Monday, June 4, 2012

6/3 - Sunday Park WOD

I've been getting all kinds of extra WODs in lately mostly I think because Tim is so eager to do them as well so having a partner in crime makes it easier to get out of a warm bed on a Sunday morning to meet up at 7:30 - that being said, I have questioned who I am lately - I love sleep, I hate waking up early, I'm lazy and yet I'm the one making plans to meet up early to work out... who am I?  It's fun though...

Park WOD
3 rounds
1 run (around the park for me - boys did the stairs down to the beach, along the beach and back up another set of stairs - my calves were too sore for the beach)
5 wall walks
10 pull-ups
15 sit-ups
20 pistols
24:30 (ish)

The run for me wasn't too all out but still tough - my calves are screaming from the 150ish box jumps that we did on Friday.  The wall walks were exceptionally hard especially with there being only 5 of them - it definitely killed the shoulders.

The pull-ups were scary.  When we were playing around/ warming up I was doing a few pull-ups.  I did one and was kipping into the second one with my legs coming up in front of me when I felt my hands slipping.  It felt like slow motion but there was really nothing I could do at that point except tuck my body in tight and hope to not land too awkwardly.  I landed on one side of my body and crunched my left shoulder a bit but was mostly fine (a little sore today).  Tim laughed at me though - well, first he made sure I was okay and then laughed, and still laughs when the story is retold.  Heh.  I was pretty careful on each round and mostly did the pull-ups in one or two rep sets.

The sit-ups were a well earned break before the struggle of the pistols.  Was good to work on them again though I think 20 seemed like an ambitious number - especially as Mark busted out the jump squats so quickly.

I didn't get my heart rate too high on this one but it was a lot of fun and a definite change up to work on some new skills.  I quite enjoyed it - almost as much as the coffee afterward.

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