Friday, June 29, 2012

6/28 - pull-ups and burpees oh my...

Another day at the box today...

60 second bench press

39 reps/ 20kg

Went with 20kg again even though I knew I wouldn't be able to get 60 reps with how tired I (still) am.  I wanted to use the same weight as I did last time however just to compare.  I last did this on April 2nd and got 40 reps at 20kg so I'm happy to (almost) match that here given that I should do better on a more rested day with the progress and strength I've added over the last two months.  I'll take it.  Once again it was quite interesting just how fast it got tiring - one second you're busting out steady reps and the next it's like an off switch was flipped and it's almost impossible to push the weight.

Wide grip pull-ups
Burpee broad jumps
15:14 (14 reps remaining at 15 minute cut-off)

I finished off the last 14 reps probably a minute after the time expired.  With about 2 minutes remaining I decided that I was finishing it no matter how long it took so I'm glad with that.  The pull-ups were hard on my hands and that was the limiting factor with me taking care to lower slowing rather than link the reps so that my hands didn't tear.  Thankfully no tears!

The burpee broad jumps were way more tiring than normal burpees though the chalk hand prints along the floor were quite amusing to look at.

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