (16kg/ 35lbs (for women) - as prescribed - Rx)
400m run
My finishing time: 19:26
This was the first WOD that I Rx-ed in the month that I've been doing crossfit. It was hard.
Now that it's done I find it difficult to accurately capture how I was feeling in that 20 minute period. There was full range of emotions from some doubt at the beginning as Jeni convinced both Vicki and I that we could do 16kg kettleballs (and as I nervously eyed the 14). There was the dreaded 3...2...1... beeping of the clock and then not giving it a second thought as I banged through the first 20 kb swings and was out the door. Feeling fine but dreading the next 4 rounds and visualizing every.single.step of the 400m course. Rounds two and three were just a matter of pushing through - one swing at a time, one step at a time, keep moving - no walking... the 'I can do this' mantra going through my head - the 'this is what crossfit is all about'...
Round 4... get into the box and bang out a solid 10 swings... then 5... Tim comes around - 'how many more?' - gasping for breath I show him 5 fingers... and he cheers me on - watches as the first one goes right over my head...4...3...2...1... out the door... keep pushing. The girls were awesome - every time we passed another encouraging word as we all gasped for air. Keep going... good work... keep going... going...
Round 5... I was the only one in the box for the swings, everyone else was done or out on their last 400m. Tim - cheering, counting, encouraging... 'Knock them out 5 at a time'... I do 10. Break. Emotion hitting hard... I got this. 5 more. Breath. Tears in my eyes. Increasing my mental limits. Stronger. Further. More... more. 5 more and done... out the door. Last 400m on my own. Full darkness. Keep running... one more step... one less step... keep.on.going...
I knew there were people waiting on me, cheering me on as I ran from a distance but it was inspiring to come around the corner for the last 100m and see Tim and Vicki - who although just finishing herself was back out to cheer me on, bring me home. I picked up the pace - how could I not with Tim bouncing spryly beside me - one.last.sprint. One step at a time. Vicki 'this is fast!'... round the last pylon, into the box and look at the clock... 19:26... under 20. I did it. Collapsed on the floor, high fives and congrats.
Glad it was over. Writing my time on the board. Pride, lots of pride. I may have finished last but I climbed a huge wall and it wasn't physical. I conquered a demon today - I not only beat 'Claudia' but I beat part of myself, my doubt. Today I broke down mental barriers. Realized the huge capacity within myself to just keep going. To know that there is support as I tackle this and people to cheer me on... this is life in it's essence.
And I also must add - afterwards, I felt like a proud little kid with a gold star from the teacher though today mine was just a happy face beside the Rx that Jeni added for me. Thanks you guys it was an amazing day!

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