These are now mine and they couldn't be more perfect - also, I might be the first person in WA to own them... love.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
2/28 - Skill Session...
For form, accumulate
30 ring dips
Tabata hollow body
Tabata plank hold
This was a good day for skills. I was super sore/tired from the heavy work on Monday - my shoulders were screaming. I almost took it as a rest day but wanted a day off before the Games WOD 12.2 and whatever that may bring on Thursday morning (WOD released here on Thursday morning at 9am).
I managed to do the HSPU's down to an ab mat on a 5kg plate and get back up but couldn't get back up if I lowered any further. I also practiced a few reps with kipping at the end which I definitely need to work on because I tend to fall out of the handstand when I do it.
The ring dips were pretty futile. I couldn't even managed a ring hold given the state of my shoulders, traps and pecs. I accumulated approx. 3 minutes of static holds on the parallettes which was still hard. We are on a rotating 6 day schedule at our box now which means that these skill sessions will come up regularly which I think is pretty good. I quite enjoyed it - the atmosphere was different and yet everyone was still working hard.
The hollow body was good - definitely felt it in my core - I don't feel like I've done much specific core work lately so this was good. I managed probably half with my legs up and the other half of the time with them on the ground.
The plank hold wasn't as bad as I thought it might be (shoulders) and even played around with one arm/one leg up for some of them as well which wasn't too bad.
Rest day today and then tomorrow it's 12.2!!!
30 ring dips
Tabata hollow body
Tabata plank hold
This was a good day for skills. I was super sore/tired from the heavy work on Monday - my shoulders were screaming. I almost took it as a rest day but wanted a day off before the Games WOD 12.2 and whatever that may bring on Thursday morning (WOD released here on Thursday morning at 9am).
I managed to do the HSPU's down to an ab mat on a 5kg plate and get back up but couldn't get back up if I lowered any further. I also practiced a few reps with kipping at the end which I definitely need to work on because I tend to fall out of the handstand when I do it.
The ring dips were pretty futile. I couldn't even managed a ring hold given the state of my shoulders, traps and pecs. I accumulated approx. 3 minutes of static holds on the parallettes which was still hard. We are on a rotating 6 day schedule at our box now which means that these skill sessions will come up regularly which I think is pretty good. I quite enjoyed it - the atmosphere was different and yet everyone was still working hard.
The hollow body was good - definitely felt it in my core - I don't feel like I've done much specific core work lately so this was good. I managed probably half with my legs up and the other half of the time with them on the ground.
The plank hold wasn't as bad as I thought it might be (shoulders) and even played around with one arm/one leg up for some of them as well which wasn't too bad.
Rest day today and then tomorrow it's 12.2!!!
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Week Four - Practically Paleo...
So it's been one week since the Cooee Crossfit Primal Challenge ended - last Tuesday we were having our big feast. So what has this last week been like for me? Pretty easy actually and practically the same. I am not being as strict and have made a few concessions which I am completely comfortable with - namely my morning coffee with (full-fat) milk. That's the only recurring item that does not meet the paleo guidelines but it's my weakness and it makes me happy.
I have also had a few items over the week - one lemon icy and some molasses in BBQ sauce and I have given in to drinking packaged almond milk in my morning smoothies even though it contains preservatives - specifically because it contains preservatives. Although I found almond milk easy to make it wasn't lasting more than a day or two and therefore I went the prepackaged route. Given that I only use a bit of it each morning I'll see how it goes over time. Last night at dinner I also had one baby potato knowing full well it was providing me with very little nutrition but it was nice to be reminded of what it was like - I only had one and I didn't feel like I was missing out. I'm also surprised that I haven't had any chocolate other than the cocoa used in some of the items at last weeks Primal Feast especially since I used to have the worst chocolate cravings - definitely impressed.
I'm not advocating "cheat meals" in fact I hate calling them that when they are nutritionally inferior meals that will more often than not make me feel the effects for long after the momentary satisfaction has left my lips. I will however make reasonable choices as to when I stray from the paleo lifestyle (again, I also hate calling it a diet when it's a choice on how I eat, not a fleeting fancy for short term gains).
I'm happy that I completed three strict weeks. I personally believe that it helped eliminate cravings (pastas, chocolate) and allowed me to detox from specific foods that were stuck in my body. Tracking my food daily for the period also helped me to become aware of what was going in my mouth and thinking about it before eating rather than after and I'm continuing to do this while allowing myself slightly more freedom to diverge in moderation. I'll see how this goes - I'm going to track where I stray going forward but I won't always post it here.
Non-Paleo Indulgences (Feb 22-28)
Daily coffee with full fat milk (except sunday)
lemon icy (sat)
molasses (sunday, monday)
pre-packaged almond milk (daily except weekend)
I have also had a few items over the week - one lemon icy and some molasses in BBQ sauce and I have given in to drinking packaged almond milk in my morning smoothies even though it contains preservatives - specifically because it contains preservatives. Although I found almond milk easy to make it wasn't lasting more than a day or two and therefore I went the prepackaged route. Given that I only use a bit of it each morning I'll see how it goes over time. Last night at dinner I also had one baby potato knowing full well it was providing me with very little nutrition but it was nice to be reminded of what it was like - I only had one and I didn't feel like I was missing out. I'm also surprised that I haven't had any chocolate other than the cocoa used in some of the items at last weeks Primal Feast especially since I used to have the worst chocolate cravings - definitely impressed.
I'm not advocating "cheat meals" in fact I hate calling them that when they are nutritionally inferior meals that will more often than not make me feel the effects for long after the momentary satisfaction has left my lips. I will however make reasonable choices as to when I stray from the paleo lifestyle (again, I also hate calling it a diet when it's a choice on how I eat, not a fleeting fancy for short term gains).
I'm happy that I completed three strict weeks. I personally believe that it helped eliminate cravings (pastas, chocolate) and allowed me to detox from specific foods that were stuck in my body. Tracking my food daily for the period also helped me to become aware of what was going in my mouth and thinking about it before eating rather than after and I'm continuing to do this while allowing myself slightly more freedom to diverge in moderation. I'll see how this goes - I'm going to track where I stray going forward but I won't always post it here.
Non-Paleo Indulgences (Feb 22-28)
Daily coffee with full fat milk (except sunday)
lemon icy (sat)
molasses (sunday, monday)
pre-packaged almond milk (daily except weekend)
2/27 - going heavier...
12 min AMRAP
6 cleans (45/60kg)
12 mountain climbers
18 double-unders
5/16 (40kg, Rx)
On November 7, 2011 we did a 1RM clean session and at that point my 1RM (and still current PR) for cleans was 40kg. Today I did the WOD with 40kg. It was hard but I did it. I'm not sure I had any more cleans in me by the end but I managed to move pretty steady and I only missed one rep on the cleans where I just couldn't get it high enough. I was proud of myself for going this heavy. Coach Tim gave me some feedback after class - he said that I was using my hips to drive upwards but I was also moving backwards (which I noticed). I need to keep all my movement in the vertical plane which will help me with the heavier lifts.
The mountain climbers were a killer on my shoulders - I really started to feel the fatigue from the SUP session the day before. The DU's took my breath away but were pretty steady to bang out - they went quite quickly.
It was a fun WOD today - hard, but I'm happy with the improvements I'm seeing.
12 min AMRAP
6 cleans (45/60kg)
12 mountain climbers
18 double-unders
5/16 (40kg, Rx)
On November 7, 2011 we did a 1RM clean session and at that point my 1RM (and still current PR) for cleans was 40kg. Today I did the WOD with 40kg. It was hard but I did it. I'm not sure I had any more cleans in me by the end but I managed to move pretty steady and I only missed one rep on the cleans where I just couldn't get it high enough. I was proud of myself for going this heavy. Coach Tim gave me some feedback after class - he said that I was using my hips to drive upwards but I was also moving backwards (which I noticed). I need to keep all my movement in the vertical plane which will help me with the heavier lifts.
The mountain climbers were a killer on my shoulders - I really started to feel the fatigue from the SUP session the day before. The DU's took my breath away but were pretty steady to bang out - they went quite quickly.
It was a fun WOD today - hard, but I'm happy with the improvements I'm seeing.
Monday, February 27, 2012
2/26 - Sunday SUP Session... downwind!
8.5km down winder - Port Beach to Swanbourne
~40 minutes
Yesterday the wind was forecast to blow and blow it did... 8-23kn from the S/SW with a reasonable swell. 14 of us gathered at Port Beach for a downwinder to Swanbourne - approx. 8.5km. Thanks a ton to Stimo for bring a board for me to borrow even though I fearfully eyed the whitecaps building before my eyes. I knew full well that I could do this in an outrigger but I wasn't so sure of my balance standing on a board. I was nervous but thankfully I was surrounded by many lovely and encouraging people of various skill level and I knew I would be okay. It was great to have such a big group. The more experienced boys did a bit of an upwind slog to the groyne while the rest of us paddled straight out (as much as possible) and then turned down wind.
It took me a little bit to find my balance with the wind chop and the swells, I fell off pretty early on and the board flipped over - I struggled trying to figure out how to flip it back when it blew over on it's own (and landed above me). Thankfully I didn't panic and just swam under it so I was on upwind from it making it easier to get back onto (using the lift of the waves). It was then that I realized that I could use most (if not all) of my outrigger experience on this downwinder.
It was a lot of paddling on the right side - most of it actually just to keep from getting pushed into shore. I got pretty comfortable though and even braced a few times or shifted my feet to keep my balance. One time I tried intentionally to jump back a bit on the board (trying to play around with where my feet should be) and got dumped in but I was back up in no time - the water was warm and it was easy to remount so I was never worried - well only when the helicopter was overhead but I quickly dismissed those fears.
I got some sweet rides on the waves but struggled a bit to connect as I didn't have a rudder I could steer with my feet (benefits of being in an outrigger) but still it was good. I got on one super steep wave and was riding it with my paddle ready to brace/ slow me down as I knew if my noes poked into the back of the wave in front of me I'd get thrown pretty far with the sudden stop. Thankfully I was good and I had the biggest smile on my face after that.
It was a little crazy paddling through the million of kite boarders off of south Cott but after that it was pretty smooth as we turned toward shore a bit more to finish at Swannie. Unfortunately for me however there is a HUGE (understatement!) shore break at Swannie and I fell off and couldn't get back on just before it - I was starting to get but couldn't get moving fast enough when suddenly I heard Stimo yelling 'Look out!'. I had enough time to shoulder check, realize there was a wall of white wash behind me before being pulled under. Having experienced this before surfing I knew I was going to get pummeled and I didn't panic as I got pushed back under again before surfacing. As I was underwater my instincts kicked in as well as I furiously gripped my paddle (Never let go of your paddle!) and a couple of boys were there to catch me once I was upright and grab the board. Not the most graceful exit but nothing was harmed. I did however lose my Queen Lili visor though which wasn't to be found - another sacrifice to the paddling Gods.
It was a great experience. Driving back along the shore I was quite impressed by the water conditions - if you'd pointed it out and told me to go paddle there was no way I'd even consider it but I did do it and it was amazing. I only fell off 3 times in the 8.5km and finished it in about 40 minutes. Stimo paddled to the groyne first so I had a head start but he said he couldn't catch me even though he was trying really hard. I can't wait to do it again... I've found a new sport to love!
Thanks Stimo for arranging a board to borrow and for loaning me your paddle. Thanks to Loch for doing the head count and making sure we all had a good plan heading out and thanks to Sal for paddling alongside me for part of the way and giving me pointers and encouragement, it was all appreciated.
8.5km down winder - Port Beach to Swanbourne
~40 minutes
Yesterday the wind was forecast to blow and blow it did... 8-23kn from the S/SW with a reasonable swell. 14 of us gathered at Port Beach for a downwinder to Swanbourne - approx. 8.5km. Thanks a ton to Stimo for bring a board for me to borrow even though I fearfully eyed the whitecaps building before my eyes. I knew full well that I could do this in an outrigger but I wasn't so sure of my balance standing on a board. I was nervous but thankfully I was surrounded by many lovely and encouraging people of various skill level and I knew I would be okay. It was great to have such a big group. The more experienced boys did a bit of an upwind slog to the groyne while the rest of us paddled straight out (as much as possible) and then turned down wind.
It took me a little bit to find my balance with the wind chop and the swells, I fell off pretty early on and the board flipped over - I struggled trying to figure out how to flip it back when it blew over on it's own (and landed above me). Thankfully I didn't panic and just swam under it so I was on upwind from it making it easier to get back onto (using the lift of the waves). It was then that I realized that I could use most (if not all) of my outrigger experience on this downwinder.
