Wednesday, February 22, 2012

2/21 - Rx, Rx, Rx...

3 rounds
20 push presses (30/45kg)
20 KB swings (20/32kg)
20 double-unders
13:34 Rx

50 sit-ups for time

Tonight's WOD was hard... I knew going in it was going to be.  I wasn't even sure I'd finish in the 15 minute cut-off but I was determined to go Rx.  I knew I could do each movement at the Rx weight what worried me was the number of reps in each round - 20 - that's a lot.

The only thing that got me through it were the fact that I LOVE KB swings and DU's.  This helped.  The push-presses however... well, I don't have any PG-13 words to use to describe them.  They almost made me cry.  I think the first round I got 10/10 then it was sets of 5 from there on out.  In fact I needed motivation just to pick up the bar for my last 5.  Coach Pete was awesome - I caught his attention and I'm pretty sure the look on my face told him everything.  He came over with encouraging words to 'get it done' and then counted me through the last 5.  I knew with him there that I would push myself further - to not put the bar down however much I wanted to until that last rep was done.  I won't deny it - he got me through that - I hated that bar.

On the swings I needed a half swing every time I picked up the KB as I can't muscle the 20 overhead on the first one so I knew that every time I put it down I'd have that extra bit of work so I tried to avoid it.  That being said it was really a mental battle.  I remember staring at the point where the black pull-up bar meets the post - just staring at this one point as I used every ounce of momentum and strength from my legs to get that KB overhead.  The last round I concentrated, told myself to just do 5, break it down into 4 sets but I hit 5 and decided for 7, down to only 3 sets.  After hitting 7, I knew that 10 was only a few more, surely I could push through the pain.  And I did.  Half way there.  Same speech in my head the second time - knowing Brenda was watching, encouraging, seeing my pain was enough to get me there - two sets of 10 done.

The DU's were my 'rest' though being able to do them unbroken all three rounds didn't give me much time to recover, helped me finish under the cut-off though and sometimes that's enough.

When I finished I collapsed to the floor in a pile of sweat, shallow gasps as I struggled to catch my breath, the breeze of the fan to cooling my dripping sweat and I smiled.  A great big smile.  I was proud of myself.  Proud for pushing and fighting the mental battle.  Proud of what my body can do for me.  Proud of how far I have come since I started crossfit 6 months ago.  Proud.  It was a great feeling and I'm so happy I challenged myself and took on the weight of this WOD.  It hurt but it was so worth it.  I got stronger today.

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