Friday, March 30, 2012

3/29 - "Helen"

5-5-5 back squat

Liked doing this one again, 60kg is my current back squat PR and while I didn't increase this at all today I got through all 5 reps pretty solidly which shows that I'm improving.  My lower body though still feels like my weakness overall though.

Benchmark WOD: “Helen”
3 rounds -
400m run
21 KB swings (16/24kg)
12 pull-ups
14:12 (Rx KB, pullups - 6 reps/round Rx/ 6 orange band)

When I walked into the box and saw this on the board I was complaining.  Having done "Claudia" just two days before I didn't like how similar they were.  Of course I did the WOD anyway and it wasn't too bad.

I need to work on my running.  I was the slowest coming back into the box on the first run and I just can't seem to push myself as hard on these as I need to be.  It just hurts.  But if I'm going to start taking time off of these benchmark WODs (Claudia, Helen, etc.) then I'm going to have to speed up my legs. 

Once again I managed to do unbroken sets for the KB swings in all rounds though I'm definitely feeling it in my lower back today.  I was trying to let the KB just sit in my knuckles without grasping too hard as I didn't want to burn out my forearms for the pull-ups.  It seemed to work.

The pull-ups were fairly solid.  I managed to do 3 sets of 2 each round unassisted but really had to kip hard to get them.  I'd then do the second six of the set with the orange band (second smallest) - the first round was 6 straight then I think I did 3-3 the other two rounds.  I'm quite happy too that there was no torn skin.

I'm wearing flats today.  I noticed yesterday at work (in heels) that my the pad on my right foot was quite sore - it's felt bruised since doing the box jumps in 12.3 in my new inov-8 Bare-XF 210's and I think that all the running on Tuesday hurt it a bit more (for some reason only one foot though).  Anyway, yesterday didn't help the matter and now I have to start caring for my foot a little bit better. 

Also - I didn't do my 3x5 C2B pullups tonight as I'd done the pull-ups during the WOD.  I did however play a bit with my HSPU's and managed 3x5 down to a ab mat on a 5kg plate and did these all without kipping.  I tried a couple down to just the ab mat and I got up on one but had to kip to get back up. 

Where's 'Jac' (hint- look for the shoes!) - Source

Thursday, March 29, 2012

goals, accountability and unconditional support... the spirit of crossfit

I found the following WOD on the crossfit games site yesterday - a top games competitor listed it as his favorite WOD and I couldn't think of anyone better to share it with than Coach Tim.  He lives for this kind of stuff.  
Godzilla WOD:
Three rounds for time
1 OHS (135kg men)
2 rope climbs
3 snatches (90kg men)
4 ring muscle-up handstand push-ups
Video on youtube - search "Kenny Leverich Godzilla."
Today I convinced(?) Tim to do this.  He gave himself a few years to get there but we negotiated and I told him that in 6 months he needs to complete this WOD (scaled) - 100kg OHS and 80kg snatches.  His current PR's  are OHS - 90kg and Snatch - 72.5kg.   I think he'll do it easy.

In return I'm focused on that muscle up.  End of June. Target.

Sometimes it's just about little things like this.  Making deals with yourself, with another.  Someone to hold you accountable like Tim did to me the other night - walking into the box and asking if I'd done my static ring holds yet.  That's what makes us all better.  Goals, accountability.  Accountability mostly from ourselves (how bad do you really want it?) but it's also that encouraging nudge from another, the unconditional support of purely wanting someone to achieve something great. 

It's inspiring to see someone achieve their goals, to be excited for them as they push their limits beyond where they are currently or where they think they can get - that support helps both mentally and physically.   So here's to Tim's Godzilla WOD and my muscle-up and to anyone else who wants to boldly declare their goals and find the encouragement and support that's right here waiting for them.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

2012 Open Reflections

2012 was my first year doing the games open, other than a beginner level team competition (Affiliate Cup - November 2011) I haven't done any other competitions.

The beautiful thing about the games is that it pushed me beyond my limits both physically and mentally.

-PR on my snatch - 35kg (27 reps)
-PR on my push presses - 34kg
-completed a WOD with strict toes to bar
-unassisted chest to bar pullup (18 reps)

Where do we even start mentally.  I pushed limits I didn't even know I had.  Giving everything I had for just one more rep, one more.  Knowing at times that my TEAM was relying on the score I was putting up.  Struggling through movements for a very long time (longer than in a normal WOD where I'd just scale after a few missed reps) - not giving in even when I'd already previously posted a better score for that WOD.  Fully living the mantra that there's no giving up in Crossfit, ever.  I learned how much more I can (and will) push myself going forward and I've also realized my limitations (hello wall balls).  I never gave up on any of the WODs and I embraced the challenge of the heavier weights (with a bit of trepidation and fear).

The physical improvements were a great reinforcement but I'll take all the mental lessons learned this year overall.  Huge leaps.

I'm happy that I was able to post a score for each of the workouts.  At the end of it all I placed 615/948 in Australia and 9905/12790 overall in the individual women's category.  I'll take it!

2/27 - 'Claudia'

So much soreness today, more so than yesterday.  So thankful today is a rest day.

I was really excited yesterday morning when I heard Sharon had Rx-ed on the WOD (you're a rockstar girl) though I didn't know what it was.   I tried to get her to reveal it but she wouldn't both stating that it would convince me *not* to go but that it was an old 'friend'.  I guessed at that point that it would be 'Claudia' but she wouldn't confirm or deny it.  I looked up my old time anyway.  Turns out I was right and 'Claudia' and I had another date. 

Agility skills
This was a good warm up though very tough on my very sore legs. 

WOD:  Benchmark “Claudia”
5 rounds -
20 KB swings (16/24kg)
400m run
15:58 Rx (PR)

This is probably my favorite benchmark WOD but I still hate it oh so much.  Claudia was my first Rx-ed crossfit workout hence the strange attraction to her.

