Thursday, February 9, 2012

2/8 - aching shoulders...

Strength: 3-3-3-3 squat cleans

Coach Match came by after my first round and gave me some good feedback- I was bending my knees out over the bar rather than sending my butt back (technical terms I know!) and because of this I wasn't getting directly under the bar when I dropped into the squat.  I was aware of my movement when coming back into the start position and it really made a difference - made the weight feel lighter and also easier to get into the full depth of the squat without struggling for balance.  I have to remember this.

5 rounds (15 minute cut-off)
15 thrusters (23/35kg)
4/11 (Rx)

I didn't manage to finish in the 15 minute cutoff though I'm not sure I should have been as surprised by this as I was (I did really want to finish).  The first thruster was a clear indication of how sore/tired my shoulders still were from the previous days (killer shoulder) WOD.  Pushing the bar overhead was a challenge.  I managed the first set continuous but then had three rests in each of the next four rounds of thrusters.  Even at the end when time was almost out and Match was in my face encouraging me to just get one more rep, one more rep... motivation that would on any other day would push me beyond my limits wasn't even working... I was tired.  It was so hard.  But I finished (more on that below).

The SDHP's were okay though I still felt the fatigue in my triceps but compared to the thrusters I got through them pretty quickly.  Need to be more aware of my grip on the bar on the first rep because I am not always balanced which makes flowing through the set a little tricky.

I finished!  Yes, after the time was up I collapsed to the floor and then decided I wanted to get the last four reps of thrusters and round of SDHP's done just to have that satisfaction.  Coach said I had 3 minutes... I got it done in 2.  I am glad I put in the extra little bit of work too, it'll pay off in the end.

Today though, today I get to rest.  And I get a massage... perfect timing too, I am sore and tired and sore.  Might try Annie again tomorrow but I'll see how my body feels.  Today though is for taking it easy...

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