It was a lot of paddling on the right side - most of it actually just to keep from getting pushed into shore. I got pretty comfortable though and even braced a few times or shifted my feet to keep my balance. One time I tried intentionally to jump back a bit on the board (trying to play around with where my feet should be) and got dumped in but I was back up in no time - the water was warm and it was easy to remount so I was never worried - well only when the helicopter was overhead but I quickly dismissed those fears.
I got some sweet rides on the waves but struggled a bit to connect as I didn't have a rudder I could steer with my feet (benefits of being in an outrigger) but still it was good. I got on one super steep wave and was riding it with my paddle ready to brace/ slow me down as I knew if my noes poked into the back of the wave in front of me I'd get thrown pretty far with the sudden stop. Thankfully I was good and I had the biggest smile on my face after that.
It was a little crazy paddling through the million of kite boarders off of south Cott but after that it was pretty smooth as we turned toward shore a bit more to finish at Swannie. Unfortunately for me however there is a HUGE (understatement!) shore break at Swannie and I fell off and couldn't get back on just before it - I was starting to get but couldn't get moving fast enough when suddenly I heard Stimo yelling 'Look out!'. I had enough time to shoulder check, realize there was a wall of white wash behind me before being pulled under. Having experienced this before surfing I knew I was going to get pummeled and I didn't panic as I got pushed back under again before surfacing. As I was underwater my instincts kicked in as well as I furiously gripped my paddle (Never let go of your paddle!) and a couple of boys were there to catch me once I was upright and grab the board. Not the most graceful exit but nothing was harmed. I did however lose my Queen Lili visor though which wasn't to be found - another sacrifice to the paddling Gods.
It was a great experience. Driving back along the shore I was quite impressed by the water conditions - if you'd pointed it out and told me to go paddle there was no way I'd even consider it but I did do it and it was amazing. I only fell off 3 times in the 8.5km and finished it in about 40 minutes. Stimo paddled to the groyne first so I had a head start but he said he couldn't catch me even though he was trying really hard. I can't wait to do it again... I've found a new sport to love!
Thanks Stimo for arranging a board to borrow and for loaning me your paddle. Thanks to Loch for doing the head count and making sure we all had a good plan heading out and thanks to Sal for paddling alongside me for part of the way and giving me pointers and encouragement, it was all appreciated.
Friday, February 24, 2012
2/24 - 2012 Open WOD 12.1
CrossFit Games WOD 12.1
Complete as many reps as possible in 7 minutes of burpees
Completely happy with this number. I was aiming for 80 (based on previous times for 100 burpees) and just squeaked it in. I was steady throughout - no stopping except quick breathers where I'd adjust prior to jumping up to touch the ring. Also, apart from maybe 2 or 3 reps I dropped quickly to the floor, pushed right back up to lock out my arms and jumped my feet back up (rather than stepping up which just felt like more work). My knees are a little scraped up from the rubber mat but I didn't notice in the moment.
I remember Tim coming by and telling me I had completed 50 reps (I couldn't really hear my judge) and I saw I had only 3 minutes left so I knew I'd have to be quick on the last bit to meet my goal which I barely did but I'm happy I did. There was NO CHANCE that I was going to be attempting this WOD again for a long time (though some people are - crazy!).
Bonus WOD
7 min AMRAP
3 air squats
5 KB swings
7 sit-ups
1 shuttle run
9/9 = 153 (16kg KB)
This was a fun little WOD and after having my lungs screaming at me during the burpee WOD this one almost felt relaxed. I went 'lighter' than my (now) typical KB weight which also felt good. I can get the 16kg KB straight over my head from the ground (vs the 20kg KB which I need a half swing on first) which helps go quicker. The sprints were all out which also felt awesome. I'm glad the girls (inadvertently and unknowingly) guilted me into doing it. Thanks Sharon and Brenda!
Complete as many reps as possible in 7 minutes of burpees
Completely happy with this number. I was aiming for 80 (based on previous times for 100 burpees) and just squeaked it in. I was steady throughout - no stopping except quick breathers where I'd adjust prior to jumping up to touch the ring. Also, apart from maybe 2 or 3 reps I dropped quickly to the floor, pushed right back up to lock out my arms and jumped my feet back up (rather than stepping up which just felt like more work). My knees are a little scraped up from the rubber mat but I didn't notice in the moment.
I remember Tim coming by and telling me I had completed 50 reps (I couldn't really hear my judge) and I saw I had only 3 minutes left so I knew I'd have to be quick on the last bit to meet my goal which I barely did but I'm happy I did. There was NO CHANCE that I was going to be attempting this WOD again for a long time (though some people are - crazy!).
Bonus WOD
7 min AMRAP
3 air squats
5 KB swings
7 sit-ups
1 shuttle run
9/9 = 153 (16kg KB)
This was a fun little WOD and after having my lungs screaming at me during the burpee WOD this one almost felt relaxed. I went 'lighter' than my (now) typical KB weight which also felt good. I can get the 16kg KB straight over my head from the ground (vs the 20kg KB which I need a half swing on first) which helps go quicker. The sprints were all out which also felt awesome. I'm glad the girls (inadvertently and unknowingly) guilted me into doing it. Thanks Sharon and Brenda!
Sharon, Brenda, Hun and I - 12.1 Games Scores |
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Week Three (Final) of the Primal Challenge - What I've Learned
A bullet point list of what I've learned over the past three weeks of eating strictly Paleo...
-I don't like to refer to it as a diet as in my mind it's a lifestyle - a choice on what fuel you want to give your body
-It's easier than I thought it would be
-Although I occasionally had cravings for sugar (that went away quite quickly) I never stopped craving coffee (and it tasted SO good this morning - I'm not sorry)
-I lost 2.6kg (~6lbs) in three weeks (dropped 3.2kg but went back up in weight this past week - muscle?)
-My body fat dropped 5%
-I lost 4.5cm (1-3/4") on my waist, 3.1cm (1-1/4") on my thigh and 2cm (3/4") on my chest (all measurements are approx.)
-I love my morning smoothies but have really gotten tired (repulsed almost) of eggs no matter how I cook them
-Eating Paleo/Primal takes a lot of planning
-My spice cabinet is overflowing
-There is a Paleo friendly recipe for almost anything you're used to - the community is quite creative and Google is your friend
-Meals end up tasting much more delicious because of the forethought and creativity put into them - our Primal Feast last night is proof of this - everything was amazing
-Not all Paleo recipes will be amazing but some will be and playing around is half the fun
-I didn't miss dairy at all (especially since I gave up coffee) and making almond milk is simple (though sours rather quickly)
-You *can* still eat out while maintaining a Paleo friendly approach with just minor substitutions from the menu (ask for no toast)
-It's hard to explain to some people why you're turning down a piece of cake or not partaking in certain events but you feel better after the moment has passed
-Others will see your progress and buy into the changes you're making - even if not for themselves they'll understand the next time you pass on the cake
-It's okay to cheat on occasion but note how many of those occasions occur during the course of a week (probably more than you realize)
-Tracking your food daily gets very monotonous (I'm done with it though I'll probably keep a weekly log of my 'cheats')
-Start calling your 'cheats' less efficient fuel for your body and the temptation will surely lessen
-You can make almost anything with almond flour/meal
-My energy level is more consistent - there are no longer the highs and lows throughout the day
-I now read ingredient lists on anything that has an ingredient list - there shouldn't be anything on there that I can't identify, if there is I just won't buy it.
-For the most part I eat when I'm hungry and stop when I'm full, no longer aimlessly eating the food on my plate because it's there - I have a better awareness of my body because I'm focused on how I fuel it
-If I don't have sufficient protein at a meal I get hungry again faster/sooner
-There are Paleo friendly snacks that are easy to keep on hand for those random bouts of hunger (almonds, almond butter - I keep a jar in my desk at work, pure fruit baby food - great shot of energy pre-workout when necessary)
-Sharing recipes is fun
-I'll never give up coffee - ever
-Farmers markets are amazing places
-Three weeks isn't a long time, you can do anything for just three weeks... and they say three weeks is what it takes to make a new habit - win...
I'm sure there's many more things I've learned along the way. And while I will continue eating Paleo friendly I won't be as strict as I have been these past few weeks. I will however, better understand my cravings and indulgences that I think I have in the past. I will notice more how they make me feel and how often I give in to them. I like the way my body has responded to this healthier eating and what it does for me in return. I can definitely see the benefits and as I mentioned, it's really not any harder to do.
What have you learned eating Paleo/Primal?
-I don't like to refer to it as a diet as in my mind it's a lifestyle - a choice on what fuel you want to give your body
-It's easier than I thought it would be
-Although I occasionally had cravings for sugar (that went away quite quickly) I never stopped craving coffee (and it tasted SO good this morning - I'm not sorry)
-I lost 2.6kg (~6lbs) in three weeks (dropped 3.2kg but went back up in weight this past week - muscle?)
-My body fat dropped 5%
-I lost 4.5cm (1-3/4") on my waist, 3.1cm (1-1/4") on my thigh and 2cm (3/4") on my chest (all measurements are approx.)
-I love my morning smoothies but have really gotten tired (repulsed almost) of eggs no matter how I cook them
-Eating Paleo/Primal takes a lot of planning
-My spice cabinet is overflowing
-There is a Paleo friendly recipe for almost anything you're used to - the community is quite creative and Google is your friend
-Meals end up tasting much more delicious because of the forethought and creativity put into them - our Primal Feast last night is proof of this - everything was amazing
-Not all Paleo recipes will be amazing but some will be and playing around is half the fun
-I didn't miss dairy at all (especially since I gave up coffee) and making almond milk is simple (though sours rather quickly)
-You *can* still eat out while maintaining a Paleo friendly approach with just minor substitutions from the menu (ask for no toast)
-It's hard to explain to some people why you're turning down a piece of cake or not partaking in certain events but you feel better after the moment has passed
-Others will see your progress and buy into the changes you're making - even if not for themselves they'll understand the next time you pass on the cake
-It's okay to cheat on occasion but note how many of those occasions occur during the course of a week (probably more than you realize)
-Tracking your food daily gets very monotonous (I'm done with it though I'll probably keep a weekly log of my 'cheats')
-Start calling your 'cheats' less efficient fuel for your body and the temptation will surely lessen
-You can make almost anything with almond flour/meal
-My energy level is more consistent - there are no longer the highs and lows throughout the day
-I now read ingredient lists on anything that has an ingredient list - there shouldn't be anything on there that I can't identify, if there is I just won't buy it.
-For the most part I eat when I'm hungry and stop when I'm full, no longer aimlessly eating the food on my plate because it's there - I have a better awareness of my body because I'm focused on how I fuel it
-If I don't have sufficient protein at a meal I get hungry again faster/sooner
-There are Paleo friendly snacks that are easy to keep on hand for those random bouts of hunger (almonds, almond butter - I keep a jar in my desk at work, pure fruit baby food - great shot of energy pre-workout when necessary)
-Sharing recipes is fun
-I'll never give up coffee - ever
-Farmers markets are amazing places
-Three weeks isn't a long time, you can do anything for just three weeks... and they say three weeks is what it takes to make a new habit - win...
I'm sure there's many more things I've learned along the way. And while I will continue eating Paleo friendly I won't be as strict as I have been these past few weeks. I will however, better understand my cravings and indulgences that I think I have in the past. I will notice more how they make me feel and how often I give in to them. I like the way my body has responded to this healthier eating and what it does for me in return. I can definitely see the benefits and as I mentioned, it's really not any harder to do.
What have you learned eating Paleo/Primal?
2/22 - "Rest Day" SUP Session...
Today was a rest day because last night was heavy and tomorrow the is the first Crossfit Games Open WOD but I couldn't pass up an early morning SUP (stand-up paddling) session even though it came with a 6am price tag. I met Gordo a fellow crossfitter (and kind person who organized a fun trial SUP session for our Crossfit box last weekend) just before 6am as the sun was rising and we jumped on the boards. A few minutes in friends of his were coming our way and we were off - the four of us. And it was outstanding. We did a warm up paddle from Bicton Baths to the sand bar and as I pulled up behind the boys it was a stunning site - two SUP-ers standing on their boards in shadow as the sun was rising beyond them. Magic.
On the way back we picked it up a bit - though I only got faster due to a few tips from Gordo rather than any power application I think. Moving forward on the board really helped in the flat water - kept my nose from bouncy across the water and allowed for a smoother glide. About half way back I switched paddles with Gordo as his was longer and this helped me get the blade fully buried before the pull phase - definitely need to figure out what paddle length is best for me.
Was a perfect little session even though my shoulders are now screaming and so tired but completely worth it. I think I found (another) new love...
