Tuesday, February 28, 2012

2/27 - going heavier...

12 min AMRAP
6 cleans (45/60kg)
12 mountain climbers
18 double-unders
5/16 (40kg, Rx)

On November 7, 2011 we did a 1RM clean session and at that point my 1RM (and still current PR) for cleans was 40kg.  Today I did the WOD with 40kg.  It was hard but I did it.  I'm not sure I had any more cleans in me by the end but I managed to move pretty steady and I only missed one rep on the cleans where I just couldn't get it high enough.  I was proud of myself for going this heavy.  Coach Tim gave me some feedback after class - he said that I was using my hips to drive upwards but I was also moving backwards (which I noticed).  I need to keep all my movement in the vertical plane which will help me with the heavier lifts.

The mountain climbers were a killer on my shoulders - I really started to feel the fatigue from the SUP session the day before.  The DU's took my breath away but were pretty steady to bang out - they went quite quickly.

It was a fun WOD today - hard, but I'm happy with the improvements I'm seeing.

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