The last time (first time) I did 'Claudia':

Today Claudia wasn't so bad - it was challenging and it hurt but I didn't have the mental battle that I've had with her the other times I've done this WOD.  I think partly because I've been doing more swings with the 20kg KB that the 16kg KB now doesn't feel so tough.
I started out steady - almost everyone was out the door before me but I was right on their tails.  I slowly reeled in Bonnie and just kept my pace.  I could see Neil slightly ahead and didn't want to let him gain anymore on me during the run.  Back into the box for another steady 20 reps.  
I managed all KB swings unbroken in all rounds which in itself is an improvement over last go round (November) where I was doing sets of 10 on the second through fourth rounds then 10-5-5 on the last round.  This time I mentally pushed through it - when I had 5-10 reps left I would recall the first time doing Claudia and having Coach Tim in my ear counting down my reps, cheering me on and that really helped to push me.  The runs are where I struggle.
On I think the third round Neil and I picked up our KB's at the same time and started swinging in unison.  I just wanted to match him and figured if I could I could stay close.  After about 10-15 reps he put his down (he had a heavier weight) and I just kept going.  I knew if I got to 15 reps that I could muscle out the last 5 even as my hamstrings and glutes were tightening up (one legged deadlifts are killer).

From this point on I was on my own, no one to chase anymore.  On my fourth run in I heard footsteps behind me and I thought someone was reeling me in but it was Moz kicking in it on his final run.  I got lapped.  Heh.

I managed to shave a minute off my previous PR however I think we had slightly longer runs then (we've moved location and now have accurately measured run distances) so I'm not sure how to relate this to that.  I felt stronger in the swings but running is still my biggest weakness and so to get better at this WOD I'll have to focus on that.

Muscle-Up Skills
1 minute accumulated static ring holds
3 reps to failure of bent arm ring hold

These were hard after the WOD.  I'm sore everywhere (I think moreso from Monday's WODs).  I managed to do 15 then 10 seconds of static ring holds without assistance then grabbed the yellow band (smallest) for the other 35 seconds and I believe did 10-15-10.

Coach Pete also suggested I do some bent arm holds on the rings - no idea what to call these - see picture below (middle guy).  I did three reps of these for max time and they were really hard.  My feet were still on the ground but out in front of me.  This is definitely an area where I'll have to focus.

Funny - I was driving to work this morning and realized that I hold the steering wheel in a false grip, quite amusing to me anyway.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

3/27 - Monday Madness...

Hamstrings quads, glutes, lower back, lats, shoulders, traps, triceps.... no that's not an anatomy lesson, it's a quick review of the muscles in my body that currently hate me.  So sore.  And it's only been 12 hours.  I can't wait to see how the next 24 go as currently I can barely walk up the stairs here at work.

On the bright side, it's only making me better.  Stronger.  Closer to muscle ups and Rx-ing every WOD.

3-3-3-3 one legged deadlifts

This was challenging - required strong focus on good technique otherwise you'd fall over.  Really felt it in my legs on each lift but it was good.  Stronger than I'd expected.  Can't wait to try the (two leg) deadlift ladder again soon and see if I can beat my previous PR of 90kg.

3-5-7-9 x 3
Squat cleans (30/45kg)
Competition push-ups
15:00 - Rx (missed 6 squat cleans and 9 pushups)

 So - first lifting WOD that I've Rx-ed (at least in quite some time).  After the open WODs I knew I had to up my game overall, push myself as no one else is going to.  I need to stop taking the middle ground and go heavier when I can.  12.5 showed me I could do 30kg thrusters so 30kg squat cleans were a go.  I also decided that I was done with knee push-ups.  For some reason even with all my other improvements in the past 8 months of crossfit I've only ever done knee pushups.  Over.

I started out strong on this WOD.  Felt ok but the squat cleans catch up pretty quick.  My legs were hurting.  I also learned I can't count so well so I did the sets of 3 and 5 then on the third set I broke it up into 5 reps and 4 reps for both the squat cleans and the push-ups.  Thankfully at that point I marked off what I'd done on my board and realized I'd missed 7's so I went back and filled in the round of 7.  I probably should have used that round of 9 for the 7's and then done 9's again but I knew as it was I was already close to not finishing.

The first two rounds I got through in about 10 minutes - on pace to finish but I was slowing down quite a lot on the squat cleans.  This is where my games focused mentality started to come through - every rep counts, pick up the bar, do as many as you can, drop the bar, 3-2-1, breathe, pick up the bar, go again until they were done.  I pushed through the round of 7 situps with under 20 seconds left and jumped back onto the bar to get three quick reps in.  It was all I had.  It hurt but I know I gave it my all.  And I'm proud of the jump that I made.  It's going to be slow and hard but I'm getting better and my body knows it (so sore) but I also in a very sadistic way enjoy working so hard.

Muscle-Up Skills
3 x 5 assisted dips for form

Did these on the parallel bars.  The first set I used the orange band as that's what I'd used the other week when we first did this skill.  The following two sets I did with just the yellow (smallest band).  They were extremely hard especially in the 4th and 5th rep but I focused on good form and full range of motion and got them done.  Happy with that.  Slow and steady progress...

Monday, March 26, 2012


So very sore from tonights WOD.

The highlights:
-didn’t finish
-3x5 dips completed one with orange (second smallest) and two with yellow (smallest)
-arms don’t work (pushups)
-legs are broken (squat cleans)

Details tomorrow when I can hold my arms up long enough to type more…


Muscle Up Tutorial

New Focus - Muscle Ups by July 1

So now that the Open is over I've decided it's a good time to establish some goals with small definable targets to help me achieve them.