On the way back we picked it up a bit - though I only got faster due to a few tips from Gordo rather than any power application I think. Moving forward on the board really helped in the flat water - kept my nose from bouncy across the water and allowed for a smoother glide. About half way back I switched paddles with Gordo as his was longer and this helped me get the blade fully buried before the pull phase - definitely need to figure out what paddle length is best for me.
Was a perfect little session even though my shoulders are now screaming and so tired but completely worth it. I think I found (another) new love...
2/21 - Rx, Rx, Rx...
3 rounds
20 push presses (30/45kg)
20 KB swings (20/32kg)
20 double-unders
13:34 Rx
50 sit-ups for time
Tonight's WOD was hard... I knew going in it was going to be. I wasn't even sure I'd finish in the 15 minute cut-off but I was determined to go Rx. I knew I could do each movement at the Rx weight what worried me was the number of reps in each round - 20 - that's a lot.
The only thing that got me through it were the fact that I LOVE KB swings and DU's. This helped. The push-presses however... well, I don't have any PG-13 words to use to describe them. They almost made me cry. I think the first round I got 10/10 then it was sets of 5 from there on out. In fact I needed motivation just to pick up the bar for my last 5. Coach Pete was awesome - I caught his attention and I'm pretty sure the look on my face told him everything. He came over with encouraging words to 'get it done' and then counted me through the last 5. I knew with him there that I would push myself further - to not put the bar down however much I wanted to until that last rep was done. I won't deny it - he got me through that - I hated that bar.
On the swings I needed a half swing every time I picked up the KB as I can't muscle the 20 overhead on the first one so I knew that every time I put it down I'd have that extra bit of work so I tried to avoid it. That being said it was really a mental battle. I remember staring at the point where the black pull-up bar meets the post - just staring at this one point as I used every ounce of momentum and strength from my legs to get that KB overhead. The last round I concentrated, told myself to just do 5, break it down into 4 sets but I hit 5 and decided for 7, down to only 3 sets. After hitting 7, I knew that 10 was only a few more, surely I could push through the pain. And I did. Half way there. Same speech in my head the second time - knowing Brenda was watching, encouraging, seeing my pain was enough to get me there - two sets of 10 done.
The DU's were my 'rest' though being able to do them unbroken all three rounds didn't give me much time to recover, helped me finish under the cut-off though and sometimes that's enough.
When I finished I collapsed to the floor in a pile of sweat, shallow gasps as I struggled to catch my breath, the breeze of the fan to cooling my dripping sweat and I smiled. A great big smile. I was proud of myself. Proud for pushing and fighting the mental battle. Proud of what my body can do for me. Proud of how far I have come since I started crossfit 6 months ago. Proud. It was a great feeling and I'm so happy I challenged myself and took on the weight of this WOD. It hurt but it was so worth it. I got stronger today.
3 rounds
20 push presses (30/45kg)
20 KB swings (20/32kg)
20 double-unders
13:34 Rx
50 sit-ups for time
Tonight's WOD was hard... I knew going in it was going to be. I wasn't even sure I'd finish in the 15 minute cut-off but I was determined to go Rx. I knew I could do each movement at the Rx weight what worried me was the number of reps in each round - 20 - that's a lot.
The only thing that got me through it were the fact that I LOVE KB swings and DU's. This helped. The push-presses however... well, I don't have any PG-13 words to use to describe them. They almost made me cry. I think the first round I got 10/10 then it was sets of 5 from there on out. In fact I needed motivation just to pick up the bar for my last 5. Coach Pete was awesome - I caught his attention and I'm pretty sure the look on my face told him everything. He came over with encouraging words to 'get it done' and then counted me through the last 5. I knew with him there that I would push myself further - to not put the bar down however much I wanted to until that last rep was done. I won't deny it - he got me through that - I hated that bar.
On the swings I needed a half swing every time I picked up the KB as I can't muscle the 20 overhead on the first one so I knew that every time I put it down I'd have that extra bit of work so I tried to avoid it. That being said it was really a mental battle. I remember staring at the point where the black pull-up bar meets the post - just staring at this one point as I used every ounce of momentum and strength from my legs to get that KB overhead. The last round I concentrated, told myself to just do 5, break it down into 4 sets but I hit 5 and decided for 7, down to only 3 sets. After hitting 7, I knew that 10 was only a few more, surely I could push through the pain. And I did. Half way there. Same speech in my head the second time - knowing Brenda was watching, encouraging, seeing my pain was enough to get me there - two sets of 10 done.
The DU's were my 'rest' though being able to do them unbroken all three rounds didn't give me much time to recover, helped me finish under the cut-off though and sometimes that's enough.
When I finished I collapsed to the floor in a pile of sweat, shallow gasps as I struggled to catch my breath, the breeze of the fan to cooling my dripping sweat and I smiled. A great big smile. I was proud of myself. Proud for pushing and fighting the mental battle. Proud of what my body can do for me. Proud of how far I have come since I started crossfit 6 months ago. Proud. It was a great feeling and I'm so happy I challenged myself and took on the weight of this WOD. It hurt but it was so worth it. I got stronger today.
Paleo Food - Day 21
Breakfast (7am)
banana/blueberry/strawberry shake with almond milk and protein powder
2 tablespoons of Udon 369
handful of grapes
few pieces of biltong
handful of almonds
pork chop with asparagus
2 plums
few almonds
large grapefruit
Primal Feast at the box.... it was delicious and delectable and I broke my 3 weeks of no chocolate with Pete's magical chocolate mousse.... we'll leave it at that as I know how much weight I gained over dinner. Ha!
Morning - 1L berry water/filtered water mixed, 0.5L filtered water
Afternoon - 1L filtered water
Evening - 1L water
banana/blueberry/strawberry shake with almond milk and protein powder
2 tablespoons of Udon 369
handful of grapes
few pieces of biltong
handful of almonds
pork chop with asparagus
2 plums
few almonds
large grapefruit
Primal Feast at the box.... it was delicious and delectable and I broke my 3 weeks of no chocolate with Pete's magical chocolate mousse.... we'll leave it at that as I know how much weight I gained over dinner. Ha!
Morning - 1L berry water/filtered water mixed, 0.5L filtered water
Afternoon - 1L filtered water
Evening - 1L water
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
2/20 - Squat Snatches...
30 minutes of squat snatch drills/practice
300m run
then 4 rounds of
5 squat snatches (choose a weight where you can get full depth in the squat)
5 pull-ups
finish with 300m run
8:32 (18kg, yellow band)
I'm not very good with squat snatches so it was nice to be able to focus just on technique for the first half of the workout without any need to focus on the weight or the clock. It also helped to then apply this into the WOD with manageable sets of 5 reps each round.
The runs always kill me, I'm just not fast. That being said I can see my time dropping (though I think I'll always be near the back of the pack). The pull-ups were good - we've been doing a lot of strict pull-ups lately and being able to kip let me drop down a band and now I'm on the smallest which is a huge improvement and I loved it. Pretty soon I'll be going Rx (I hope!).
After the WOD (while tired) I tried unassisted pull-ups and managed two consecutive so it's there. Soon.
300m run
then 4 rounds of
5 squat snatches (choose a weight where you can get full depth in the squat)
5 pull-ups
finish with 300m run
8:32 (18kg, yellow band)
I'm not very good with squat snatches so it was nice to be able to focus just on technique for the first half of the workout without any need to focus on the weight or the clock. It also helped to then apply this into the WOD with manageable sets of 5 reps each round.
The runs always kill me, I'm just not fast. That being said I can see my time dropping (though I think I'll always be near the back of the pack). The pull-ups were good - we've been doing a lot of strict pull-ups lately and being able to kip let me drop down a band and now I'm on the smallest which is a huge improvement and I loved it. Pretty soon I'll be going Rx (I hope!).
After the WOD (while tired) I tried unassisted pull-ups and managed two consecutive so it's there. Soon.
Paleo Food - Day 20
Breakfast (7am)
banana/blueberry/strawberry shake with coconut milk and protein powder
1.5 tablespoons of Udon 369
Second Breakfast (10am)
2 poached eggs
steamed green cabbage
leftover sausage and onions with mushrooms
handful of grapes
rocket salad with cherry tomatoes, chicken, cucumber and half an apple
2 plums
handful of almonds
small piece of biltong
grilled pork chop
2 rosemary-garlic almond crackers
Morning - 1L berry water, 0.5L filtered water
Afternoon - 1.5L filtered water
Evening - 0.5L water, 0.5L berry water
banana/blueberry/strawberry shake with coconut milk and protein powder
1.5 tablespoons of Udon 369
Second Breakfast (10am)
2 poached eggs
steamed green cabbage
leftover sausage and onions with mushrooms
handful of grapes
rocket salad with cherry tomatoes, chicken, cucumber and half an apple
2 plums
handful of almonds
small piece of biltong
grilled pork chop
2 rosemary-garlic almond crackers
Morning - 1L berry water, 0.5L filtered water
Afternoon - 1.5L filtered water
Evening - 0.5L water, 0.5L berry water
Monday, February 20, 2012
Paleo Food - Day 19
banana shake with coconut milk, almond butter and protein powder
1 tsp udon 369 oil
sausages with mushrooms and onions
half a mango
handful of almonds
2 slivers of biltong
all natural chicken sausages stir fried with mushrooms and onion
pumpkin puree with a bit of sea salt
half a mango
Morning/Afternoon - 1L berry/water mixed
Evening - 1L berry water
banana shake with coconut milk, almond butter and protein powder
1 tsp udon 369 oil
sausages with mushrooms and onions
half a mango
handful of almonds
2 slivers of biltong
all natural chicken sausages stir fried with mushrooms and onion
pumpkin puree with a bit of sea salt
half a mango
Morning/Afternoon - 1L berry/water mixed
Evening - 1L berry water
Fruit Snack |
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Paleo Food - Day 18
Breakfast (7am)
banana (2 small bananas) shake with almond milk and protein powder
two poached eggs
half an avocado
two slices back
small rocket salad with cherry tomatoes
2 small plums
all natural chicken sausages stir fried with mushrooms and onion
pumpkin (squash?) puree with a bit of sea salt (yummy!)
Morning/Afternoon - 1L filtered water
Evening - 1L berry/carbonated water mixed
banana (2 small bananas) shake with almond milk and protein powder
two poached eggs
half an avocado
two slices back
small rocket salad with cherry tomatoes
2 small plums
all natural chicken sausages stir fried with mushrooms and onion
pumpkin (squash?) puree with a bit of sea salt (yummy!)
Morning/Afternoon - 1L filtered water
Evening - 1L berry/carbonated water mixed
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Paleo Food - Day 17
Breakfast (7am)
banana shake with almond milk and protein powder
Second Breakfast (10am)
paleo granola (walnuts, almonds, coconut, almond meal, sunflower seeds toasted in a cast iron pan)
almond milk
chicken salad with green onions, cucumber and half a green apple
almond butter
beef burger with avocado, caramelized onions, tomato and spinach
Morning - 1L berry/filtered water mixed
Afternoon - 2L filtered water
Evening - 0.5L berry/carbonated water mixed
banana shake with almond milk and protein powder
Second Breakfast (10am)
paleo granola (walnuts, almonds, coconut, almond meal, sunflower seeds toasted in a cast iron pan)
almond milk
chicken salad with green onions, cucumber and half a green apple
almond butter
beef burger with avocado, caramelized onions, tomato and spinach
Morning - 1L berry/filtered water mixed
Afternoon - 2L filtered water
Evening - 0.5L berry/carbonated water mixed
Friday, February 17, 2012
2/16 - KB 'Love'...
KB 'Love'
10 KB push-ups
30 1 arm swings
40 circles
50 KB swings
40 circles
30 1 arm swings
10 KB push-ups
1 x KB shuttle carry (20m approx.) between each set/after last round with KB
13:37 (16kg KB)
This was a fun and challenging WOD - I LOVE KB's so this was good. The limiting factor on me using the 16KB was the one armed swings. In warm-up I managed two one armed KB swings on each arm and could do it but it was hard - I knew there was no way I could do 30 twice. Definitely a good choice.
The push-ups and SDHP's were quick - the 1 arm swings took a bit more out of me - I think I was still feeling the 65reps of KB swings at 20kg from Monday night too in my lower back. I still managed to complete them in one set however. The circles were no problem once I got into the rhythm then came the KB swings... 50! Ugh! My lower back by this point was screaming. I think I broke them into 5 rounds of 10 swings which was the best I could do - I even had to do a half swing each time before going over head because I just didn't have the arm strength to put it straight overhead on the first rep.
