What this means:
I have chosen to eat strictly primal for the next 21 days, I will also be encouraged and supported by a large group of people that I crossfit with who are also choosing this challenge.
I will eat:
-meat, fish, fowl and eggs (though not actually fish since I do not like it)
-lots of fresh (organic if possible), locally grown vegetables
-healthy fats (animal fats, avocados, coconut products, olive oils, etc)
-in moderation - fruits (in-season, local), quinoa, sweet potatoes and nuts and seeds
-I will spice things up with fresh herbs and spices
Although the primal diet allows for moderate consumption of high fat dairy, coffee, dark chocolate and red wine, I have personally chosen to also forgo these for the full 21 days as I am curious to see what affect this has on my body's performance. I know full well however that after the 21 days I will reintegrate some of these items back into my lifestyle (I LOVE coffee).
In a simplistic form - here's how I'll know if something is Primal/ Paleo friendly...
![]() |
Source (all over the internet) |
We took measurements last night as well (these I will keep to myself) and I have to do before photos hopefully tonight.
We have also been encouraged to do 21 other challenges over the period - these are:
-tell 3 people that you see regularly what you are doing and ask them to help hold you accountable (I think half of the crossfit box knows/ I see so this should hopefully count here)
-clean out your fridge and pantry of all non-primal foods (I'm not tempted - determination for the win)
-drink a glass of water as soon as you wake up in the morning (day one complete)
-prepare your lunch the night before and take it to work with you (I do this in the morning regularly - day one check)
-no labels - have a day where everything you consume doesn't have a 'nutrition facts' label
-chew each mouthful 15 times before swallowing (this might be hard for me as I don't have the patience to count)
-eat a post-workout snack within 20 minutes of working out
-find and cook a new primal recipe (send me your favorites!)
-plant at least one edible plant (I try but they keep dying - will try again)
-buy and eat at least 3 locally grown products
-eat a night-time meal by candle or firelight
-spend an hour a day barefoot (easy, I strongly dislike shoes)
-get 20 minutes of morning/ late afternoon sunlight
-spend at least 5 minutes of the day in quiet contemplation/ meditation
-stand up while you work for 1 hour a day (this will be hard, I work at a desk)
-park your car at the furthest space and walk
-take the stairs every time there is the option
-try something new like a yoga or pilates class or stand up paddling
-get a massage at least once in the next 21 days
-phone or catch up face to face with somebody you normally only connect with via email/ facebook (who wants a phone call?)
-"unplug" at least 2 hours before bed-time - no TV, computer, phone (need some good books!)
-go to bed before 10pm (yes please, I'll try)
Any helpful advice/ tips that have helped you succeed at going Primal/ Paleo? Favorite recipes to share? Jump on in, would love to hear the experiences of others... especially - how did you let go of precious coffee? I am craving it so much right now for no reason other than I can't have it....
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