I learned a ton during the open; new skills, untapped strength.  The open wods really pushed me outside my comfort zone and made me realize that I was capable of more than I was doing in my regular workout.  I had never done toes to bar in a workout but did well in 12.3 and have since done them Rx in another box programmed wod.  I didn't even know I could do an unassisted chest to bar pull-up (had never thought to even try) and I did 18 on 12.5 with 3 consecutive even on 12.5 redo.  I PRed on all the weighted movements through the games and with all this new found knowledge I want to keep progressing in leaps and bounds and muscle ups.

So, the target for July* 1st is:
-one full muscle up

Muscle-up Breakdown (how I'll achieve this goal)
deep ring dip by end of next month (April 30 latest)
then aim for 5 the next month (May 31 latest)
1 strict unassisted pull up (April 30)
5 unassisted pullups (May 31)
comfort with false grip

- regular practice on assisted dips through the full range of motion (on parallel bars in the box) - progressing from orange band to unassisted - Mondays will be the day to do 3 sets of 5 dips)
-static ring holds - Tuesday or Wednesdays - accumulate 1 minute of ring holds using false grip (may increase over time)
-strict pullups - 3 sets of 5 strict pullups on Thursdays (may alternate with HSPU's - full range of motion depending on state of my hands - currently not great) - need to progress down from orange (I think) band

This seems like a narrow focus and a simplistic approach but I think if I stick to it I'll be able to see results each week and it will work for me.  I have no excuses to not do the movements before or after wods so if you see me out there hold me accountable or work in with me.

*July will be a year since I've moved to Australia and a year from when I've seen old friends - I'm going back to visit then and want to be in the best shape I can be (we all know the feeling)

3/25 - 2012 Open WOD 12.5 Redo(?)

So... after two days of rest I was back at the box yesterday to give 12.5 another try.  I had a different plan to approach the workout than the previous one which was every rep was a bonus (considering I didn't think I could do c2b going in).  This time I wanted to rest less on the thrusters - do the 3's and 6's unbroken, go for 5 and 4 and then hopefully 6 and 6 if I got that far (got through those first 6 last go).

Anyway, my plan fell apart quite quickly though I still persevered and learned a ton.

I started strong, 3 thrusters and (woo-hoo) 3 consecutive c2b, 6 solid thrusters and then I fell apart.  I managed the first 3 c2b as either 2 and 1 or all singles, can't quite remember and that was it.  After that I couldn't get any more c2b.  I kept trying for probably 5.5 minutes too.  Coach Kirst was encouraging and helpful and although I was at times getting high enough my chest wouldn't touch.  It was needless to say a little frustrating.  I couldn't figure it out. 

I remember looking at the clock with about 2 minutes remaining and for an instant I thought about giving up right there - I mean I already posted a solid score and knew I wasn't going to come close to it but then just as quickly as the thought entered my mind it disappeared.  Crossfitters don't quit.  And I didn't.  I made a million more attempts (it would be interesting to have counted how many I missed) right until the clock ran out.  I remember seeing 7 seconds left and made one more attempt just trying to get one more to count but alas, not to be.

After a while my arms were getting tired and I had nothing left to pull with for that last bit/ second kick to touch the bar.  I'm glad I did it though.  Glad I gave it a try.  I find it's not often we continue to fail on such a large scale in our WODs - if this had been a general workout (and not the open WOD) after 4 or 5 failed attempts I would have scaled the movement and moved on from there and wouldn't have gotten that 'never' quit lesson.  That perseverance.  The struggle made me stronger.  And that in itself is a reason why I can call this workout a success.  I got better.

Friday, March 23, 2012

3/22 - 2012 Open WOD 12.5

CrossFit Games WOD 12.5
Complete as many reps as possible in 7 minutes following the rep scheme below:
3 Barbell Thrusters (30/45kg)
3 Chest to bar Pull-ups
6 Barbell Thrusters
6 Chest to bar Pull-ups
9 Barbell Thrusters
9 Chest to bar Pull-ups…
This is a timed workout. If you complete the round of 9, go on to 12. If you complete 12, go on to 15, etc.
42 (finished round of 9 plus 6 thrusters)

This was awesome.  I am so happy with how I did given I hadn't done a single unassisted chest to bar pull up before this workout.  Coach Kirst told me to try the mixed grip before the class and I gave it a shot and got one rep which gave me some confidence - don't get me wrong, wasn't pretty at all, lots of extra kicks but I did it which was better than I thought going in.  I was ready.

For the first time I was ready to just tackle the games WOD, I wasn't nervous *until* the clock started beeping... 3-2-1... and then I was off.  For some reason the thrusters felt easy even though my previous max was only 25.5.  Big reflection of the strength I've gained over the past few months with doing 30kg no problem.  Full set of three.

Moved on to the C2B and got the first two consecutively.  I was excited.  One more and it was back to the thrusters.  Coach Match had reminded me to keep my heart rate low, don't rush too much just keep moving steadily so that was a focus.  I busted out all 6 thrusters and then I think I was back to single C2B's but they weren't that hard.  I was using a box to reach the bar rather than jumping and a mixed grip.  I'd complete the rep, drop off the bar and then move to set up for the next one, nice and steady.

I did the 9 thrusters in sets of 3.  And then moved on to the C2B with just under 2 minutes left.  I knew I could complete the round of 9 and that became my focus.  I missed one rep - I think the 7th which put a bit more pressure on me but I was steady, drop down and right back up, no wasted time.  I managed to finish with about 20 or so seconds left and got right on the bar - busted out 6 straight thrusters before time elapsed.

Note - when trying to get reps done quickly - get your head out of the way - on the first thruster of the last set I pushed the bar right into my chin... ouch!  Thankfully no bruise today - *that* would be hard to explain.  Heh.

I was stoked with this wod.  I can't really convey how happy this made me.  The excitement was amazing.  I still have a smile on my face.