Back down the ladder... the circles again were fine except I was trying to be careful not to rip my hands - I could feel them getting close - I had to use a loose grip with just my fingers as best I could. The second round of one arm swings were killer - mentally and physically painful but I muscled through knowing that the sooner I got it done the closer I was to it all being over. My lower back was feeling it. The SDHP and push-ups again weren't that bad considering it was just fatigue and this point but it was easier to push through being so close to the end.
Fun little WOD, my love for KB's will forever be there. Three days of rest - which include some stand up paddling (SUP) on saturday which will be fun... I do however need someone to massage both my shoulders and lower back - any offers?
KB 'Love'
10 KB push-ups
30 1 arm swings
40 circles
50 KB swings
40 circles
30 1 arm swings
10 KB push-ups
1 x KB shuttle carry (20m approx.) between each set/after last round with KB
13:37 (16kg KB)
This was a fun and challenging WOD - I LOVE KB's so this was good. The limiting factor on me using the 16KB was the one armed swings. In warm-up I managed two one armed KB swings on each arm and could do it but it was hard - I knew there was no way I could do 30 twice. Definitely a good choice.
The push-ups and SDHP's were quick - the 1 arm swings took a bit more out of me - I think I was still feeling the 65reps of KB swings at 20kg from Monday night too in my lower back. I still managed to complete them in one set however. The circles were no problem once I got into the rhythm then came the KB swings... 50! Ugh! My lower back by this point was screaming. I think I broke them into 5 rounds of 10 swings which was the best I could do - I even had to do a half swing each time before going over head because I just didn't have the arm strength to put it straight overhead on the first rep.
Back down the ladder... the circles again were fine except I was trying to be careful not to rip my hands - I could feel them getting close - I had to use a loose grip with just my fingers as best I could. The second round of one arm swings were killer - mentally and physically painful but I muscled through knowing that the sooner I got it done the closer I was to it all being over. My lower back was feeling it. The SDHP and push-ups again weren't that bad considering it was just fatigue and this point but it was easier to push through being so close to the end.
Fun little WOD, my love for KB's will forever be there. Three days of rest - which include some stand up paddling (SUP) on saturday which will be fun... I do however need someone to massage both my shoulders and lower back - any offers?
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Paleo Food - Day 16
Breakfast (7am)
banana/blueberry shake with almond milk and protein powder
Second Breakfast (10am)
2 scrambled eggs with green onions
beet chips
rocket salad with diced tomatoes, half an avocado and asparagus
chicken breast and leg (with skin)
handful of cherries
Apple, banana, peach baby food (only fruit)
Rocket salad with cucumber, green onion, half an apple and steamed asparagus
half a breast of chicken and a chicken leg (with skin)
Morning - 1.5L filtered water
Afternoon - 1.5L filtered water
Evening - 1L water, 0.5L berry/carbonated water mixed
banana/blueberry shake with almond milk and protein powder
Second Breakfast (10am)
2 scrambled eggs with green onions
beet chips
rocket salad with diced tomatoes, half an avocado and asparagus
chicken breast and leg (with skin)
handful of cherries
Apple, banana, peach baby food (only fruit)
Rocket salad with cucumber, green onion, half an apple and steamed asparagus
half a breast of chicken and a chicken leg (with skin)
Morning - 1.5L filtered water
Afternoon - 1.5L filtered water
Evening - 1L water, 0.5L berry/carbonated water mixed
2/15 - listening to my body...
Front squats (30/50kg)
Dive bombers
13:13 (25.5kg)
I got to the box early and had a good (and reassuring) chat with Coach Match about how tired I've been feeling and why and it was nice to share the knowledge that I'm surrounded by at crossfit. It reiterated the changes I've been going through - increasing my weights (more Rx WODs), changing my diet (going Paleo) and the programming changing a bit (we ran on Monday for the first time in a few weeks) so it does make sense that all this is adding up and wearing on me a bit. I need to listen to my body and tonight I did just that - instead of trying to Rx I went with a weight that worked for me - 25.5kg.
It was a nice feeling being steady through the WOD - I managed all the squats in full sets though the 7-9-7 combination hurt quite a bit. I also felt that I had really technique and depth given that I could focus on it a bit more with a lighter weight.
The dive-bombers are evil - like push-ups only way worst. You start almost in down-dog and dive through your arms into up-dog and then reverse - totally killer on the shoulders.
Tabata sit-ups
Nice finishing WOD - good to focus a bit more on strictly core. I'm also noticing that I'm consciously engaging my core in more exercises which really helps - specifically the other night on the strict pull-ups. It's all about good form.
After the workout I chatted a bit more to Coach Pete. It's nice to hear other people's experiences both with switching to a Paleo diet and also with increasing weights. Pete had some good points on rest and how a few days of heavy lifting is a lot harder to recover from than just one day of heavy lifting and it's good to have strictly scheduled rest days. He also mentioned that he felt pretty good the first few days into Paleo and then had about a week and a half where he felt more tired and then once through that all was good so it seems like that could also be a factor in where I'm at.
I'm also down another kilo (2.2 lbs) in the past week so that makes 3.2kg (7lbs) over two weeks - a huge adjustment for my body - thanks Paleo!
Talked to Coach Kirsten on my way out as well. Again about how sometimes you just have to back off the weight when you're having one of those days, it just happens to all of us. All these conversations really did proved a lot of encouragement and good feedback - I'm not the only one who faces these struggles, we all do and I guess it's good that I'm aware of what's happening which can only help me figure out how best to deal with these situations. My massage therapist is quite funny - she has realised in a few short months how aware I am of my own body so when I see her I can quite clearly explain what's going on (thanks Sommer!).
So... just to summarize items that are likely impacting my body these past few weeks leading to a bit more fatigue/ slow recovery:
-new diet (week 2 of paleo)
-heavy workload (last week)
-increasing my weight (Rx-ing)
-change in hormones (that time of the month last week)
-the weather (it's been quite humid)
-weight loss (3.2 kg in two weeks)
It's all been put into better perspective for me and mentally I just need to allow myself to pull back a bit - still give my all but I won't always Rx (at least for now) and that's okay, there is no shame in that at all.
I like learning lessons. What have you learned this week?
Front squats (30/50kg)
Dive bombers
13:13 (25.5kg)
I got to the box early and had a good (and reassuring) chat with Coach Match about how tired I've been feeling and why and it was nice to share the knowledge that I'm surrounded by at crossfit. It reiterated the changes I've been going through - increasing my weights (more Rx WODs), changing my diet (going Paleo) and the programming changing a bit (we ran on Monday for the first time in a few weeks) so it does make sense that all this is adding up and wearing on me a bit. I need to listen to my body and tonight I did just that - instead of trying to Rx I went with a weight that worked for me - 25.5kg.
It was a nice feeling being steady through the WOD - I managed all the squats in full sets though the 7-9-7 combination hurt quite a bit. I also felt that I had really technique and depth given that I could focus on it a bit more with a lighter weight.
The dive-bombers are evil - like push-ups only way worst. You start almost in down-dog and dive through your arms into up-dog and then reverse - totally killer on the shoulders.
Tabata sit-ups
Nice finishing WOD - good to focus a bit more on strictly core. I'm also noticing that I'm consciously engaging my core in more exercises which really helps - specifically the other night on the strict pull-ups. It's all about good form.
After the workout I chatted a bit more to Coach Pete. It's nice to hear other people's experiences both with switching to a Paleo diet and also with increasing weights. Pete had some good points on rest and how a few days of heavy lifting is a lot harder to recover from than just one day of heavy lifting and it's good to have strictly scheduled rest days. He also mentioned that he felt pretty good the first few days into Paleo and then had about a week and a half where he felt more tired and then once through that all was good so it seems like that could also be a factor in where I'm at.
I'm also down another kilo (2.2 lbs) in the past week so that makes 3.2kg (7lbs) over two weeks - a huge adjustment for my body - thanks Paleo!
Talked to Coach Kirsten on my way out as well. Again about how sometimes you just have to back off the weight when you're having one of those days, it just happens to all of us. All these conversations really did proved a lot of encouragement and good feedback - I'm not the only one who faces these struggles, we all do and I guess it's good that I'm aware of what's happening which can only help me figure out how best to deal with these situations. My massage therapist is quite funny - she has realised in a few short months how aware I am of my own body so when I see her I can quite clearly explain what's going on (thanks Sommer!).
So... just to summarize items that are likely impacting my body these past few weeks leading to a bit more fatigue/ slow recovery:
-new diet (week 2 of paleo)
-heavy workload (last week)
-increasing my weight (Rx-ing)
-change in hormones (that time of the month last week)
-the weather (it's been quite humid)
-weight loss (3.2 kg in two weeks)
It's all been put into better perspective for me and mentally I just need to allow myself to pull back a bit - still give my all but I won't always Rx (at least for now) and that's okay, there is no shame in that at all.
I like learning lessons. What have you learned this week?
Paleo Food - Day 15
Breakfast (7am)
banana/blueberry shake with almond milk and protein powder
2 scrambled eggs
1 slice cajun roast beef
1/2 avocado
2 spoonfuls almond butter
almond butter
Banana, pear and mango baby food (only fruit)
Ribs with paleo BBQ sauce
Steamed asparagus
beet chips
Morning - 1L filtered water
Afternoon - 1L filtered water
Evening - 1L water, 0.5L berry/carbonated water mixed
banana/blueberry shake with almond milk and protein powder
2 scrambled eggs
1 slice cajun roast beef
1/2 avocado
2 spoonfuls almond butter
almond butter
Banana, pear and mango baby food (only fruit)
Ribs with paleo BBQ sauce
Steamed asparagus
beet chips
Morning - 1L filtered water
Afternoon - 1L filtered water
Evening - 1L water, 0.5L berry/carbonated water mixed
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Week Two of the Primal Challenge - The Good and The Bad...
All I want this morning, all I can think about in this instant is coffee and chocolate, chocolate and coffee. Mostly coffee. I know full well that coffee will be the first thing that I have next Wednesday morning after this challenge is over.
No weight loss this week which isn't surprising given the huge drop on the first week but I'm still feeling good albeit tired still even though I've been able to (finally) sleep through the night. I went home after work last night and crashed for 12 hours - my body obviously needed it but I'm not sure why.
I'm pretty sure I'm not eating enough though that being said I'm eating when I'm hungry and enough so that I feel full but really no more - whereas I'd use to eat everything in my lunch/ on my plate so maybe I'm just adjusting to this - I'm also not balanced on eating meat and veggies together all the time - I'm fairly decent with getting the protein into me but I struggle with veggies sometimes though I'm trying and am conscious of it.
I've still been experimenting with recipes this past week and have made some wonderful things (coconut chicken nuggets, banana bread, zucchini ribbon stir fried veggies with chicken, etc) but I am also getting sick of food - I'll have something one day and it'll be amazing and then the next day with leftovers I just have no urge to eat it at all, it has no appeal which also is likely contributing to my not eating enough. I'm trying to find the balance and the foods that I'm not getting sick of - morning protein shakes with almond milk, apple and almond butter afternoon snack, etc.
One more week of this challenge to go and to be fair I haven't found it that much of a struggle, with a bit of planning it's actually quite easy. Sure there are times when I crave things I'm not allowing myself to (hello coffee and chocolate) but it's also letting me see that I'm mentally strong and can overcome the urges - this will help when the challenge is over where I hope to not be as strict but to still moderate what 'crap' goes into my body - my awareness has definitely shifted to what I'm putting into my mouth.
A big success for me in the past week was to not give in to the temptation of cake on a coworkers birthday. I sat in the board room while slices were handed out to everyone and turned down a piece myself. The cake was right in front of me and I felt no urge to eat any. When my coworkers curiously asked why I merely stated that I wasn't eating sugar, dairy or coffee for three weeks and told them a little bit about what we were doing eating primal. I was quite proud of myself that day as I'm usually a big fan of cake.
I'm finding it quite easy to hydrate especially without my morning coffee - usually I'd spend the first part of my morning slowly working my way through a coffee and now I'm working my way through a liter of fluid. One thing I love and is super easy - is to get some herbal tea (or in my case a dried berry mixture from a place in the Freo market) and steep some of it in a jar of hot water. I then thrown this in the fridge which adds a little change up to just drinking plain water - sometimes I'll also add fresh mint or ginger as well which is super tasty.
As for an update on the "21 things" that were also part of the challenge (the ones I've completed at least):
-tell 3 people that you see regularly what you are doing and ask them to help hold you accountable - along with fellow crossfitters my office mates also know about what I'm doing (told them while sitting in front of and saying no to birthday cake)
-prepare your lunch the night before and take it to work with you - consistently
-eat a post-workout snack within 20 minutes of working out - always have an apple on my way home before dinner
-find and cook a new primal recipe - several! See previous posts
-plant at least one edible plant -my mint plant is thriving in my kitchen window
-buy and eat at least 3 locally grown products - every weekend from the market
-get a massage at least once in the next 21 days - done last thursday - it was *so* needed
-phone or catch up face to face with somebody you normally only connect with via email/ facebook - great reminder, I'm calling Lili now... boo, voicemail!
