Friday, June 8, 2012

6/7 - loving the bar...

Today's WOD (per usual) looked deceptively easy but I knew that generally the rep schemes of 15-12-9 or in this instance 12-9-6 always look easier than they end up being.  I figured this would hurt given that it was all bar work... at the start I actually was wishing the thrusters were burpees (and who ever actually wishes for burpees?)

Power snatch (45/60kg)
 14:15 (33kg)

This was hard.  Fortunately I was working facing Oli and we were almost matched in terms of how we were breaking up the reps and this helped - though I think upon reflection we were actually pushing each other rather than having set reps to get through and were waiting on the other to put the bar down - either way it pushed us both.

The power snatches felt solid and when I was fatiguing at the end I was dropping under them a bit more and that definitely was helping as I didn't have to pull the bar as high.  The OHS were tough - at one point on the round of 9 (I think it might have even been the last rep) I dropped the bar while in the squat position which immediately notified Coach Tim was he was perhaps a little too close to me as he quickly jumped away (sorry Tim!). 

The thrusters just plain old sucked.  Tired legs, tired arms, it was a slog just trying to get through them.  There's really nothing more I can say about these except they were tough.  I did a lot of resting in the rack position which I think at least saved me a bit more time (similar to what I did last week with the front squats). 

I was most definitely right when I thought that this would be deceptively hard.   While I didn't feel too sore in any particular place last night after the WOD I definitely did this morning when I woke up and rolled over - my legs - hamstrings mostly but also my quads were definitely rebelling and the reason I didn't make the noon WOD with the boys - had to save myself up for comp training...

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