I realized afterwards that my approach to this WOD was different than so many others where I have a target score or time, etc.  For this one I didn't have that pressure since I didn't think I could do C2B so every one I got were a bonus.  I wasn't focused on the clock until the last 2 minutes when I knew I could likely get the 9 C2B completed but that was about it.  I was just focused on staying steady and keeping moving.  My heart wasn't trying to bust out of my chest but I was focused.  Different mentality and I loved it.

Like I said, super happy with this.  Was doing my little awkward dance after the class.  Coach Match also told me that I'm done with bands for pull-ups...uh-oh.  Not sure I'm ready for *that* just yet.  But progress... definitely progress.  Practice, practice, practice.

After WOD
3 rounds
10 single-arm KB swings
KB shuttle run
2:57 (16kg KB)

This was a fun little after-wod.  My hands were pretty beat up and I had to be a little careful on the one armed swings but happily I didn't tear any skin (really need to moisturize - reminder!).  Kept at this steadily without stopping which really helped.

Great day at the box.  Super happy with being able to see my progress (I couldn't for a while) and also thankful for the open wods which helped me in so many ways (more on that to come in another post).

Thursday, March 22, 2012


Got a score of 42 on 12.5 which I am super stoked about considering before today I had never done a single chest to bar pull up - today, today I got 18!!!  They were all single reps but I did them to games standards.  Couldn't have been happier to get through the round of 9's and throw in some additional thrusters.

Better recap tomorrow but for now...  WOO-HOO!!!

3/21 - Yay... toes to bar!

3-3-3 working sets of clean & press

Work up to a weight that is hard but doable, then do three sets.  I managed 38kg - this was a clean and press in a smooth motion so while I could have gone heavier I would have paused after the clean before push pressing so I didn't go higher.  Was happy with this weight.  The Open WODs have been great at helping me further skills (see below) and become more confident with heavier weights so that's been great.

Toes to bar
8:50 (Rx, orange band for pistols)

This was a fun WOD - yes I say that even in the face of burpees.  Coach Match asked me how I was feeling after Monday's WOD (90 pullups) since everyone seemed to be sore and I said I was good - that was until we started the warm-up and as we were doing bear walks across the box I felt my shoulders rebel just a bit.

I was excited (strangely) for toes to bar even though my hands are pretty wrecked (need to moisturize more - which I'm currently doing Brenda!).  I learned a ton about this movement in 12.3 thanks to awesome judging/coaching by Coach Tim and was stoked to be getting them in (mostly) sets of 4 for all rounds except the last.  Solid.  I didn't miss a rep either.  I was able to do them without kipping, just staying solid through my core and really focusing on bringing my knees high before flicking up my feet.  Loved it. (except for my hands but I just kept telling myself that they were going to hurt anyway so I might as well get back on the bar).

The pistols were painful for my legs but they are getting better.  Ended up doing one extra burpee as on the transition after the 12 toes to bar I though burpees were next and did one before realizing I'd missed pistols.  Oops.

The burpees were actually what felt like the easy part on this WOD.  Nice and steady (learned from 12.1).  And 12 reps seems like nothing after a solid 7 minutes of them so there's that. 

500 row / 400m run
4:14 (approx. 2min row, 2:14 400m)

I hate this WOD - we do it every few months and I knew what it was as soon as I walked into the box and saw the (2) rowers lined up.  I very strongly dislike rowing.  I think it goes back to my dragon boating days where we had to do winter training indoors in Toronto because the lake was frozen (and it was freaking cold).  We would have fitness testing where we'd have to row 10 minutes for distance.  It sucked.  I remember those days still as my legs would cramp up so bad when I was done that I couldn't actually stand up.  Hated it every time.  I'm thankful that I can mentally push through 2 minutes for 500m - the first minute is okay and the hurt starts but then you quickly realize that you're half way done and can struggle through.  I was slow starting the run as my hamstrings and glutes revolted and didn't want to move.  Heh.

A note to any of the gals wearing running skirts while rowing - don't - it will snag on the seat and make your life very difficult.  This happened to me a while back and while I warned Brenda to tuck it in apparently that still didn't help as it still came out through the movement.  But still... the lululemon skirts are cute so worth it?  Perhaps.

Open WOD 12.5 tonight... going to learn chest to bar pull-ups apparently - not sure I can do them at all... eek!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

3/20 - single unders suck...

Accumulate 30 ring dips or parallel bar dips

This was a great skill session as we have a new (to our box/ very old) parallel bar set that was fun to play on.  Using a band really helped me get the full range of motion as well through the dip.  I'll have to practice a ton more of these if I ever want to get a muscle up one day (yes!)

WOD (20 minute cut-off)
100 single-unders
10 pull-ups
100m run
200 single-unders
20 pull-ups
200m run
300 single-unders
30 pull-ups
300m run
200 single-unders
20 pull-ups
200m run
100 single-unders
10 pull-ups
100m run
19:32 (red band for pull-ups)

This was horrible.  Single unders take so long to do and I just want to speed up into DU's.  Was a pretty big task plus is severely challenged my ability to count that high.  Heh.  I was happy though to do the 300-200-100 on the last three sets all unbroken.  Huge feat.  I talked myself through that 300 initially promising myself that I could break it into 3x100 reps but as I neared 100 I figured I'd just go until I stumbled which by 150 hadn't happened.  I figured why not go for 200 and by the time I was there I decided it would be harder to stop and start again rather than just (finally) finishing them out so I did.  After that convincing myself to do 200 consecutive was almost a challenge (to see if I could).  On the last round I was really fighting the clock so knew I had to go all out.