No weight loss this week which isn't surprising given the huge drop on the first week but I'm still feeling good albeit tired still even though I've been able to (finally) sleep through the night. I went home after work last night and crashed for 12 hours - my body obviously needed it but I'm not sure why.
I'm pretty sure I'm not eating enough though that being said I'm eating when I'm hungry and enough so that I feel full but really no more - whereas I'd use to eat everything in my lunch/ on my plate so maybe I'm just adjusting to this - I'm also not balanced on eating meat and veggies together all the time - I'm fairly decent with getting the protein into me but I struggle with veggies sometimes though I'm trying and am conscious of it.
I've still been experimenting with recipes this past week and have made some wonderful things (coconut chicken nuggets, banana bread, zucchini ribbon stir fried veggies with chicken, etc) but I am also getting sick of food - I'll have something one day and it'll be amazing and then the next day with leftovers I just have no urge to eat it at all, it has no appeal which also is likely contributing to my not eating enough. I'm trying to find the balance and the foods that I'm not getting sick of - morning protein shakes with almond milk, apple and almond butter afternoon snack, etc.
One more week of this challenge to go and to be fair I haven't found it that much of a struggle, with a bit of planning it's actually quite easy. Sure there are times when I crave things I'm not allowing myself to (hello coffee and chocolate) but it's also letting me see that I'm mentally strong and can overcome the urges - this will help when the challenge is over where I hope to not be as strict but to still moderate what 'crap' goes into my body - my awareness has definitely shifted to what I'm putting into my mouth.
A big success for me in the past week was to not give in to the temptation of cake on a coworkers birthday. I sat in the board room while slices were handed out to everyone and turned down a piece myself. The cake was right in front of me and I felt no urge to eat any. When my coworkers curiously asked why I merely stated that I wasn't eating sugar, dairy or coffee for three weeks and told them a little bit about what we were doing eating primal. I was quite proud of myself that day as I'm usually a big fan of cake.
I'm finding it quite easy to hydrate especially without my morning coffee - usually I'd spend the first part of my morning slowly working my way through a coffee and now I'm working my way through a liter of fluid. One thing I love and is super easy - is to get some herbal tea (or in my case a dried berry mixture from a place in the Freo market) and steep some of it in a jar of hot water. I then thrown this in the fridge which adds a little change up to just drinking plain water - sometimes I'll also add fresh mint or ginger as well which is super tasty.
As for an update on the "21 things" that were also part of the challenge (the ones I've completed at least):
-tell 3 people that you see regularly what you are doing and ask them to help hold you accountable - along with fellow crossfitters my office mates also know about what I'm doing (told them while sitting in front of and saying no to birthday cake)
-prepare your lunch the night before and take it to work with you - consistently
-eat a post-workout snack within 20 minutes of working out - always have an apple on my way home before dinner
-find and cook a new primal recipe - several! See previous posts
-plant at least one edible plant -my mint plant is thriving in my kitchen window
-buy and eat at least 3 locally grown products - every weekend from the market
-get a massage at least once in the next 21 days - done last thursday - it was *so* needed
-phone or catch up face to face with somebody you normally only connect with via email/ facebook - great reminder, I'm calling Lili now... boo, voicemail!
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Paleo Food - Day 14
Breakfast (7am)
banana/blueberry shake with almond milk and protein powder
Second Breakfast (10:30am)
2 scrambled eggs
small slice of cajun roast beef
Lunch (2pm)
chicken and stir-fried veggies with zucchini ribbons
large grapefruit
1 slice paleo banana bread
Morning - 1L berry water, 0.5L filtered water
Afternoon - 1.5L filtered water
Evening - 0.5L water
banana/blueberry shake with almond milk and protein powder
Second Breakfast (10:30am)
2 scrambled eggs
small slice of cajun roast beef
Lunch (2pm)
chicken and stir-fried veggies with zucchini ribbons
large grapefruit
1 slice paleo banana bread
Morning - 1L berry water, 0.5L filtered water
Afternoon - 1.5L filtered water
Evening - 0.5L water
2/13 - tired...
5 rounds
300m run
7 strict pull-ups
14 KB swings (20/32kg)
20:32 (red band/ Rx)
This did not feel good at all. At all. I felt so tired right from the start. Went out fast on the first run but still felt good. Solid. Then I went to the pull-up bar and hooked my foot into the orange band. I did two strict pull-ups then bailed for the red band as my arms were already tired. I have no idea how this makes any sense because I've had the last four days off. Four. But yet it was a struggle. The 20kg KB - the same - just felt *so* heavy even for 14 reps first round. I mean I've done 100 swings with this weight no problem, no idea what was up.
Also, in rushing to finish (on the last set of 6 KB swings) I managed to rip the callus off of my middle finger on my right hand. I knew I needed to chalk up but I didn't want to take the time with only 14 reps left... should have listened to myself but nope. Thankfully I have a good system in place to heal tears quickly, works well and am all good again after a day or two.
I survived the workout but was the last one done (again!) and wasn't too happy about it. It hurt and I just didn't feel right.
300m run/row
I strongly considered bailing on the AfterWOD but I sucked it up and got it done. Note to anyone who WODs in a lululemon skirt - make sure you're sitting on that thing fully before starting to row - I had just under 100m to go and it felt like someone stopped the seat from sliding back - it was in fact my skirt getting caught and made finishing a bit more complicated. The run was ok, not breaking any speed records but I got it done and some days that's all that counts.
Need to speak to my coach about what's going on - perhaps I need to go lighter for a while, get back to being faster and then increase the weights again, I don't know. The thing is that I see the Rx weights and know I can do them but I get tired fast because of it - might get better by going a bit lighter though mentally that's a struggle for me. I do know that something isn't working though, my body isn't recovering (obviously) like it should be and that needs to be sorted out pronto!
5 rounds
300m run
7 strict pull-ups
14 KB swings (20/32kg)
20:32 (red band/ Rx)
This did not feel good at all. At all. I felt so tired right from the start. Went out fast on the first run but still felt good. Solid. Then I went to the pull-up bar and hooked my foot into the orange band. I did two strict pull-ups then bailed for the red band as my arms were already tired. I have no idea how this makes any sense because I've had the last four days off. Four. But yet it was a struggle. The 20kg KB - the same - just felt *so* heavy even for 14 reps first round. I mean I've done 100 swings with this weight no problem, no idea what was up.
Also, in rushing to finish (on the last set of 6 KB swings) I managed to rip the callus off of my middle finger on my right hand. I knew I needed to chalk up but I didn't want to take the time with only 14 reps left... should have listened to myself but nope. Thankfully I have a good system in place to heal tears quickly, works well and am all good again after a day or two.
I survived the workout but was the last one done (again!) and wasn't too happy about it. It hurt and I just didn't feel right.
300m run/row
I strongly considered bailing on the AfterWOD but I sucked it up and got it done. Note to anyone who WODs in a lululemon skirt - make sure you're sitting on that thing fully before starting to row - I had just under 100m to go and it felt like someone stopped the seat from sliding back - it was in fact my skirt getting caught and made finishing a bit more complicated. The run was ok, not breaking any speed records but I got it done and some days that's all that counts.
Need to speak to my coach about what's going on - perhaps I need to go lighter for a while, get back to being faster and then increase the weights again, I don't know. The thing is that I see the Rx weights and know I can do them but I get tired fast because of it - might get better by going a bit lighter though mentally that's a struggle for me. I do know that something isn't working though, my body isn't recovering (obviously) like it should be and that needs to be sorted out pronto!
Paleo Food - Day 13
Breakfast (7am)
banana/blueberry shake with almond milk, protein powder and a spoonful of almond butter
2 poached eggs
2 coconut chicken nuggets
steamed kale
1 slice banana bread
almond butter
Ribs with paleo BBQ sauce
Green beans
Morning - 1L berry water
Afternoon - 2L filtered water
Evening - 0.5L water, 0.5L berry/carbonated water mixed
banana/blueberry shake with almond milk, protein powder and a spoonful of almond butter
2 poached eggs
2 coconut chicken nuggets
steamed kale
1 slice banana bread
almond butter
Ribs with paleo BBQ sauce
Green beans
Morning - 1L berry water
Afternoon - 2L filtered water
Evening - 0.5L water, 0.5L berry/carbonated water mixed
Monday, February 13, 2012
2/12 - alternative "WOD"
Was going to throw in a WOD yesterday but spent my morning cleaning up the vines in my back walkway... they were out of control and with the number of squats I did to pull weeds and cut vines and the amount of sweat that was pouring out of me I consider this my workout for the day....
Paleo Food - Day 12
banana shake with almond milk, protein powder and a spoonful of almond butter
Handful of grapes
Ribs with paleo BBQ sauce (recipe below)
Two paleo chicken nuggets (recipe below)
Green beans
Paleo Banana Break (recipe below)
Morning/Afternoon - 1L berry water
Evening - 1L berry water/ carbonated water
Coconut Chicken Nuggets
1 pound ground chicken
1 egg yolk
1 teaspoon onion powder
¼ teaspoon garlic powder
¼ cup + ½ cup almond flour
½ cup unsweetened shredded coconut
½ cup coconut oil
Salt & Pepper
Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
In a bowl combine ¼ cup almond flour, ½ cup coconut and salt & pepper. Mix to combine.
In a separate bowl, combine the ground chicken, ½ cup almond flour, onion powder, garlic powder, egg yolk and salt & pepper. Mix well until everything is incorporated.
In a sauté pan, melt coconut oil on medium heat. Take about 2 tablespoons worth of the chicken mixture and roll into a ball and then coat with the coconut and almond mixture. Repeat with the remaining chicken. You should make about 15 to 18 chicken nugget/balls.
In small batches place nuggets into heated coconut oil and cook on each side for about 3 to 4 minutes. Transfer balls to a parchment lined bake pan and place in oven for 4 to 5 minutes to allow the chicken to cook through. Repeat with the remaining chicken nuggets.
Allow nuggets to cool and serve with Paleo “BBQ” Sauce (recipe follows).
Paleo “BBQ” Sauce
3/4 cup fresh orange juice
2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
10 tablespoons tomato paste
4 tablespoons shallots, minced
4 cloves garlic, minced
1/2 teaspoon mustard powder
1/2 teaspoon paprika
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon pepper
1 tablespoon coconut oil
Heat coconut oil in a saute pan over medium heat. Place minced shallots and garlic in sauce pan until soft. Stir in remaining ingredients and simmer over low heat for 15-20 minutes.
Both of the above recipes found at:
Paleo Banana Bread
3 bananas (about 1 ½ cups) mashed
3 eggs
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
1 tablespoon honey
¼ cup vegan palm oil shortening (I used coconut oil instead)
2 cups blanched almond flour
½ teaspoon celtic sea salt
1 teaspoon baking soda
I also added 1 cup of chopped pecans to give some texture
Place bananas, eggs, vanilla, honey and shortening in a food processor
(I used a blender)
Pulse ingredients together
Pulse in almond flour, salt and baking soda (mixed this in by hand into a big bowl)
Scoop batter into a greased 7.5" x 3.5" Loaf Pan
Bake at 350° for 55-65 minutes 30 minutes (only too 45 minutes for mine to cook)
Remove from oven and allow to cool
Recipe Source:
banana shake with almond milk, protein powder and a spoonful of almond butter
Handful of grapes
Ribs with paleo BBQ sauce (recipe below)
Two paleo chicken nuggets (recipe below)
Green beans
Paleo Banana Break (recipe below)
Morning/Afternoon - 1L berry water
Evening - 1L berry water/ carbonated water
Coconut Chicken Nuggets
1 pound ground chicken
1 egg yolk
1 teaspoon onion powder
¼ teaspoon garlic powder
¼ cup + ½ cup almond flour
½ cup unsweetened shredded coconut
½ cup coconut oil
Salt & Pepper
Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
In a bowl combine ¼ cup almond flour, ½ cup coconut and salt & pepper. Mix to combine.
In a separate bowl, combine the ground chicken, ½ cup almond flour, onion powder, garlic powder, egg yolk and salt & pepper. Mix well until everything is incorporated.
In a sauté pan, melt coconut oil on medium heat. Take about 2 tablespoons worth of the chicken mixture and roll into a ball and then coat with the coconut and almond mixture. Repeat with the remaining chicken. You should make about 15 to 18 chicken nugget/balls.