The pull-ups hurt.  I (for the first time in ages) wasn't at all fatigued going into a WOD however with the high number of reps and the poor state of my (cracking) hands I went for a heavier band.  I did the first set with just the orange and then after two reps on the second round went up to the red band.  It was a good decision and thankfully I didn't do any further damage to my hands.  I was using a bit of a different grip as well:

From Crossfit Journal re: this grip, CrossFitter Pär Larsson has this to say about getting a proper grip:

When doing pull-ups, keep your metacarpals in line with your proximal phalanges; i.e., your hand bones and the first bones in your fingers. This sucks because it’s harder to do pull-ups with your center of gravity an inch lower, and it takes more finger/ forearm strength. The first week or two or five, you might have to go back to using a band sometimes, or doing jumping pull-ups on a box, or using an easier band. I understand this might hurt your pride, your ego and your self-esteem like it did mine, but as long as I get the workout I need I see no need to care much if I beat my friends in an everyday training environment... Plus, I don’t have to worry about caring for ripped and bleeding hands.

As Larsson points out, “[t]his “training grip” eliminates tons of friction on the top inside of your palm muscles and skin, which is what causes the ubiquitous blisters there.” Friction is further reduced if you keep your core tight during kipping pull-ups, keeping your movement compact.
 So I was trying to use this grip and not kip as much to protect my hands.  I really noticed how much of a difference keeping a solid core made as well.  It was a good learning experience even as I went slower and only managed sets of 5's and 3's or 2's.

The running, well what can you say about it?  It was just running.  Good to be getting some in again but also was a bit daunting when out on the 300m run knowing you had to go back in and basically do it all over again.  Snuck in just under the 20 minute mark which I was happy with - especially as I was cranking out the last 10 pull-ups.  Definitely feeling it all today, glad it's a rest day!

Friday, March 16, 2012

3/15 - 2012 Open WOD 12.4

CrossFit Games WOD 12.4
12 min AMRAP
150 wall-balls (6kg/9kg)
90 double-unders
30 muscle-ups

Really, really, really wanted to get to the double-unders but didn't get through the wall balls in time.  I'm not disappointed - still think I *can* do better but given that this was only the second time I've done wall balls and it took me some time to get into the rhythm of it I'm content.  I struggled for the first bit with catching the ball and then flowing right into the next rep, often times the ball would come off close to the wall and rather than use my energy to try and catch it I'd let it drop which in hindsight probably cost me a lot of time - pacing is huge on this one.  I may or may not try it again tomorrow (right now my quads say no).  If I do I think I'll go into it with more of a game plan - aim for 20 reps in each of the first two minutes (possible?) perhaps 15 for a few minutes then 10's.  I think if I had this target to get (like with the burpees) then it might help to eliminate rest/ push through.  Probably still a dream goal but I'd like to give it a try.

One thing that really helped me as I started to get tired was to aim for above the men's 10' line which meant I was clearing the 9' women's line every time because getting called on a no rep after all that energy really sucks.

It was really inspiring to see Angie and Kirst do the WOD in the class after - I stayed around to watch.  Those girls are amazing and hardcore.  Loved it.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

3/13 - running, lots and lots of running...

My body is still tired and I'm so glad today is a rest day.  My lats are killing from Monday's WOD (HSPU's and pull-ups), definitely feeling the soreness and exhaustion kicking in.

5-5-5-5 back squat

Worked through these with Coach Kirst which was good.  Nice to have someone to push me to go heavier.  She and Coach Match spotted me on the last round so I had even more motivation to get through it though the last rep felt really hard.  Was happy though as this is my current back squat PR.  I knew though that this wasn't going to help in the WOD - my quads were going to pay the price during the runs.

6 rounds
10 KB swings
20 double-unders
300m run
15:37 (14kg KB, DU's)

I struggled mentally with choosing a KB for this WOD.  With only 10 swings I could have done 20kg but my body was telling me that it probably wasn't the best idea so I dropped down to 14kg which allowed me to go a little faster through the WOD and not entirely kill my shoulders.

My DU's were solid - the first two rounds and the last were unbroken and the middle 2 I think I tripped up once.  It was really hard though as the KB swings weren't long enough to drop your heart rate at all so this was a solid cardio WOD when the DU's also went so fast.

Running is definitely a weakness of mine and we haven't had much running programmed into the WODs the last while because Coach Match is kind enough to let us stay in the air conditioned box when temperatures are hovering near 40 degrees Celsius outside.   I managed to get out the door slightly ahead of Kirst (who was doing 20kg KB swings) each round and knew that she was targeting me on the run every time and I was motivated to go a little harder to stay in front.  This hurt.  As I mentioned we were back in the box for swings and DU's for what felt like mere seconds (less than a minute?) before running again.  It was a solid accomplishment - didn't love it but survived which is sometimes all you can do.

My quads got a bit of a workout in too - after writing my score on the board and stepping down from the box I was on I had jello legs, it was quite funny.  Don't feel it as much today but it might set in a bit later, we'll see. 

I'm happy I listened to my body and went lighter on the swings as I'm feeling all kinds of sore muscles today in my lats (especially) and my shoulders. Dreamed last night of getting a massage so maybe I'll have to line one up, it's most definitely needed right now - any volunteers?  Haha.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

3/12 - "Mary Likes to Clean"

No rest/ taking it easy on my aching shoulders today... I silently cursed Coach Tim after reading this on the board and hearing it was his head that came up with it.  My shoulders are tired - I was going to go easy but with this one... not going to happen.  The WOD:

WOD – “Mary likes to clean”:
20 minute AMRAP -
1 attempt max clean
10 pistols
15 pull-ups
Score = total weight cleaned

The first two cleans were at 40.5kg then the next 6 were at 45.5 (new PR!).  My technique however was getting a little weird on the heavier weight - for some reason I tend to jump back rather than down and under the bar - something to really focus on when we work on heavier stuff - hopefully there's more change to practice these movements.

I loved the handstand push-ups... loved (basically because there were only 5).  I lowered down to an ab mat on a 10kg plate and was able each round to do 5 consecutive with a kip on my last rep (to practice).  The pistols were easy enough to get through (I used a red band) and the pullups were hard but doable.  I did the first two reps of each set unassisted (big improvement here) and then the rest with the red band.  Usually I'd use the orange band maximum (bands from lowest to highest at our box - yellow, orange, red, blue) but the condition of my shoulders wasn't going to allow it - I needed to pull back somewhere and this was the place to do it. 