In small batches place nuggets into heated coconut oil and cook on each side for about 3 to 4 minutes. Transfer balls to a parchment lined bake pan and place in oven for 4 to 5 minutes to allow the chicken to cook through. Repeat with the remaining chicken nuggets.
Allow nuggets to cool and serve with Paleo “BBQ” Sauce (recipe follows).
Paleo “BBQ” Sauce
3/4 cup fresh orange juice
2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
10 tablespoons tomato paste
4 tablespoons shallots, minced
4 cloves garlic, minced
1/2 teaspoon mustard powder
1/2 teaspoon paprika
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon pepper
1 tablespoon coconut oil
Heat coconut oil in a saute pan over medium heat. Place minced shallots and garlic in sauce pan until soft. Stir in remaining ingredients and simmer over low heat for 15-20 minutes.
Both of the above recipes found at:
Paleo Banana Bread
3 bananas (about 1 ½ cups) mashed
3 eggs
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
1 tablespoon honey
¼ cup vegan palm oil shortening (I used coconut oil instead)
2 cups blanched almond flour
½ teaspoon celtic sea salt
1 teaspoon baking soda
I also added 1 cup of chopped pecans to give some texture
Place bananas, eggs, vanilla, honey and shortening in a food processor
Pulse ingredients together
Pulse in almond flour, salt and baking soda (mixed this in by hand into a big bowl)
Scoop batter into a greased 7.5" x 3.5" Loaf Pan
Bake at 350° for 55-65 minutes 30 minutes (only too 45 minutes for mine to cook)
Remove from oven and allow to cool
Recipe Source:
Dinner |
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Paleo Food - Day 11
Breakfast (11:30 - big sleep in)
Pete's Paleo Porridge (recipe below)
handful of cherries
chicken with tomatoes, green and red onions, mushrooms and ribbon zucchini
handful of kale chips
Morning/Afternoon - 1.5L berry water/ carbonated water
Evening - 1L berry water/ carbonated water
Pete's Paleo Porridge
In a blender mix up the following:
1/2 cup pecans (I used walnuts as it was what I had)
1/2 cup almonds
1/2 banana (I used a whole one)
1/2 tsp cinnamon (I dumped in enough)
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 coconut/almond milk (use what you have)
You can heat in the microwave (I did) and add more coconut/almond milk or another sprinkle of cinnamon or a handful of berries. Mix it up.
Kale Chips
Pull kale leaves from the stalk and break apart
toss in avocado oil (enough to lightly coat)
bake at 350F (175C) for 12 minutes
Pete's Paleo Porridge (recipe below)
handful of cherries
chicken with tomatoes, green and red onions, mushrooms and ribbon zucchini
handful of kale chips
Morning/Afternoon - 1.5L berry water/ carbonated water
Evening - 1L berry water/ carbonated water
Pete's Paleo Porridge
In a blender mix up the following:
1/2 cup pecans (I used walnuts as it was what I had)
1/2 cup almonds
1/2 banana (I used a whole one)
1/2 tsp cinnamon (I dumped in enough)
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 coconut/almond milk (use what you have)
You can heat in the microwave (I did) and add more coconut/almond milk or another sprinkle of cinnamon or a handful of berries. Mix it up.
Kale Chips
Pull kale leaves from the stalk and break apart
toss in avocado oil (enough to lightly coat)
bake at 350F (175C) for 12 minutes
Kale Chips |
Dinner - with zucchini ribbons! |
Paleo Food - Day 10
Breakfast (7am)
banana/blueberry shake with almond milk, coconut milk, protein powder and a spoonful of almond butter
Second Breakfast (10:30am)
2 scrambled eggs with steamed green cabbage and friend ground turkey with green onions
2 coconut almond cookies
1 Coconut almond cookie
handful of cherries
beef burger with avocado, caramelized onions, tomato and spinach
Morning - 1L berry water, 0.5L filtered water
Afternoon - 1.5L filtered water
Evening - 0.5L water, 0.5L berry water/ carbonated water
banana/blueberry shake with almond milk, coconut milk, protein powder and a spoonful of almond butter
Second Breakfast (10:30am)
2 scrambled eggs with steamed green cabbage and friend ground turkey with green onions
2 coconut almond cookies
1 Coconut almond cookie
handful of cherries
beef burger with avocado, caramelized onions, tomato and spinach
Morning - 1L berry water, 0.5L filtered water
Afternoon - 1.5L filtered water
Evening - 0.5L water, 0.5L berry water/ carbonated water
Friday, February 10, 2012
Paleo Food - Day 9
Breakfast (7am)
banana/strawberry/blueberry shake with almond milk, coconut milk, protein powder and a spoonful of almond butter
Second Breakfast (10:30am)
2 scrambled eggs with steamed green cabbage
half an avocado, cherry tomatoes and cucumber
two mini hamburgers with green onion
2 coconut almond cookies
1 Coconut almond cookie
wasn't hungry after a late lunch
Morning - 1L berry water, 1L filtered water
Afternoon - 1L filtered water
Evening - 1L water
banana/strawberry/blueberry shake with almond milk, coconut milk, protein powder and a spoonful of almond butter
Second Breakfast (10:30am)
2 scrambled eggs with steamed green cabbage
half an avocado, cherry tomatoes and cucumber
two mini hamburgers with green onion
2 coconut almond cookies
1 Coconut almond cookie
wasn't hungry after a late lunch
Morning - 1L berry water, 1L filtered water
Afternoon - 1L filtered water
Evening - 1L water
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Paleo - Creative in the Kitchen
So last night I had some leftover almond meal (from the almond milk making) and was on the verge of creating more (more milk) so I was struggling for a creative use for it and limited to solely what was in my pantry - and also avoiding anything with chocolate or cocoa (though I know these are not off limits - I'm just not eating them for now). So I started towards something that would resemble my banana bread recipe and involved me adding the almond meal and some coconut flour into a bowl and mixing that up when the texture started to remind me of one of my other favorite recipes - Eagle Brand Squares - so I went with a play on that and created a concoction of Coconut-Almond Cookies. They are fluffy and sweet enough and quite tasty though if I were to do this again (yes) I would not use the coconut flour.
Original Recipe - Eagle Brand Squares
1-1/3 cup graham crumbs
1-1/3 cup coconut
1/3 cup melted butter
enough chocolate chips (I never know the exact amount, just go by the mixture)
Mix all of the above together in a bowl
Add one can of condensed milk (Eagle Brand - hence the name)
Mix, spread into a 9x9 pan and bake at 350°F until brown on top
These are crazy addictive - so good and so easy. So I was excited to try something similar.
Paleo Coconut Almond Cookies
(all quantities are approximate*)
1 cup almond meal
1/2 cup coconut flour (wouldn't use next time)
1 cup coconut
3 tablespoons macadamia nut oil
1 cup coconut milk (enough to hold the mixture together)
2 tablespoons honey
Mix all together, roll into balls and flatten onto cookie sheet. Bake.
I baked them at about 180°C for about 20 or so minutes - basically until they were golden brown as in the photo below. They are a light sweet treat and I'm sure I'll make them again - I just had two with my lunch and I really wish I'd packed more - yum!
What favorite recipe of yours have you made paleo/primal friendly?
*This is how I typically bake - approximations rather than exact measurements - I know this drives some people crazy but I'm a chemical engineer it's how I work...
Original Recipe - Eagle Brand Squares
1-1/3 cup graham crumbs
1-1/3 cup coconut
1/3 cup melted butter
enough chocolate chips (I never know the exact amount, just go by the mixture)
Mix all of the above together in a bowl
Add one can of condensed milk (Eagle Brand - hence the name)
Mix, spread into a 9x9 pan and bake at 350°F until brown on top
These are crazy addictive - so good and so easy. So I was excited to try something similar.
Paleo Coconut Almond Cookies
(all quantities are approximate*)
1 cup almond meal
1/2 cup coconut flour (wouldn't use next time)
1 cup coconut
3 tablespoons macadamia nut oil
1 cup coconut milk (enough to hold the mixture together)
2 tablespoons honey
Mix all together, roll into balls and flatten onto cookie sheet. Bake.
I baked them at about 180°C for about 20 or so minutes - basically until they were golden brown as in the photo below. They are a light sweet treat and I'm sure I'll make them again - I just had two with my lunch and I really wish I'd packed more - yum!
What favorite recipe of yours have you made paleo/primal friendly?
The Result |
*This is how I typically bake - approximations rather than exact measurements - I know this drives some people crazy but I'm a chemical engineer it's how I work...
2/8 - aching shoulders...
Strength: 3-3-3-3 squat cleans
Coach Match came by after my first round and gave me some good feedback- I was bending my knees out over the bar rather than sending my butt back (technical terms I know!) and because of this I wasn't getting directly under the bar when I dropped into the squat. I was aware of my movement when coming back into the start position and it really made a difference - made the weight feel lighter and also easier to get into the full depth of the squat without struggling for balance. I have to remember this.
5 rounds (15 minute cut-off)
15 thrusters (23/35kg)
4/11 (Rx)
I didn't manage to finish in the 15 minute cutoff though I'm not sure I should have been as surprised by this as I was (I did really want to finish). The first thruster was a clear indication of how sore/tired my shoulders still were from the previous days (killer shoulder) WOD. Pushing the bar overhead was a challenge. I managed the first set continuous but then had three rests in each of the next four rounds of thrusters. Even at the end when time was almost out and Match was in my face encouraging me to just get one more rep, one more rep... motivation that would on any other day would push me beyond my limits wasn't even working... I was tired. It was so hard. But I finished (more on that below).
The SDHP's were okay though I still felt the fatigue in my triceps but compared to the thrusters I got through them pretty quickly. Need to be more aware of my grip on the bar on the first rep because I am not always balanced which makes flowing through the set a little tricky.
I finished! Yes, after the time was up I collapsed to the floor and then decided I wanted to get the last four reps of thrusters and round of SDHP's done just to have that satisfaction. Coach said I had 3 minutes... I got it done in 2. I am glad I put in the extra little bit of work too, it'll pay off in the end.
Today though, today I get to rest. And I get a massage... perfect timing too, I am sore and tired and sore. Might try Annie again tomorrow but I'll see how my body feels. Today though is for taking it easy...
Coach Match came by after my first round and gave me some good feedback- I was bending my knees out over the bar rather than sending my butt back (technical terms I know!) and because of this I wasn't getting directly under the bar when I dropped into the squat. I was aware of my movement when coming back into the start position and it really made a difference - made the weight feel lighter and also easier to get into the full depth of the squat without struggling for balance. I have to remember this.
5 rounds (15 minute cut-off)
15 thrusters (23/35kg)
4/11 (Rx)
I didn't manage to finish in the 15 minute cutoff though I'm not sure I should have been as surprised by this as I was (I did really want to finish). The first thruster was a clear indication of how sore/tired my shoulders still were from the previous days (killer shoulder) WOD. Pushing the bar overhead was a challenge. I managed the first set continuous but then had three rests in each of the next four rounds of thrusters. Even at the end when time was almost out and Match was in my face encouraging me to just get one more rep, one more rep... motivation that would on any other day would push me beyond my limits wasn't even working... I was tired. It was so hard. But I finished (more on that below).
The SDHP's were okay though I still felt the fatigue in my triceps but compared to the thrusters I got through them pretty quickly. Need to be more aware of my grip on the bar on the first rep because I am not always balanced which makes flowing through the set a little tricky.
I finished! Yes, after the time was up I collapsed to the floor and then decided I wanted to get the last four reps of thrusters and round of SDHP's done just to have that satisfaction. Coach said I had 3 minutes... I got it done in 2. I am glad I put in the extra little bit of work too, it'll pay off in the end.
Today though, today I get to rest. And I get a massage... perfect timing too, I am sore and tired and sore. Might try Annie again tomorrow but I'll see how my body feels. Today though is for taking it easy...
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Paleo Food - Day 8
Breakfast (7am)
banana/strawberry/blueberry shake with almond milk, protein powder and a spoonful of almond butter
Second Breakfast (10:30am)
2 scrambled eggs with ground turkey and green onions
handful spiced almonds
half an avocado, cherry tomatoes and cucumber
Pear and supberberries (blueberry, blackcurrent and acai) baby food (only fruit)
3 mini hamburgers with steamed cauliflower
coconut cookie (new recipe!)
Morning - 1L berry water, 1L filtered water
Afternoon - 1L filtered water
Evening - 1L water, 1L ginger berry/carbonated water mixed
banana/strawberry/blueberry shake with almond milk, protein powder and a spoonful of almond butter
Second Breakfast (10:30am)
2 scrambled eggs with ground turkey and green onions
handful spiced almonds
half an avocado, cherry tomatoes and cucumber
Pear and supberberries (blueberry, blackcurrent and acai) baby food (only fruit)
3 mini hamburgers with steamed cauliflower
coconut cookie (new recipe!)