I enjoyed this one after it was done - though cursed it all the way through.  Time seemed to pass quite quickly.  I need a bit of rest so hopefully tonight isn't shoulder heavy and/or completely scalable.  I'm down with going light.  Then tomorrow is a rest day before gearing up for 12.4 on Thursday night.

Also, I got to play DJ for tonights WOD... always a daunting task as you don't want anyone to hate your music as for it to be changed but at one point Stimo did ask for just that - I don't blame him however as Weezer's Surf Wax America is energetic crossfit music for the first half then slows down way too low - oops.  Anyway, here's the playlist (not all songs were played)... if anyone has more music suggestions let me know, I'm going to update/ alter this one for future WODs.

Papillion - Airborne Toxic Event
The Boys of Summer - Ataris
So What'cha Want - Beastie Boys
All the Small Things - Blink 182
Livin' on a Prayer - Bon Jovi
All I Want - A Day to Remember
Epic - Faith No More
Great Expectations - Gaslight Anthem
Holiday - Green Day
Nosebleed Section - Hilltop Hoods
Constructive Summer - Hold Steady
Bittersweet Dirt Off Your Shoulder - Jay-Z vs The Verve
Somebody Told Me - The Killers
My Way - Limp Bizkit
One Step Closer - Linkin Park (need more linkin park)
Uprising - Muse
Summer of 69 - MxPx
Smells Like Teen Spirit - Nirvana
The Kids Aren't Alright - Offspring
B.O.B - Outkast
Jumpstart - These Kids Wear Crowns
I Wanna Dance with Somebody - The Kids Wear Crowns (because we had an all Whitney playlist one day)
Surf Wax America - Weezer (to be deleted)

Monday, March 12, 2012

Weekend (Paleo) Confessions

I have to admit it I had a really bad Paleo(ish) weekend... it was hot - I'm talking 40 degree hot and food was not appealing to me at all.  I found that rather than eat well I just didn't eat most of Saturday - had a protein smoothie with mango and banana before redoing WOD 12.3 and afterwards an delightful coffee.  Post beach there was a nectarine that I grabbed at the market then nothing until dinner which was a homemade hamburger, pickle and sweet potato - nothing was very appealing - me and food were not friends.

That night I had a hot (12 year old) date to see Hugo and of course he had all the good snacks packed.  I ate a ton of grapes but have to confess that I did sneak a few of his extra spicy doritos (tasty so I was quite please when he polished off the bag).

Sunday was pretty much the same all over again.  I had another smoothie for breakfast (about the only thing lately that is still appealing to me) and then an apple as the 12 year old and I wandered around Adventure World.  I had way too much sun even while trying to stay in the shade and in the water to remain cool - my stomach just wasn't that happy.  I had a coke slushie on the way home with him because it was just so hot (though didn't have any coffee) and skipped lunch (food wasn't appealing).  Relaxed for about an hour then it was off to SUP so I knew I needed some calories - grabbed a Lara Bar and inhaled most of it and lots and lots of water.

After another 3.5 hours at the beach, paddling and playing in the water I was famished.  Dinner was a massive pork chop, brussel sprouts and asparagus but I also added some potatoes to my plate - they were what was appealing to me most of all that food - with a little butter and salt they were heaven.  Post dinner I also indulged further with some salt and vinegar chips which while tasty didn't sit well in my belly - but the 12 yo was eating them right in front of me and I couldn't resist the temptation.  Considering the lack of food all weekend they weren't a big deal calorie wise* but I know that they weren't the healthiest option and the feeling I had afterwards confirmed the fact.

Hopefully with the temperature dropping (slightly) and being back at work (air conditioning) I'll get back on track in the food department (eating enough and well).

I know it wasn't a great weekend but I'm back at it full on this week - and once the company leaves my house all those temptations will be gone as well.

*I do not believe in counting calories AT ALL.  I don't think this is a good way to maintain health but it warrants it's own post another day...

3/11 - Sunday SUP Session

2 x 1km out and back

Today was hot (photo evidence below) and meant being in/on/near the water was a requirement.  Wind/ tide conditions weren't conducive to a downwinder so we met at the beach to do some out and back repeats - a 1km loop from the beach to a yellow  marker.

My shoulders hurt.  As noted in the last post I'm tired.  Give the direction of the little runners it was basically a one sided paddle on the way out and then again on the way back only on the opposite side.  about half way out my shoulder would just blow up - so done but I still kept it steady and solid.  I struggled turning both times I went and fell in though the water was a refreshing cool off.  I'm working on being able to move my feet on the board and figure out best positioning for different conditions.  Loving it.

So much for a rest day... 

Yesterday's Temp (officially high of 41.2C)

3/10 - 12.3 redo

12.3 redo... 
CrossFit Games WOD 12.3
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 18 minutes of:
15 box jumps (20/24″)
12 push presses (34/52kg)
9 toes-to-bar
168 reps (4 rounds plus 24 reps)….

Really happy with the 24 extra reps and with my (improved) toes to bar.

Happy with this. I knew 5 was going to be a stretch but was better on the t2b this time (quicker/ only 3 no reps) so that was good.  Box jumps still felt solid and steady though still have to work on bouncing right back up (short leg problems).  Definitely felt tired on the push presses with just over one day off. Glad to have done it though it still hurt as much as the first time.  Coach Tim had a good post about looking at the clock with about 8-10 minutes left and having moments of quitting (especially having already posted a score) but then they get pushed aside by just doing one more rep, one more.  Keep going and then suddenly you're looking at less than 2 minutes and give it your all.

Thanks to Oli for judging me and Vicki for cheering (and keeping Oli's count correct).  I didn't feel any need for cursing this time (sorry Tim).