Morning - 1L berry water, 1L filtered water
Afternoon - 1L filtered water
Evening - 1L water, 1L ginger berry/carbonated water mixed
Week One of the Primal Challenge - The Good and The Bad...
I've been avoiding this recap for a few days as really don't know where to even begin but I guess I'll start with the progress...
I've lost 2.3kg (5lbs) in a week.
The first time I saw this change (Monday), I didn't believe it and so I weighed myself again last night and the number was the same. I'm a bit shocked by this as I didn't feel like I was making any substantial changes to my diet but apparently there was more crap to be taken out than I'd expected. Two more weeks to go.
Things I'm Loving about Primal/Paleo*
-The fact that there are a bunch of us from the box in this together
-I have lost 2.3kg in a week
-I am being forced to be more creative in the food I prepare
-I'm finding lots of really wonderful (and easy!) recipes that I wouldn't have looked for without this challenge and that I'll continue to use when done with the challenge (Almond Milk!)
-There is a lot of recipe sharing going on amongst those at the box and it's amazing
-Managed to go out for breakfast on the weekend and eat easily with a few substitutions
-My appetite has changed - I'm not constantly hungry or looking for snacks
-I know that I can overpower my sweet cravings but having a drink of water or something and ignoring them for 5 minutes then they're gone. I don't have to cave into my cravings.
-There seems to be less waste eating clean.
-I was out last weekend and got hungry and easily picked up some almonds and a pear rather than a pastry.
-There is an abundance of primal/paleo friendly products in stores everywhere here - not just select ones and the markets are amazing
-My spice cabinet has swollen in size and it's awesome
Things I'm Finding Difficult about Primal/Paleo
-I miss coffee. I really, really miss the comfort of coffee especially on the weekend. That being said I really don't ever want to experience the headache I had when I stopped drinking it
-I don't know that I feel any better or worse. I know I'm treating my body better, seeing the weight drop off the scale but I still feel tired and I'm not really sleeping any better.
-I miss coffee
-It takes a bit more planning and time to eat this way - I spent a good portion of sunday afternoon cooking up things for the week - however I did have food for the week afterwards
-I miss coffee
It's funny in writing this - I'm quite surprised that there are so few difficult things about this. It hasn't been that hard in fact. I know when the three weeks are up I won't be as strict however I've already learned a lot and I'll definitely be a lot more conscious about what goes into my mouth and where it comes from.
*It's technically a Primal challenge however I've decided to also strictly given up dairy, coffee and chocolate (at least so far). Note also that I know that coffee and chocolate are allowed in moderation but I have chosen for these three weeks to not have them solely to see what effects they have on my body along with this clean eating.
I've lost 2.3kg (5lbs) in a week.
The first time I saw this change (Monday), I didn't believe it and so I weighed myself again last night and the number was the same. I'm a bit shocked by this as I didn't feel like I was making any substantial changes to my diet but apparently there was more crap to be taken out than I'd expected. Two more weeks to go.
Things I'm Loving about Primal/Paleo*
-The fact that there are a bunch of us from the box in this together
-I have lost 2.3kg in a week
-I am being forced to be more creative in the food I prepare
-I'm finding lots of really wonderful (and easy!) recipes that I wouldn't have looked for without this challenge and that I'll continue to use when done with the challenge (Almond Milk!)
-There is a lot of recipe sharing going on amongst those at the box and it's amazing
-Managed to go out for breakfast on the weekend and eat easily with a few substitutions
-My appetite has changed - I'm not constantly hungry or looking for snacks
-I know that I can overpower my sweet cravings but having a drink of water or something and ignoring them for 5 minutes then they're gone. I don't have to cave into my cravings.
-There seems to be less waste eating clean.
-I was out last weekend and got hungry and easily picked up some almonds and a pear rather than a pastry.
-There is an abundance of primal/paleo friendly products in stores everywhere here - not just select ones and the markets are amazing
-My spice cabinet has swollen in size and it's awesome
Things I'm Finding Difficult about Primal/Paleo
-I miss coffee. I really, really miss the comfort of coffee especially on the weekend. That being said I really don't ever want to experience the headache I had when I stopped drinking it
-I don't know that I feel any better or worse. I know I'm treating my body better, seeing the weight drop off the scale but I still feel tired and I'm not really sleeping any better.
-I miss coffee
-It takes a bit more planning and time to eat this way - I spent a good portion of sunday afternoon cooking up things for the week - however I did have food for the week afterwards
-I miss coffee
It's funny in writing this - I'm quite surprised that there are so few difficult things about this. It hasn't been that hard in fact. I know when the three weeks are up I won't be as strict however I've already learned a lot and I'll definitely be a lot more conscious about what goes into my mouth and where it comes from.
*It's technically a Primal challenge however I've decided to also strictly given up dairy, coffee and chocolate (at least so far). Note also that I know that coffee and chocolate are allowed in moderation but I have chosen for these three weeks to not have them solely to see what effects they have on my body along with this clean eating.
2/7 - shoulder work...
5-5-5-5 push press
Was good to do some more push presses - my previous PR of 28kg came back in early October so it was nice to know that I could break that. Coach Pete went through the movement with us again before this and his comment on tucking in your abs/ engaging your core and glutes was really helpful as you can feel the additional power you get when you do that - it really came in handy in the WOD...
5 rounds
5 strict pull-ups
10 push presses (30/45kg)
15 push-ups
20 sit-ups
18:11 (Rx, orange band for pull-ups)
I was really, really, happy to use only the orange band for the strict pull-ups. I had a red band on standby but never used it even when I was doing 2 reps max on the last round. It was determination and indication that I am getting stronger. So happy with it.
I was a bit skeptical of Rx-ing on the push presses seeing as it's just 3kg under my (new) PR but decided to give it a go accepting that I might be slower because of it. The first round I did 10 consecutive but then after I think I did 6-4 each round - glad to have that one extra rep in the first half as towards the end I was struggling to lock out overhead on that last (4th) rep (noticing more weakness in my right arm than my left - oddly)
The push-ups were really hard after the pull-ups and presses - painfully hard. I mostly did sets of 5 for all the rounds from my knees - yes, I really need to get off my knees but today was not the day - not after how my shoulders burned.
The sit-ups were a nice reprieve - the "rest" from killing my shoulders.
I did it and I was so happy afterwards even though it was an insane struggle in the middle - as I knew it would be. Thanks for the coaching Pete - your small little voice always provides the required encouragement and precisely the right time.
5-5-5-5 push press
Was good to do some more push presses - my previous PR of 28kg came back in early October so it was nice to know that I could break that. Coach Pete went through the movement with us again before this and his comment on tucking in your abs/ engaging your core and glutes was really helpful as you can feel the additional power you get when you do that - it really came in handy in the WOD...
5 rounds
5 strict pull-ups
10 push presses (30/45kg)
15 push-ups
20 sit-ups
18:11 (Rx, orange band for pull-ups)
I was really, really, happy to use only the orange band for the strict pull-ups. I had a red band on standby but never used it even when I was doing 2 reps max on the last round. It was determination and indication that I am getting stronger. So happy with it.
I was a bit skeptical of Rx-ing on the push presses seeing as it's just 3kg under my (new) PR but decided to give it a go accepting that I might be slower because of it. The first round I did 10 consecutive but then after I think I did 6-4 each round - glad to have that one extra rep in the first half as towards the end I was struggling to lock out overhead on that last (4th) rep (noticing more weakness in my right arm than my left - oddly)
The push-ups were really hard after the pull-ups and presses - painfully hard. I mostly did sets of 5 for all the rounds from my knees - yes, I really need to get off my knees but today was not the day - not after how my shoulders burned.
The sit-ups were a nice reprieve - the "rest" from killing my shoulders.
I did it and I was so happy afterwards even though it was an insane struggle in the middle - as I knew it would be. Thanks for the coaching Pete - your small little voice always provides the required encouragement and precisely the right time.
Paleo Food - Day 7
Breakfast (7am)
banana/strawberry/blueberry shake with almond milk and a spoonful of almond butter
Second Breakfast (10:30am)
2 poached eggs with 1 cup green cabbage fried in water and ground turkey with onion
handful spiced almonds
2 mini-hamburger with homemade guacamole, cherry tomatoes and cucumber
chicken fajitas with red pepper, onions and mushrooms
Morning - 1L berry water, 1L filtered water
Afternoon - 1L filtered water
Evening - 1.5L water
banana/strawberry/blueberry shake with almond milk and a spoonful of almond butter
Second Breakfast (10:30am)
2 poached eggs with 1 cup green cabbage fried in water and ground turkey with onion
handful spiced almonds
2 mini-hamburger with homemade guacamole, cherry tomatoes and cucumber
chicken fajitas with red pepper, onions and mushrooms
Morning - 1L berry water, 1L filtered water
Afternoon - 1L filtered water
Evening - 1.5L water
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Strength: 3-3-3-3 back squat
20 (warmup) - 30-40-50-55
Didn't go any higher as we haven't done much heavy lifting in a while and didn't want to push it.
3 rounds
10 deadlifts (60/80kg)
50 double-unders
7:24 Rx
This was both fun and hard. I knew from the start that the deadlifts would hurt and they did but I managed the first set unbroken. Then on to the double unders - I did 40 straight which was also kind of funny as Coach Match was standing near me and when I stopped he said - "nice, how many was that? 27? 30?" and I replied with 40 and he was impressed which was awesome. I am so happy in how my DU's have come along. Very happy. Needless to say however that the next two rounds weren't as solid.
The second two rounds of deadlifts I broke into 2 sets of 5. On the last 5 I was thinking 3 and 2 but realized it'd hurt less if I just struggled through the last two reps and I worked for it.
Was barely able to get 10 reps in a row on the last round of DU's. Really started to feel it but got through it - tried to shorten my rests to just push through and keep pounding out the reps so that was good... just keep going...
20 (warmup) - 30-40-50-55
Didn't go any higher as we haven't done much heavy lifting in a while and didn't want to push it.
3 rounds
10 deadlifts (60/80kg)
50 double-unders
7:24 Rx
This was both fun and hard. I knew from the start that the deadlifts would hurt and they did but I managed the first set unbroken. Then on to the double unders - I did 40 straight which was also kind of funny as Coach Match was standing near me and when I stopped he said - "nice, how many was that? 27? 30?" and I replied with 40 and he was impressed which was awesome. I am so happy in how my DU's have come along. Very happy. Needless to say however that the next two rounds weren't as solid.
The second two rounds of deadlifts I broke into 2 sets of 5. On the last 5 I was thinking 3 and 2 but realized it'd hurt less if I just struggled through the last two reps and I worked for it.
Was barely able to get 10 reps in a row on the last round of DU's. Really started to feel it but got through it - tried to shorten my rests to just push through and keep pounding out the reps so that was good... just keep going...
Paleo Food - Day 6
banana/strawberry shake with almond milk
3 strips all natural bacon
half cup of ground turkey with onions and spices
beet chips
almond rosemary and garlic cracker
banana/strawberry/blueberrie shake with almond milk and a spoonful of almond butter (Yum!)
chicken fajitas
homemade guacamole
small portion of ground turkey with green onion and spices
Morning - 1L berry water
Afternoon 0.5L berry water, 1L carbonated water
Evening - 1L water
banana/strawberry shake with almond milk
3 strips all natural bacon
half cup of ground turkey with onions and spices
beet chips
almond rosemary and garlic cracker
banana/strawberry/blueberrie shake with almond milk and a spoonful of almond butter (Yum!)
chicken fajitas
homemade guacamole
small portion of ground turkey with green onion and spices
Morning - 1L berry water
Afternoon 0.5L berry water, 1L carbonated water
Evening - 1L water
Primal Food - Day 5
banana/strawberry shake with almond milk
(went out for breakfast at Moore's)
2 poached eggs
half an avocado
salad with baby tomatos
lemon and berry tea
handful of nuts
beet chips
almond rosemary and garlic cracker
2 mini homemade hamburgers
small portion of ground turkey with green onion and spices
(not enough)
Morning - 1L water
Afternoon/Evening - 1-1.5L berry/ginger water
banana/strawberry shake with almond milk
(went out for breakfast at Moore's)
2 poached eggs
half an avocado
salad with baby tomatos
lemon and berry tea
handful of nuts
beet chips
almond rosemary and garlic cracker
2 mini homemade hamburgers
small portion of ground turkey with green onion and spices
(not enough)
Morning - 1L water
Afternoon/Evening - 1-1.5L berry/ginger water
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Primal Food - Day 4
2 poached eggs with 1 cup green cabbage fried in water
3 pieces all natural bacon (from Freo market)
handful of almonds
2 garlic-rosemary almond meal crackers (recipe below)
chicken fajitas with onion, mushrooms, red pepper and baby bok choy
very bad at this today (as is typical for weekends)
1L so far..