I still get very nervous doing these WODs - can't wait to get started and then once we're going it's all good.  Surprising when doing it for the second time.

My body needs some rest - 5 out of 6 days of heavy overhead movements have taken their toll on my shoulders - so tired.  I think I'll be going lighter next week before gearing up for 12.4.

Friday, March 9, 2012

3/8 - 2012 Open WOD 12.3

CrossFit Games WOD 12.3
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 18 minutes of:
15 box jumps (20/24″)
12 push presses (34/52kg)
9 toes-to-bar
143 reps (3 rounds 35 reps - 1 shy of 4 rounds)

This WOD was tough and quite a change up from the first two open WODs.  First off it had more than one movement and secondly it was almost twice as long as the others.  Going in I was quite worried about the push presses taking their toll on me (previous PR was 33kg - Feb. 7/12).  My goal was 5 rounds though Coach Tim told me to aim for 6 (he was judging me and it was awesome).

I started out feeling strong.  The box jumps were steady and once again I was able to jump up and down though I'm still unable to bounce right back up without resetting (something to work on).  The push presses came easier than expected - I think I did two sets of 6 the first round using the push press.  The toes to bar were where I struggled - it was the timing not really muscle fatigue (though my heart rate was definitely up).  Of all the movements this was the one that killed my score.  I could at best (and not often) string two together.   Coach Tim was fantastic though - encouraging and patient with just enough get back on that bar/box/stop resting aggression.  He was also very good to have coaching me through the toes to bar movement - being solid, fully extending forward/ utilising the full kip motion/ just going for it.  I'm confident that I can do better on these on Saturday morning when I re-do this WOD.  Will be gunning for 5 rounds!

The good:
-steady through the box jumps and jumped up/down on each round
-solid through the push presses - used split jerk on all but the first round but kept sets of 4 each go with a relatively short rest between those
-transition between movements was quick and got right on the next movement for at least one rep before taking a breather - Coach Match has been encouraging us to do this lately and it's working
-I maintained a level of hurt throughout but didn't want to die (or at least I've already blocked those feelings out)
-Tim was an awesome Coach/Judge
-Loved the vibe in the box doing this WOD even though only 3 of us were Rx-ing it everyone was going for it and also providing encouragement.  I recall staring and the bar for t2b and Bonnie standing across from me at her bar and she gave me energy in a few words - I also heard others (Brenda especially) as I pushed through and it was super motivating.  Also seeing Neil solid and steady and continuous on the t2b made me struggle through them harder.  The energy was fantastic.
-The time didn't feel as long as it sounded up front - the 18 minutes went by rather quickly
-I didn't swear at Coach Tim even as he told me things were looking easy for me (and I actually wanted to die)
-my new inov-8 xf 210 shoes... awesome

The bad:
-toes to bar - really need to get angry at these and just go for it on Saturday morning

Week Five - (Still) Practically Paleo...

This week was a bit tougher as I spent 4 days traveling around the southern part of WA and therefore eating out.  I found breakfast pretty easy (eggs can be found anywhere) and car snacks weren't so bad (beef jerky*, nuts, fruit) but dinners were a challenge.  Even when I ordered salads at places with dressing on the side it still came covered in dressing which was odd - especially since it happened twice.  Have to remember to just go with NO dressing.

Favorite recipe this week: Paleo Almond Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins

Also per a discussion with Coach Match, started adding cinnamon to my morning coffee - coffee inhibits weight loss, cinnamon enhances it (combined they cancel each other out?).  Regardless, it's a tasty addition and I quite like the little hint of spiciness it adds.

Non-Paleo Indulgences (Feb 29- March 7)
Daily coffee with full fat milk
spoonful of nutella
pre-packaged almond milk (daily except weekend
dressing on salad (2)
vanilla ice cream with chocolate sauce (Gabriele's Chocolate Factory - couldn't resist)

*managed to find packaged beef jerky that had no preservatives (called Road Kill) - ingredients included soy and chili and spices and it was a great road trip food.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

3/7 - more KB's and DU's

3 rounds -
10 deadlifts (50/80kg)
30 double-unders
15 box jumps (20/24″)
6:32 Rx

Coach Match is gearing us up for the next three open WOD's which are sure to include double unders and box jumps (confirmed as part of 12.3 today).  This was a fun little WOD.  I didn't feel the burn so much in my quads going from the deadlifts to the DU's as I recall from doing this combination in the past - perhaps because my DU's are so much better or because my legs just felt pretty rested having been doing more overhead upper body stuff lately.

That being said the box jumps were a killer - my heart rate was high after the DU's so that transition was tough.  I tried to get the first jump in immediately after finishing the DU's which was good for me - tough but something I have to get better at (getting right onto the next movement without rest).  I tried to do sets of 3 or so though I can't yet land on the ground and jump right back up again (I need to reset and then go), I did jump all of them (up and down) - the pause at the top to fully extended (competition style) takes a bit of getting used to though in terms of timing.  Good practice though and loving the new shoes a ton!

2 min KB swings – score = kgs x reps
36 x 20kg = 720

This one hurt a lot.  I'm tired of throwing heavy things over my head.  Monday - 12.2 Snatches, Tuesday WOD - KB swings (at 20kg), yesterday - more KB swings (at 20kg).  Of course 12.3 gets released today (doing this for the first time tonight) and it's push presses (will be a new PR - 35kg overhead).  Ugh.  Anyway, I didn't beat my previous max for this WOD which was 51 swings at 16kg (816 total) but I'm okay with it.  I did as many as I could do and at a higher weight this time.  The biggest difference though between the 16kg KB and the 20kg KB for me is that I can muscle the 16kg right over head on the first go where with the 20kg I need at least a half swing (two last night) to get the momentum to get it overhead... so once I can get it directly overhead I'll have 10 more reps on my score... my reps broke down as follows: 15-10-6-5.  I'm really happy I got 15 on the first set as the previous night during the WOD doing 10 was killing me.