3/4 teaspoon sea salt
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
1/2 teaspoon chopped, dried rosemary
1 large egg
1 tablespoon oil of your choosing
Click here for cooking instructions
I also made almond milk which is fantastic and I can't wait to use on my paleo "cereal" on monday morning...
Homemade Almond Milk (taken from many different sources)Soak 1 cup almonds (fresh) in water (in the fridge) overnight
Drain and rinse almonds
Blend almonds with 4 cups water (my blender worked awesome)
Strain almond remains from liquid
Store almond milk in a jar in the fridge (note milk will separate slightly, shake before using)
Use almond remains to make the cracker recipe above
2 poached eggs with 1 cup green cabbage fried in water
3 pieces all natural bacon (from Freo market)
handful of almonds
2 garlic-rosemary almond meal crackers (recipe below)
chicken fajitas with onion, mushrooms, red pepper and baby bok choy
very bad at this today (as is typical for weekends)
1L so far..
Dinner |
Almond Crackers with Garlic and Rosemary
2 cups almond flour/meal3/4 teaspoon sea salt
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
1/2 teaspoon chopped, dried rosemary
1 large egg
1 tablespoon oil of your choosing
Click here for cooking instructions
Crackers |
I also made almond milk which is fantastic and I can't wait to use on my paleo "cereal" on monday morning...
Drain and rinse almonds
Blend almonds with 4 cups water (my blender worked awesome)
Strain almond remains from liquid
Store almond milk in a jar in the fridge (note milk will separate slightly, shake before using)
Use almond remains to make the cracker recipe above
Almond Milk (Unsweetened) |
Primal Food - Day 3
2 poached eggs with 1 cup green cabbage fried in water
banana with 2 tablespoon almond butter
coconut crusted chicken breast
baby broccoli
apple with almond butter
beef burger with avocado, caramelized onions, tomato and spinach
Morning - 1.5L filtered water
Afternoon - 1.5L filtered water
Evening - 0.5L water
2 poached eggs with 1 cup green cabbage fried in water
banana with 2 tablespoon almond butter
coconut crusted chicken breast
baby broccoli
apple with almond butter
beef burger with avocado, caramelized onions, tomato and spinach
Morning - 1.5L filtered water
Afternoon - 1.5L filtered water
Evening - 0.5L water
Friday, February 3, 2012
Primal Days 1 & 2 recap
So to recap - since it is now day 3 of this primal challenge - I seem to have *finally* gotten past the caffeine withdrawal headache that struck me late in the afternoon on the first day sans caffeine and lasted until I woke up this morning.
Day 1
I ate the same foods as I usually would for breakfast and lunch but couldn't stop thinking about coffee all day even though I didn't feel the need for it (more that I couldn't have it) until about 4pm when the headache hit. That sucked. I also noticed that even though the food that I had with me at work was the same as it was every other day for a while I felt hungrier and after a bit of reflection I feel that it wasn't necessarily because I was actually hungry but rather in my mind I new all these specific foods were 'off-limits' and so I wanted more. Things that I wouldn't typically go near or ever want were in the front of my mind solely because I couldn't have them. Having recognized this mind trick however really helped.
Went to crossfit this night and was worried given the state of my headache even with the large amount of water I'd consumed all day but got ready to do it anyway and surprisingly - throughout the WOD I didn't notice my headache at all - sweet! It did however promptly return once I'd finished. I was still feeling hungry so I planned my meal on my drive home - quick stop at the store and I was set.
Coconut coated chicken breast cooked in macadamia nut oil with baby broccoli - Yum! I wouldn't have been so creative otherwise so I enjoyed this change up.
Went to bed with my book about 9pm and was asleep by 9:30. I was hoping for a good nights rest with the lack of caffeine but alas that was not to be. Worst.sleep.ever. I woke at 11:15, 12:50 and again around 3:30 before my alarm harshly sounded at me at 6:30.
Day 2
After the worst night of sleep I really, really, really wanted a coffee but no, must be strong. And I was even through the barely open eyeballs and raging headache. Water is my friend. Again, I had almost an identical meal for breakfast and lunch (including snacks) as the previous day and I found I wasn't as hungry at all. I have realized however that it's dangerous having a jar of almond butter in my desk drawer. Moderation.
I drank a lot of water and didn't eat as much as the previous day and yet wasn't famished by the time I got home from work (rest day). I was however barely able to keep my eyes open and so I decided I deserved a nap - in to bed before 6pm and um, that was it. Slept most of the night with a few bathroom breaks through out. Guess I really needed it. I didn't however have dinner because of sleeping though surprisingly I didn't wake up any hungrier than normal. Win.
As noted above, I seem to have finally also kicked the caffeine withdrawal headache. So happy about that though I'm really craving a nice, warm, comforting coffee and it's dreary and grey outside - I'm holding out. I'm fully in this, playing the mental game.
So there's the recap - was planning on doing one yesterday but with the headache and sluggishness and inability to keep my eyes open I didn't even want to think about it but I'm already feeling better today -maybe because it's friday? We'll see what challenges the weekend has in store - next update not until Monday or Tuesday (day 6 or 7)
Day 1
I ate the same foods as I usually would for breakfast and lunch but couldn't stop thinking about coffee all day even though I didn't feel the need for it (more that I couldn't have it) until about 4pm when the headache hit. That sucked. I also noticed that even though the food that I had with me at work was the same as it was every other day for a while I felt hungrier and after a bit of reflection I feel that it wasn't necessarily because I was actually hungry but rather in my mind I new all these specific foods were 'off-limits' and so I wanted more. Things that I wouldn't typically go near or ever want were in the front of my mind solely because I couldn't have them. Having recognized this mind trick however really helped.
Went to crossfit this night and was worried given the state of my headache even with the large amount of water I'd consumed all day but got ready to do it anyway and surprisingly - throughout the WOD I didn't notice my headache at all - sweet! It did however promptly return once I'd finished. I was still feeling hungry so I planned my meal on my drive home - quick stop at the store and I was set.
Coconut coated chicken breast cooked in macadamia nut oil with baby broccoli - Yum! I wouldn't have been so creative otherwise so I enjoyed this change up.
Went to bed with my book about 9pm and was asleep by 9:30. I was hoping for a good nights rest with the lack of caffeine but alas that was not to be. Worst.sleep.ever. I woke at 11:15, 12:50 and again around 3:30 before my alarm harshly sounded at me at 6:30.
Day 2
After the worst night of sleep I really, really, really wanted a coffee but no, must be strong. And I was even through the barely open eyeballs and raging headache. Water is my friend. Again, I had almost an identical meal for breakfast and lunch (including snacks) as the previous day and I found I wasn't as hungry at all. I have realized however that it's dangerous having a jar of almond butter in my desk drawer. Moderation.
I drank a lot of water and didn't eat as much as the previous day and yet wasn't famished by the time I got home from work (rest day). I was however barely able to keep my eyes open and so I decided I deserved a nap - in to bed before 6pm and um, that was it. Slept most of the night with a few bathroom breaks through out. Guess I really needed it. I didn't however have dinner because of sleeping though surprisingly I didn't wake up any hungrier than normal. Win.
As noted above, I seem to have finally also kicked the caffeine withdrawal headache. So happy about that though I'm really craving a nice, warm, comforting coffee and it's dreary and grey outside - I'm holding out. I'm fully in this, playing the mental game.
So there's the recap - was planning on doing one yesterday but with the headache and sluggishness and inability to keep my eyes open I didn't even want to think about it but I'm already feeling better today -maybe because it's friday? We'll see what challenges the weekend has in store - next update not until Monday or Tuesday (day 6 or 7)
Primal Food - Day 2
3 scrambled eggs with green onion (again)
banana with almond butter
green apple
mini cucumber and grape tomatoes with half an avocado and avocado oil/lime dressing
4 beef meatballs with homemade salsa (tomatoes, red onion, cilantro, lime juice)
(yes, the same lunch as yesterday)
1 tbsp almond butter
Missed this meal - slept through it (crashed after work and slept for a solid 13 hours - needed it!)
Morning - 1L berry water, 1L filtered water
Afternoon - 2L filtered water
Evening - 0.5L water
3 scrambled eggs with green onion (again)
banana with almond butter
green apple
mini cucumber and grape tomatoes with half an avocado and avocado oil/lime dressing
4 beef meatballs with homemade salsa (tomatoes, red onion, cilantro, lime juice)
(yes, the same lunch as yesterday)
1 tbsp almond butter
Missed this meal - slept through it (crashed after work and slept for a solid 13 hours - needed it!)
Morning - 1L berry water, 1L filtered water
Afternoon - 2L filtered water
Evening - 0.5L water
Thursday, February 2, 2012
2/1 - squats...
Finding this is hurting my left foot - feeling a little off the past week or so and this doesn't help. Though it also probably doesn't help that I've been going barefoot for most workouts so no support on my feet either. I have to keep an eye on it though as it hasn't been getting better.
4 rounds for time
3 squat cleans (45/70kg)
6 strict pull-ups
9 front squats (45/70kg)
12 burpee bar hops
15:48 (25.5kg bar/ red band for pull-ups)
I knew going into this that I wouldn't be able to do a heavy weight for the squats, just feeling tired. I tried a few reps in practice with 28kg and could barely do it - knew I wouldn't be able to do it for the WOD so went with just 25.5kg. Need to work on squatting heavier.
I was quite happy with the strict pull-ups using only the red band today. I had a blue band 'just in case' but never actually used it. It seems like it wasn't that long ago that I was just able to do kipping pull-ups with the red band so this was definite progress.
Also, I still strongly dislike burpees.
"After WOD" was a fun timed - put all the equipment from the WOD - away task. Most people had fun with it working as a team - it's why we come to crossfit after all - the community part of it. Good times.
As a note - re: Primal day 1 - I started to get a caffeine withdrawal headache about an hour before the WOD which thankfully I didn't notice during the workout. It came back though quite quickly after and it's still present - hoping it disappears soon. More on the day 1 primal recap to come...
Finding this is hurting my left foot - feeling a little off the past week or so and this doesn't help. Though it also probably doesn't help that I've been going barefoot for most workouts so no support on my feet either. I have to keep an eye on it though as it hasn't been getting better.
4 rounds for time
3 squat cleans (45/70kg)
6 strict pull-ups
9 front squats (45/70kg)
12 burpee bar hops
15:48 (25.5kg bar/ red band for pull-ups)
I knew going into this that I wouldn't be able to do a heavy weight for the squats, just feeling tired. I tried a few reps in practice with 28kg and could barely do it - knew I wouldn't be able to do it for the WOD so went with just 25.5kg. Need to work on squatting heavier.
I was quite happy with the strict pull-ups using only the red band today. I had a blue band 'just in case' but never actually used it. It seems like it wasn't that long ago that I was just able to do kipping pull-ups with the red band so this was definite progress.
Also, I still strongly dislike burpees.
"After WOD" was a fun timed - put all the equipment from the WOD - away task. Most people had fun with it working as a team - it's why we come to crossfit after all - the community part of it. Good times.
As a note - re: Primal day 1 - I started to get a caffeine withdrawal headache about an hour before the WOD which thankfully I didn't notice during the workout. It came back though quite quickly after and it's still present - hoping it disappears soon. More on the day 1 primal recap to come...
Primal Food - Day 1
3 scrambled eggs with green onions
tablespoon almond butter
mini cucumber and grape tomatoes with tbs sunflower seeds and avocado oil
4 beef meatballs with homemade salsa (tomatoes, red onion, cilantro, lime juice)
5 pistachios
large carrot (sticks)
fist sized portion of beef
apple after workout
coconut crusted chicken breast
baby broccoli
Morning - 1L cucumber/mint/berry water, 1L filtered water
Afternoon - 2L filtered water
Evening - 1L water, 0.5L cucumber/mint water
3 scrambled eggs with green onions
tablespoon almond butter
mini cucumber and grape tomatoes with tbs sunflower seeds and avocado oil
4 beef meatballs with homemade salsa (tomatoes, red onion, cilantro, lime juice)
5 pistachios
large carrot (sticks)
fist sized portion of beef
apple after workout
coconut crusted chicken breast
baby broccoli
Morning - 1L cucumber/mint/berry water, 1L filtered water
Afternoon - 2L filtered water
Evening - 1L water, 0.5L cucumber/mint water
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