Getting ready for tonight - mentally set (though physically tired).  Will give this one a go once, get familiar with how it feels and probably rest Friday and do it again on Saturday morning.  Ready for more PRs!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

3/6 - KB's and DU's

60 double-unders
30 KB swings (20kg KB)
40 double-unders
20 KB swings
20 double-unders
10 KB swings
800m run
12:49 Rx

This was a fun WOD but I felt tired in my shoulders.  Normally I can string a full set of 30 KB swings at 20kg but not today - I think the first set I was barely managing 10, the second set was 5 or so and then the third I managed 10 again together.  It took me a lot of time in between but I was still tired/hurting from the snatches on Monday.

My double unders were alright - tripped up a few times on the first two rounds again I think because of tired shoulders but I pulled them out pretty quick.  This WOD was a real lung burner - not much time to catch your breath before going at it again and then... an 800m run in really hot weather (it was 38C yesterday) was tough but even though I wanted to walk I kept going, slowly but still running.

Fun day to be back at it after a long weekend.  Tonight is skills work which will be good.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

3/5 - 12.2 Part 2... a day my crossfit world changed...

I’ve almost cried
by the way a wod has challenged me mentally, physically,
from setting PR’s, finding comfort in a move that eluded me
and mostly because of satisfaction, pushing farther, faster, breaking barriers.

Yesterday I cried for all of the reasons above but mostly because of that last point.  I cried because I was proud of myself.  It was my proudest moment in crossfit thus far.

Collapsed on the floor the tears finally came.  An enormous smile spread slowly across my face and still I cried.  It was a ridiculous contrast, emotions bursting from somewhere deep inside me.  I was proud.

It was the satisfaction of doing better, pushing farther.  Of Match’s words – words that I can’t recall, a sentiment that I can even now barely capture but a reaction I can still feel the essence of.   A hug and a pat on the back, a sense of joy – coach and athlete – success through hard work. 

During  12.2 my crossfit world was altered.  It was the first time I felt so immensely proud of myself, of what I had accomplished in those mere ten minutes.  I can’t quite grasp specifically what caused the shift but it still leaves a smile imprinted on my face more than 24 hours later.  It might have been the final score, besting my previous by 15 reps – but that seems too simplistic.  It could have been the courage as I faced a weight that had mere days before been unthinkable, overcoming fear.  I think though it was the sense of accomplishment.  Lifting heavy, repeatedly.  The motivation and inspiration of those around me.  Encouragement.  Of hearing the words that I wasn’t just bettering myself but also my team – the urge to fight harder. For them.  For me.  A moment that I dreamed of, had doubts on whether I could actually achieve and smashed it anyway.  I didn’t quite make 60, that was the stretch goal, ideally I was hoping for 50, I’ll take 57.  A very satisfying 57.

Those ten minutes were a culmination of all the heavy weights I’ve picked up over the past few months – trying to Rx every workout even while finishing last.  Slow.  I couldn’t see my progress through the wods but yesterday, it all shone through.  Finally.  It was the reward I’d been unknowingly searching for.  In my first few months of crossfit the improvements were exponential – if not by time then by weight, by weight and then time.  Growth.  Lately though, I’d been feeling like I had plateaued, unreasonably, a mental barrier solely but still it was present.  Yesterday though I broke through – went harder, heavier and it most definitely felt like it counted for something more than the Open score I posted.  Though that’s always rewarding too.

Paleo Almond Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins

I made some paleo almond banana chocolate mini-muffins yesterday and they are little bite sized bits of deliciousness. 

Original Recipe follows (italics highlight my changes/additions)

Almond Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins
3/4 cup almond butter
1 cup almond flour
3 medium ripe bananas, mashed (used 4 bananas and blended them)
2 eggs
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon (I probably used more than this and also topped the muffins with more)
1/3 cup plus more for topping muffins Enjoy Life Chocolate Chips (I coarsely chopped up some dark chocolate rather than using premade chips which all seemed like they were full of junk)

I also added:
some flax (linseed) whole for texture
some coconut 
I didn't measure these

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  
Spray a muffin pan with coconut spray - I used a mini-muffin tray for bit sized muffins
In a mixing bowl, combine all ingredients except chocolate chips and mix everything is incorporated.  
Using a blender, blend bananas, eggs and almond butter
In a bowl mix all dry ingredients (except chocolate)
Stir blender mixture into bowl mixture
Now stir chocolate chips into batter.  
Pour batter into prepared muffin tin. 
Top muffins with a few additional chocolate chips cinnamon
Bake for 20 – 25 minutes, or until golden and a toothpick inserted in center comes out clean.  
Let the muffins cool and remove from pan.

The first batch (yielded approx. 48 mini-muffins)

Thursday, March 1, 2012

3/1 - 2012 Open WOD 12.2

Crossfit Games 12.2
Proceed through the sequence below completing as many reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
30 Snatch (M 75 / F 45 lbs)
30 Snatch (M 135 / F 75 lbs)
30 Snatch (M 165 / F 100 lbs)
Max Rep Snatch (M 210 / F 120 lbs)
My score - 42
Was aiming for 5 reps at 75lbs (35kg)… NEW PR!!!  Previous was back in December at 28kg so getting 12 reps at 35kg was HUGE.  I am stoked with what I did on this one - now if my coach can approve my score I might (for a brief period of time) be first in the world/ Australia depending… haha.

It was great doing this WOD with Coach Match judging me one on one as I got a ton of feedback on technique which was helping me get that bar overhead (once I got past the fear of it) and I really want to do this WOD again (though I don't know that I will be able to as I'm away all weekend).  I feel that knowing the tips that I do now (feel the weight before pulling, straight arms, full hip extension, fast feet) I could probably do more reps before time runs out.  I liked this WOD though, was great to see my improvements.